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研究生(外文):Tsai, Chia-Heng
論文名稱(外文):The effects of Mandarin phonetic symbols teaching by picture books on young children's phonological awareness
指導教授(外文):Chen, Shiou-yuan
外文關鍵詞:phonological awarenesslearning strategieslanguage developmentphonetic-teaching
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This research aims to explore the effect of "picture books integrated into phonetic symbols teaching" on children's phonological awareness in kindergartens between year 2 and year 3. The study first constructed a nine-week learning program for 4-6 years old kindergarten children, incorporating picture books into phonological awareness, and referred to a phonological awareness test compiled by Yu-Fen Mai (2012).
The test incorporates the following four subtests: "tone identification ", "phoneme segmentation" ", "initial sounds identification", "final sounds identification". 29 students were in the experimental group (using picture books to integrate phonetic symbols for teaching) and another 29 students were in the control group (no specific phonetic symbols for teaching).
The phonemic awareness test was performed before and after the test. A T-test or single factor covariate analysis was introduced to test symbol teaching impacts on children's phonological awareness at the age of 4-6 years old. The researcher also used the nonparametric statistics method to explore factors that might affect the awareness of individuals. This includes whether children have ever learned phonetic symbols and the parents’ socioeconomic background.The researcher discovered that the differences in the scores of the experimental group in the "phonological awareness test" were significantly greater in the experimental group than in the control group. And the experimental group had significant improvement and progress in phonological awareness.
The improvement of each phonological awareness item, from high to low, is "last sounds identification ", " initial sounds identification ", " phoneme segmentation, ", and finally "tone identification". In terms of age variables, the development of phonological awareness is different, and the development of older children tends to be more stable. There was no relationship between the family's socioeconomic status background and whether they had learned phonetic symbols.
In addition, in the teaching of picture books incorporating phonetic symbols. The researcher found that adults provide enough language environment and use methods such as "speech repetition" to help children familiarize themselves with rhythms.
Encouragement and other dialogue interactions can help speaking experience, stimulate children's phonetic associations and phonetic combinations, and stimulate children's language database. This study indicates that this project can improve children's language rhythm awareness.
Keywords: phonological awareness, learning strategies, language development, phonetic-teaching
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 1
第二節 研究目的與待答的問題 6
壹、研究目的 6
貳、待答問題 6
第三節 名詞解釋 7
壹、聲韻覺識(phonological awareness) 7
貳、繪本融入注音符號教學 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 聲韻覺識的定義與拼音系統 9
壹、聲韻覺識的定義 9
貳、聲韻覺識與中英文拼音系統 10
第二節 聲韻覺識的測量 14
壹、國外聲韻覺識測量 14
貳、中文聲韻覺識測量 17
參、聲韻覺識測量小結 22
第三節 聲韻覺識的相關研究 24
壹、聲韻覺識國外相關研究 24
貳、聲韻覺識國內相關研究 26
參、聲韻覺識與注音符號的關係 30
肆、影響聲韻覺識的因素 33
伍、小結 35
第四節 繪本教學的內涵與應用 38
壹、繪本的意義與特質 38
貳、繪本教學的概念與應用 41
參、繪本教學與聲韻覺識之相關研究 49
肆、對話式閱讀融合注音符號教學與聲韻覺識的關係 51
第三章 研究方法 56
第一節 研究設計與研究架構 56
壹、研究設計 56
貳、研究架構 57
參、研究流程 58
肆、研究假設 59
第二節 研究對象 60
壹、選取方式 60
貳、研究對象基本概況 61
第三節 研究工具 63
壹、施測工具—參考麥玉芬(2012)自編聲韻覺識測驗 63
貳、繪本融入注音符號教學策略與教學活動說明 65
第四節 研究程序 71
第五節 資料搜集與資料分析 73
壹、資料蒐集 73
貳、資料分析 73
第四章 資料分析與結果討論 77
第一節 幼兒聲韻覺識能力之分析 77
壹、兩組幼兒在實驗介入前聲韻覺識能力表現 77
貳、兩組幼兒在實驗介入後聲韻覺識能力表現 79
參、「繪本融入注音符號教學」對幼兒聲韻覺識能力各分測驗的影響 81
第二節 探討其他變項影響幼兒聲韻覺識能力之其他因素 88
壹、年齡對幼兒聲韻覺識能力的影響 88
貳、注音符號學習經驗對幼兒聲韻覺識能力的影響 91
參、家長社經地位背景對幼兒聲韻覺識能力之影響 93
第三節 「繪本融入注音符號教學」案例分享與討論 97
第四節 綜合討論 104
壹、幼兒在聲韻覺識能力的發展 104
貳、聲韻覺識各向度分析 106
參、繪本融入注音符號教學之分析 107
第五章 研究結論與建議 113
第一節 研究結論 113
第二節 研究建議 116
參考文獻 119
一、中文部分 119
二、英文部分 127
附 錄 133
附錄一 繪本融入注音符號教學 133
附錄二 計畫研究時程表 141
附錄三 家長同意書 142
附錄四 幼兒基本資料表 143
附錄五 自編遊戲式聲韻覺識測驗(正式版) 144
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