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研究生(外文):TSAI, HUAN-YU
論文名稱(外文):The Design and Implementation of Digital Tunable Capacitors and Branch Line Coupler with Common Mode Suppression
指導教授(外文):LI, JIAN-YU
外文關鍵詞:Digitally Tunable CapacitorsBranch Line Coupler
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可調式電容器在現今已經運用在許多電路當中,為了方便使用電腦控制電容器,做到多變的電容組合,而且又可以減少電路的使用面積,因此提出此數位可調式電容器,其概念為利用電腦透過SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface Bus)控制五位元移位暫存器,達到控制電容器內的五個電容通道開關,最後將整體電路實現在晶片內,並對此晶片做量測與討論。
耦合器為重要的射頻元件,並且可應用在不同的電路中,在平面射頻電路中,通常以枝幹耦合器實現 90度分合波器,然而傳統枝幹耦合器是由四分之一波長單端傳輸線所組成的,其電路面積較大,因此本論文提出具共模抑制枝幹耦合器。使用差動式等效修正T模型去取代傳統枝幹耦合器的每段傳輸線,再以被動積體電路(IPD)製程完成 2.5 GHz微小化枝幹耦合器之設計,實現出差動形式與共模拒斥的能力,最後再對此電路進行量測並探討。
Tunable capacitors have been used in many circuits today. The proposed digital tunable capacitor not only uses the computer-controlled capacitor combination,but also greatly reduces the use area of the circuit,and the circuit concept is to use the computer to control the 5-bit shift register through SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface Bus), and then control the five capacitor channel switches in the capacitor, and implement the overall circuit in a chip,finally, the wafer measurement results are discussed.
Coupler is an important RF component for different circuits. In planar RF circuits, the 90° hybrid is usually implemented using a Branch-line coupler. However, the traditional branch-line coupler is composed of a quarter-wavelength single-ended transmission line, so its circuit size is large,therefore,so that this paper proposes a miniature branch-line coupler with common mode suppression. The 2.5 GHz miniature branch-line coupler is achieved by replacing the quarter-wave single-ended transmission line with differential equivalent modified T model in Integrated Passive Device (IPD) technology, and it realizes the ability of differential form with common mode suppression. Finally, the circuit is measured and discussed.
摘要 …………..……………...………………...………………….ii
第一章、緒論 …………………………………………...…………………...1
1.1 研究背景與動機 ………………………………...………...……...1
1.1.1 五位元數位可調式電容器 ……………………………..….1
1.1.2 具共模抑制枝幹耦合器 ………………………..………….1
1.2 各章簡介 ………………………………....…………………….…2
1.3 文獻回顧 ……………………………………………………….…2
1.3.1 可調式電容器文獻回顧 ………………….………………..2
1.3.2 枝幹耦合器文獻回顧 …………………..………………….4
第二章、五位元數位可調式電容器 ………………………..……………....8
2.1 SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)串聯周邊介面 …………...……...8
2.2 五位元數位可調式電容器 …………………..………...………...9
2.2.1 反相器 (Inverter)…………………...……………...............10
2.2.2 二輸入反及閘 (2-bit NAND)………………..……………11
2.2.3 D型正反器 (D Flip-Flop)………………...………..............12
2.2.4 五位元移位暫存器 (5-bit Shift Register)……………...….14
2.2.5 傳輸閘 (Transmission Gate)…………………..………......17
2.2.6 電容器 ………………………………..………...................20
2.3 電路佈局 ………………………………………..……….............31
2.4 PCB板設計 ……………………………………..………..............37
2.5 量測方式 ....…………………………………..………...………..38
2.6 量測 ……………………………………..……………...………..40
2.7 量測結果 ………………………………………...........................44
第三章、具共模抑制枝幹耦合器 …………………………………............53
3.1 枝幹耦合器電路原理與架構 ……………………………….......53
3.2 電路模擬與分析 ………………………………..……….............56
3.3 電磁模擬與分析 ……………………………..………….............58
3.4 實作與量測 ………………………………………..…….............61
第四章、結論 …………………………………………...………….............68
4.1 五位元數位可調式電容器 ………………………………...........68
4.2 具共模抑制枝幹耦合器 …………………………………...........68
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