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論文名稱:MovableSoft: Designing a Substitutional Robot for Enhancing Exergame in Virtual Reality
論文名稱(外文):MovableSoft: Designing a Substitutional Robot for Enhancing Exergame in Virtual Reality
指導教授(外文):HAN, PING-HSUAN
中文關鍵詞:Virtual RealityVR trackingExergameExertionHapticsYoga ballfitnesstraining
外文關鍵詞:Virtual RealityVR trackingExergameExertionHapticsYoga ballfitnesstraining
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In recent years, video games that use tracking devices are increasing in popularity. Thanks to the continuous development of this technology players movement and actions can be registered with high fidelity. One example of its application is in the area of exercise. These trackers read users’ movements allowing them to interact with elements of the virtual world while performing different type of physical activities in where multiple muscle groups are targeted. Also, due to games immersive and enjoyable features, such as challenges, Non-Playable Characters, music, etc., players can enjoy the activity without realizing the amount of exertion that they are putting into it. Even more, they lose the track of time which reflects on how much fun the activity can be.
While trying to make these experiences more immersive the use of Virtual Reality in conjunction with tracking devices is continuously increasing. VR exercise games try to improve the immersion and enjoyment of the activity by adding a Head Mounted Displays (HMD) that sets the players into a virtual world. However, there are some limitations related to this technology. For instance, in most of the games designed for VR, players’ movement is constrained to a specific place, either standing or sitting. This is due to the dangers of moving in the physical world while wearing the VR headset, colliding with walls or other physical objects. Moreover, if the player moves out from the system’s tracking area it is impossible for the game to precisely measure his movements. All of these limitations have a direct impact on the game experience. Additionally, the lack of physical feedback, haptic, that comes from the physical world can restrict the way players perceive the make-believe of the world and the activity that is being presented.
The goal of this research is to design and develop a movable device that could be implemented in conjunction with VR exergames and capable of tolerate player’s weight and strong interactions. This tool allows players to interact with elements in the virtual world while doing exercise by interacting with it and by applying different forces to the system, sitting on it and so on. It is expected that through MovableSoft, richer experiences and exertion can be achieved. Also, this system can work as a deployment of movable obstacles that could be used to guide players to move within a constrain area and make the workout experience safer. Finally, a simple boxing theme simulation was implemented to measure the benefits of this system in the player’s workout experience.
In recent years, video games that use tracking devices are increasing in popularity. Thanks to the continuous development of this technology players movement and actions can be registered with high fidelity. One example of its application is in the area of exercise. These trackers read users’ movements allowing them to interact with elements of the virtual world while performing different type of physical activities in where multiple muscle groups are targeted. Also, due to games immersive and enjoyable features, such as challenges, Non-Playable Characters, music, etc., players can enjoy the activity without realizing the amount of exertion that they are putting into it. Even more, they lose the track of time which reflects on how much fun the activity can be.
While trying to make these experiences more immersive the use of Virtual Reality in conjunction with tracking devices is continuously increasing. VR exercise games try to improve the immersion and enjoyment of the activity by adding a Head Mounted Displays (HMD) that sets the players into a virtual world. However, there are some limitations related to this technology. For instance, in most of the games designed for VR, players’ movement is constrained to a specific place, either standing or sitting. This is due to the dangers of moving in the physical world while wearing the VR headset, colliding with walls or other physical objects. Moreover, if the player moves out from the system’s tracking area it is impossible for the game to precisely measure his movements. All of these limitations have a direct impact on the game experience. Additionally, the lack of physical feedback, haptic, that comes from the physical world can restrict the way players perceive the make-believe of the world and the activity that is being presented.
The goal of this research is to design and develop a movable device that could be implemented in conjunction with VR exergames and capable of tolerate player’s weight and strong interactions. This tool allows players to interact with elements in the virtual world while doing exercise by interacting with it and by applying different forces to the system, sitting on it and so on. It is expected that through MovableSoft, richer experiences and exertion can be achieved. Also, this system can work as a deployment of movable obstacles that could be used to guide players to move within a constrain area and make the workout experience safer. Finally, a simple boxing theme simulation was implemented to measure the benefits of this system in the player’s workout experience.
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Exergames 1
1.2 Motivation 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 4
2.1 Positive impact of VR Exergames in players 4
2.2 Passive and Active Haptics 5
2.3 Collaborative interaction in VR 8
2.4 Design considerations 10
2.5 Omni Wheel Ring Base for the Yoga Ball 12
2.6 Controller Design for yoga ball exercise applications 13
2.7 MovableSoft’s Steer system 14
2.8 Boxing VR Experience using MovableSoft 15
Chapter 3 System Evaluation 18
3.1 Overall and Specific Objectives 18
3.2 Activities to measure the objectives 18
3.3 Expected results 19
3.4 Evaluation 19
3.5 Evaluation results 19
3.6 Design improvements and considerations 20
Chapter 4 User Study 22
4.1 Study Design 22
4.2 Procedure and Tasks 25
4.3 Results 26
4.3.1 IPQ (iGroup Presence Questionnaire) insights 26
4.3.2 Trainee and Coach performance 29
Chapter 5 Discussion and Limitations 31
5.1 Discussion 31
5.2 Limitation 31
5.3 Contribution and future direction 32
Chapter 6 Conclusion 35
References 36

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