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研究生(外文):HSU, CHIA-YUN
論文名稱(外文):Socially-Aware Decentralized Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems With Imbalanced Non-IID Data
指導教授(外文):HWANG, REN-HUNG
外文關鍵詞:Intrusion DetectionDecentralized LearningImbalanced DataNon-IID Data
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The increasing diversification of network attacks has posed many security threats. Even within a local area network, different hosts may encounter distinct attacks. Leveraging the intrusion data dispersed across various hosts is crucial to achieving more comprehensive intrusion detection. Decentralized learning has emerged as a promising solution by enabling hosts to share information in a peer-to-peer manner. However, the imbalanced nature of intrusion data and varying data distributions between hosts can significantly impact model performance. To address the challenges of imbalanced and non-IID data, we propose a Decentralized Learning-based Intrusion Detection System (DLIDS). It rebalances training data to mitigate the model’s bias towards the majority class and periodically substitutes the training model to facilitate knowledge acquisition. Moreover, the stacking ensemble method is incorporated to integrate diverse perspectives and generate unbiased predictions. Finally, the experiment results on the CIC-IDS2017 and CSE-CIC- IDS2018 datasets show that the proposed method performs well even under imbalanced and non-IID data conditions.
Abstract i
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Works 4
3 Decentralized Learning-based Intrusion Detection System (DLIDS) 7
3.1 Workflow.................................. 7
3.2 Data Preprocessing Phase(DPP) ...................... 9
3.3 Data Re-balancing Phase(DRP) ...................... 10
3.4 Model SubstitutionPhase(MSP)...................... 11
3.5 Ensemble Distillation Phase(EDP)..................... 12
4 Experiments 13
4.1 Experiment Setup.............................. 13
4.1.1 Dataset ............................... 13
4.1.2 Model................................ 15
4.1.3 Simulation scenario......................... 16
4.1.4 Evaluation metrics ......................... 17
4.1.5 Parameter settings ......................... 18
4.2 Ablation study................................ 20
4.3 Performance of proposed method...................... 23
5 Conclusion 26
Reference 27
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