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論文名稱(外文):Applications of the Deep Neural Networks for the Keypoint Detection Technology in Pose Recognition for Family Caregivers
指導教授(外文):SUN, TIEN-LUNG
口試委員(外文):Lee, Chia-HsuanHuang, Hao
外文關鍵詞:family caregiver, , , , , ,professional caregivermusculoskeletal injuries,critical point recognitiondeep learning neural networklong-term caremobile transpositiontransfer
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因此本研究提出透過 AI 神經網路關鍵點辨識技術做影像分析,並以站姿轉移位的動作姿勢、病床高度及被照顧者體重這三個變因做探討,進一步了解在已知的三個變因之下,透過 AI 影像分析是否可以辨別這三個變因將造成照顧者肌肉骨骼損傷。依據本研究實驗結果可以得知 AI 能辨別且相較於EMG在使用上更為方便且時間及人力成本低,最重要的是無須侵入性檢查, AI 還可即時記錄本文所提出的人體十七個關鍵點同時施力時,關鍵點的細微變化及每日轉移位的動作次數。
With population aging, chronic diseases and organ malfunctioning are wide spreading, which correspond to increasing disabled people. The long-term care system needed requires professional caregiver and family caregiver (both termed “caregiver” hereafter) as its major manpower.
In the repetitive labor from the caregivers, some require great weight loading or prolonged excessive force applying, among which mobile transposition most readily causes musculoskeletal injuries. Electromyography (EMG) is a present technique to measure these injuries, through recording the various electrode potentials that help a physician diagnose abnormal muscular or neural activities using muscle-piercing electrodes. While being relatively accurate, the EMG has the disadvantages of being time- labor-consuming and invasive.
The author proposes a methodology utilizing the image analyses through the artificial intelligence (AI) that recognizes the critical points in neural networks. Taking the moving gesture, bed height, and the body weight of the care recipient as key variables, the AI image analyses were implemented to distinguish which variable leads the musculoskeletal injuries to the caregivers.
The experimental results showed that the AI is capable of discerning the key variable in a more convenient, time-labor-efficient, and non-invasive way. The AI realtime records the subtle changes and the number of times of daily transpositions during the force-applying from the 17 critical points on the caregivers.
摘 要 i
目 錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 導論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 4
1.3研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 移動換位造成的傷害因子 6
2.1.1 工作姿勢-動作 6
2.1.2 工作姿勢-高度 7
2.1.2 工作姿勢-重量 7
2.2 肌肉骨骼損傷 8
2.3 家庭照顧者現況 10
2.4 深度學習神經網路 12
2.4.1 卷積神經網絡(CNN) 13
2.4.2 區域卷積神經網絡(R-CNN) 14
2.4.3 快速區域卷積神經網絡(Fast R-CNN) 14
2.4.4 更快速區域卷積神經網絡(Faster R-CNN) 15
2.4.5 Mask R-CNN 16
2.4.6 Keypoint RCNN 17
2.5 關鍵點辨識 17
第三章 研究方法 19
3.1關鍵點辨識應用架構 19
3.2影像辨識實際導入的難處及限制 22
3.3 實驗設計及流程(DOE) 22
3.4影像數據校正 25
3.5影像數據離群值剔除 26
3.6影像數據分段擷取 26
第四章 研究結果與討論 27
4.1 站姿轉移位 <實驗一與實驗五> 27
4.2 站姿轉移位 <實驗二與實驗六> 31
4.3 站姿轉移位 <實驗三與實驗七> 34
4.4 站姿轉移位 <實驗四與實驗八> 36
4.5 統計檢定 <變異數分析Analysis of variance, ANOVA> 39
4.6 討論 41
第五章 結論與未來研究 42
第六章 參考文獻 43

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