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研究生(外文):HSIAO, SUI-WEN
論文名稱(外文):Metabolomic studies of phytochemicals and CoQ10 using targeted and untargeted methods
中文關鍵詞:代謝體學UPLC-MSNMR沉香Pheophobide AMMP-2與MMP-9芝麻鳳凰蟲2D-HPLC掌性異構物分析D-苯丙胺酸輔酶 Q10脂蛋白腸道共生菌
外文關鍵詞:metabolomic studyUPLC-MSNMRAquilaria sinensisPheophobide AMMP-2 and MMP-9sesameblack soldier fly larvae2D-HPLCchiral separationD-phenylalaninecoenzyme Q10lipoproteingut microbiota
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生物體內代謝物是生理反應的最終產物,藉由代謝體學能夠提供和表現型有最直接關聯的代謝物變化資訊。本研究以標的以及非標的代謝體分析方法研究植物化合物,以及植物成分與CoQ10影響的代謝物改變,並結合腸道菌相分析探討CoQ10對腸道菌的影響。在植物化合物的部分,以活性追蹤策略進行植物成分的分離純化,從沉香葉中鑑定出對MMP-2及-9具有正向調節活性的二次代謝物PA,並發現UV照射會改變其部分結構的位向,且可能因此改變其活性。同時運用傳統分離純化分析以及LC-MS非標的代謝體分析方法,本研究發現芝麻渣中被BSFL主要利用的成分為DG,且有數種胺基酸、醣類以及脂質在不同生長期BSFL蟲體與糞便中有顯著的差異變化,並推測部分代謝物是由幼蟲體內共生菌代謝生成。利用2D-HPLC系統,本研究進行了標的代謝物—Phe鏡相異構物在人類、大鼠、小鼠血液及尿液中的定量方法開發,且分析發現在DAO缺乏的哺乳動物體內D-Phe的含量顯著上升。CoQ10是一種常見的健康食品,在粒線體內參與能量的代謝,並且被認為能促進健康以及改善許多疾病,如代謝疾病、神經疾病,以及心血管疾病。為了了解CoQ10作為健康食品對動物體的影響,本研究以100 mg/ kg CoQ10餵食健康大鼠,分析大鼠體內代謝物以及糞便中的腸道菌變化。將已開發的Phe鏡像異構物分析方法運用於CoQ10代謝物分析,結果顯示CoQ10會使大鼠尿液中%D-Phe顯著上升。使用LC-MS非標的代謝體分析以及NMR標的代謝體分析方法,結合IPA代謝路徑分析,結果顯示CoQ10會導致大鼠血漿中多種小分子代謝物與脂蛋白的含量變化,這些差異性代謝物的變化可能來自於碳水化合物以及脂質代謝的改變。透過16S rRNA長片段基因分析,本研究發現CoQ10會影響糞便中數種腸道菌的組成。透過標的與非標的代謝體學研究方法,本研究分析得到了數種差異性代謝物,並討論其變化相關的生物功能。
In living organisms, metabolites are the final products of physiological reactions. Through metabolomic studies, the metabolites changes that are most directly related to the phenotypes can be explored. In this research, targeted and untargeted metabolomic analysis methods were used to study phytochemicals and metabolomes that are affected by the supplementation of phytochemicals or CoQ10. Additionally, the gut microbiota analysis was performed to explore the effect of CoQ10 on gut bacteria. In the study of phytochemicals, bioassay-guided strategy was applied for compound separation, and PA was purified and identified from Aquilaria sinensis leaves. Up regulatory activity on MMP-2 and -9 was found on PA, however, its structure could be changed by UV irradiation and may therefore alter its bioactivity. By using traditional compound separation and LC-MS based untargeted metabolomic analysis, DG was found to be the major component in sesame residues utilized by BSFL, and several amino acids, sugars, and lipids were found to be the differential components among different growth stages of BSFL and feces. Additionally, some of the metabolites are found potentially been metabolized by symbiotic bacteria in BSFL. In the section of targeted chiral metabolite analysis, a 2D-HPLC method for the determination of Phe enantiomers in the plasma and urine of humans, rats, and mice has been developed. The results showed that D-Phe contents were highly correlated to DAO activity. CoQ10 is widely used as a healthy food supplement, and is considered to improve health conditions and many diseases such as metabolic syndromes, neurological diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. In order to understand the effect of CoQ10 on healthy animals, healthy SD rats were fed with 100 mg/kg CoQ10, and the changes of metabolites and gut bacteria were analyzed. The developed Phe enantiomer analysis method was applied to this study, and the result showed that %D-Phe significantly increased in the urine. By using LC-MS based untargeted metabolomic analysis and NMR based targeted metabolomic analysis, the relative contents of various small molecule metabolites and lipoproteins were found altered in the plasma. Through the IPA pathway analysis, the metabolite changes were supposed to correlate to carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Long sequence 16S rRNA gene sequencing was performed on the feces samples, and the results showed that CoQ10 could affect the composition of several gut bacteria in feces. Through targeted and untargeted metabolomic research methods, several differential metabolites were discovered in this study, and the biological functions related to their changes were discussed.

臺北醫學大學博士學位考試委員審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 v
縮寫表 vii
目錄 ix
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xiv
Chapter 1 背景介紹 1
1.1 代謝體學簡介 2
1.2 標的與非標的代謝體分析 5
1.3 代謝體學分析方法 6
1.3.1 LC-MS代謝體學分析-樣本的取得與處理 7
1.3.2 LC-MS代謝體分析-代謝物的分析及鑑定 10
1.3.3 大量數據的處理與分析 13
Chapter 2 沉香葉單一成分二次代謝物的分離鑑定與活性 16
2.1 引言 16
2.2 沉香的化合物對MMP的活性分析 16
2.3 結果 18
2.4 討論 21
Chapter 3 天然植物成分於BSFL的代謝體研究 25
3.1 引言 25
3.2 以芝麻渣飼養之黑水虻代謝體研究 25
3.3 方法 26
3.4 結果 27
3.5 討論 32
Chapter 4 Phe鏡像異構物的分析方法開發 37
4.1 引言 37
4.2 Phe光學異構物分析 37
4.3 材料與方法 40
4.3.1 材料及儀器 40
4.3.2 樣本處理 41
4.3.3 開發2D-HPLC系統用以分離Phe鏡像異構物 43
4.4 結果與討論 46
4.4.1 2D-HPLC系統的開發和驗證 46
4.4.2 哺乳動物血漿和尿液中Phe鏡像異構物的檢測 53
4.4.3 DAO缺乏的大鼠和小鼠體內Phe鏡像異構物的檢測 54
4.5 結論 60
Chapter 5 CoQ10非標的代謝的探討及其對腸道菌的影響 61
5.1 引言 61
5.2 Q10代謝體及腸道菌分析 61
5.2.1 Coenzyme Q10 61
5.2.2 腸道共生菌 68
5.3 實驗材料 70
5.3.1 實驗動物 70
5.3.2 CoQ10藥物 70
5.4 實驗方法 71
5.4.1 樣本採集 71
5.4.2 UPLC-MS樣本前處理 72
5.4.3 UPLC-MS全離子掃描分析 74
5.4.4 UPLC-MS數據處理與統計分析 76
5.4.5 UPLC-MS/MS化合物鑑定 77
5.4.6 UPLC-MS代謝物路徑分析 79
5.4.7 NMR代謝體分析 79
5.4.8 腸道菌相分析方法 80
5.5 結果 80
5.5.1 Plasma多變量分析 80
5.5.2 尿液中Phe掌性異構物分析 93
5.5.3 NMR代謝體分析 93
5.5.4 路徑分析 102
5.5.5 腸道菌相分析 110
5.6 討論 118
Chapter 6 結論 124
參考文獻 126


Figure 1.1 以代謝體學研究疾病的年度論文數[5]。 5
Figure 1.2 血漿中常見代謝物的預測辛醇/水分配係數 (octanol/water partition coefficient, X log P) 範圍和用於樣品萃取的溶劑的極性指數(Polarity index)[10] 9
Figure 2.1 沉香葉分離純化流程 18
Figure 2.2 PA及其類似物結構 20
Figure 2.3 以UV照射PA 23
Figure 2.4 PA 1H NMR光譜圖(600 MHz, DMSO-d6) 23
Figure 2.5 UV處理之PA 1H NMR光譜圖(600 MHz, DMSO-d6) 23
Figure 2.6 PA經UV處理前後之訊號差異 24
Figure 3.1 以NBD-F試劑進行樣本管柱前衍生化反應 43
Figure 3.2 2D-HPLC系統 45
Figure 3.3 RP層析分離條件探討 49
Figure 3.4 鏡像異構物層析分離條件探討 50
Figure 3.5 NBD-Phe鏡像異構物標準層析圖譜 51
Figure 3.6 2D-HPLC系統分離人類血漿及尿液中的NBD-Phe鏡像異構物之層析圖譜 56
Figure 3.7 2D-HPLC系統分離大鼠及小鼠血漿中的NBD-Phe鏡像異構物之第二維層析圖譜 57
Figure 3.8 2D-HPLC系統分離大鼠及小鼠尿液中的NBD-Phe鏡像異構物之第二維層析圖譜 58
Figure 4.1 真核生物CoQ生物合成 [149] 67
Figure 4.2 餵食動物之CoQ10材料 70
Figure 4.3 餵食CoQ10大鼠採樣流程圖 72
Figure 4.4 代謝體分析樣本前處理步驟 73
Figure 4.5 UPLC-MS差異性代謝物分析鑑定 78
Figure 4.6血漿中代謝體PCA分析 (正電與負電模式) 83
Figure 4.7 血漿中代謝體OPLS-DA 與 S-plot 分析 (正電模式) 83
Figure 4.8 血漿中代謝體OPLS-DA 與 S-plot 分析 (負電模式) 84
Figure 4.9 Phenylalanine LC-MS/MS 圖譜 85
Figure 4.10 LPC (16:0)LC-MS/MS 圖譜 86
Figure 4.11 Lactic acid LC-MS/MS 圖譜 87
Figure 4.12 IPA路徑分析 103
Figure 4.13 MetaCore路徑分析 104
Figure 4.14 IPA生物功能與疾病分析 105
Figure 4.15 IPA預測顯著活化的功能 (z-score > 2) 106
Figure 4.16 IPA預測顯著抑制的功能 (z-score < -2) 107
Figure 4.17 IPA預測有活化趨勢的功能與疾病 (2 > z-score > 1.5) 108
Figure 4.18 IPA預測有抑制趨勢的功能與疾病 (-1.5 > z-score > -2) 109
Figure 4.19 Alpha-diversity: Total number (Species) 112
Figure 4.20 Alpha-diversity: Shannon entropy (Species) 113
Figure 4.21 Alpha-diversity: Simpson’s index (Species) 114
Figure 4.22 Beta-diversity: Weighted UniFrac 115
Figure 4.23 菌種含量百分比柱狀圖 116


Table 2.1 PA在不同濃度下對MMPs表現活性數據 19
Table 5.1 BSFL各期差異性成分之相對含量 29
Table 5.2 BSFL糞便各期差異性成分之相對含量(正電) 30
Table 5.3 BSFL糞便各期差異性成分之相對含量(負電) 31
Table 3.1 2D-HPLC方法驗證結果 52
Table 3.2 Phe鏡像異構物在人體、大鼠與小鼠的血漿及尿液中的含量 59
Table 4.1 血漿及尿液UPLC 梯度條件 75
Table 4.2 HESI參數 75
Table 4.3 血漿中差異性成分 88
Table 4.4 %D-Phe in urine 93
Table 4.5 NMR 小分子代謝物分析 96
Table 4.6 NMR脂蛋白分析 98
Table 4.7 T組與C組菌種差異性分析 117

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