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研究生(外文):Bao Le
論文名稱:設計 24 小時動態照明以改善癡呆症患者的睡眠模式
論文名稱(外文):Design of 24-hour Dynamic Lighting to Aid Sleep Patterns for Persons Living with Dementia
指導教授(外文):Jonathon David White
口試委員(外文):Yeh-Liang HsuBeverly ChenMin-Hua Chen
外文關鍵詞:dynamic lightingdementiasleep disordercircadian clock
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睡眠障礙在阿茨海默症或相關癡呆症 (ADRD) 患者中很常見,並且會對患者的日常功能產生負面影響。這種睡眠模式的改變已被證明是護理人員倦怠的主要因素。眾所周知,睡眠/覺醒模式是由中樞的晝夜節律起搏器產生的定時信號直接驅動的,這可能會或可能不會在 ADRD 患者中完美運行。許多針對老年人群的研究顯示,精心策劃的 24 小時明暗模式可以提高睡眠效率和鞏固睡眠,但其他研究認為沒有效果。
我們希望使用可以獨立調節光譜和強度的 LED 照明來控制中期或長期護理環境中患者的照明環境。本研究的目標是利用考慮患者和護理人員需求的最佳見解。例如,在早晨,光線的強度逐漸增加,開始時紅色分量在白天轉變為亮白色,然後隨著晚上房間內接近黑暗而逐漸降低色溫,而紅色在走廊中占主導地位。
在這項研究中,我們開發了從條形 LED 到設計的可見光通信模擬,然後基於房間的照明實施房間控制的並開發診斷程式,以明確監測患者睡眠模式的任何改善。其中包括開發以 24 小時為週期控制和監控照明的軟體。

Sleep disorders are common in patients with Alzheimer's disease or related dementia (ADRD) and can adversely affect a patient's daily functions. It has been shown that this variation in sleep patterns is a major factor in nursing staff burnout. It is known that the sleep / wake mode is controlled directly by the timing signal generated by the circadian pacemaker, which may or may not work perfectly in ADRD patients. Some studies in older adults have shown that a carefully planned 24-hour light-and-dark program can improve sleep efficiency and enhance sleep, but other studies suggest that this is not effective.
We hope to be able to use LED lighting, the spectrum and intensity of which can be adjusted independently, to control the patient's lighting environment in a long-term or medium-term care setting. The aim of this study was to consider the needs of patients and nursing staff to the best of our knowledge and belief. For example, the light intensity increases gradually in the morning, initially the red component becomes bright white during the day, then the color temperature gradually decreases as the room approaches darkness at night, while red dominates the hallway.
In this study, we developed a visual light communication simulation from LED bar lights for the design, then implemented a room-based lighting system for room control and developed diagnostic procedures to clearly monitor any improvement in the patient's sleep pattern. This includes the development of lighting control and monitoring software on a 24-hour cycle.

Abstract i
Acknowledgments iii
Table of content iv
List of figures vii
List of Table ix
1.1 AIM 3
2.1 Photoreceptors in the retina 5
2.2 Lighting characteristics affecting circadian rhythms 6
2.3 Sleep disturbances in person with ADRD 7
2.4 The aging eyes 8
2.4.1 Glare from sources of light 9
2.4.2 Uniformity 9
2.4.3 Reflections and surface materials 9
2.5 Lighting for persons with ADRD 10
2.6 Proposed 24-hour lighting protocol 11
3.1 Measured the experimental spectra 15
3.2 Lux 16
3.3 Calculated the basic photopic quantities for the light 16
3.3.1 The CIE 1931 xy 16
3.3.2 Correlated color temperature (CCT) 18
3.3.3 DUV 18
3.3.4 Color rendering index (CRI) 19 What is the CRI 19 How is CRI calculated 20
3.4 Calculated the biological effects for the light 25
3.4.1 Background 25
3.4.2 Photopic illuminance 26
3.4.3 Human retinal photopigment complement: five α-opic parameters 26
3.4.4 Equivalent α-opic illuminance 27
4.1 Hardware 29
4.1.1 Room 70723 layout (Building 7, Yuan Ze University) 29
4.1.2 Cove 29
4.1.3 Equipment 30 LEDs strip 30 RGB strip 30 Two-color (LED) strip (WWIB) 31 Amber strip 31 Power supply 31 Amplifier 32 Wiring 32 Power board (Aluminum plate) 33
4.2 Measurement 34
4.2.1 Sunlight 34 Introduction 34 Measured spectra power distribution (SPD) of sunlight 35 The photopic quantities of the sunlight 36
4.2.2 LEDs (RGB, WW, IB, Amber) 37 Introduction 37 Measured SPD of LEDs 37 The photopic quantities of the LED 37
4.3 Design 24-hour 38
4.3.1 Background 38
4.3.2 24-hour whites light 40
4.4 Evaluation 44
4.4.1 Visual 44
4.4.2 Glare, and shadows 44
4.4.3 Power consumption 45
4.4.4 Efficient conversion of LEDs 45
4.4.5 Circadian stimulus (CS) and circadian light (CLA) 47 Introduction 47 How to calculate CS, CLA 47
5.1 Introduction 50
5.2 UV and inactivation of Coronavirus 51
5.3 Experiment: Reflection of materials for UV 52
5.3.1 Equipment 52 UV-LED 52 Blue-LED 53 Thorlabs Power 53 Materials used for testing 54
5.3.2 Experiment set up 54 Input 54 Reflection 55
5.4 Results 57
5.4.1 Blue LED 57 Input 57 Blue reflection 57
5.4.2 UV LED 61 Input 61 UV reflection 62
5.5 Discussion and conclusion 64

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