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論文名稱(外文):Structure Preservation and Detail Enhancement for Reference-based Image Super-Resolution
指導教授(外文):HSU, WEI-YEN
外文關鍵詞:Reference-based Image Super-ResolutionCorrespondence MatchingStructure PreservationDetail FidelityTexture TransferImproved Triplet Attention
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基於參考的影像超解析度(RefSR)利用高解析度(HR)參考影像來提升低解析度(LR)輸入影像的品質和細節,是一種具有前景的方法。相較於單一影像超解析度(SISR),它能夠進一步利用外部參考影像來產生更真實和豐富的紋理。最近,這種任務已經引起了廣泛的關注和發展。然而,RefSR任務仍然有兩個關鍵的挑戰:1)現有的RefSR方法大多專注於計算參考影像和低解析度影像之間的對應配對,而忽略了特徵提取階段的重要性。我們認為簡單地對影像的原始特徵進行操作,容易引入不相關和冗餘的訊息,即使有良好的對應關係,重建出的影像仍然可能惡化,導致了不穩健的對應配對、紋理轉移以及感知品質的下降,尤其是在結構和細節方面。2)從參考影像中提取相關紋理來補足LR影像的細節是一個非常具有挑戰性的問題。為了解決這些問題,我們提出了一種新穎的結構保存和細節強化超解析度網路(SPDE-SR),用於基於參考的影像超解析度,專注於結構保存和細節強化。SPDE-SR主要由三個基本模組所組成,包括結構保存特徵提取模組(Structure-Preserving Feature Extraction [SPFE] Module)、動態特徵聚合模組(Dynamic Feature Aggrregation [DFA] Module)與細節保真恢復模組(Detail Fidelity Restoration [DFR] Module)。具體來說,SPFE模組首先從LR影像和參考影像中有效地提取相關特徵,並透過對比學習和知識蒸餾進行預訓練以獲得穩健的對應關係。其次,DFA模組聚合參考影像的特徵,穩健地將參考影像的紋理轉移至LR影像。最後,DFR模組透過所提出的改良版三重注意力機制(Improved Triplet Attention [ITA] Mechanism),進一步重建具有更多細節保真度和增強的SR影像。廣泛的實驗結果證明,我們提出的SPDE-SR方法優於最先進的RefSR方法,特別是在結構保存和細節強化方面。
Reference-based image super-resolution (RefSR) is a promising approach that utilizes high-resolution (HR) reference images to enhance the quality and details of low-resolution (LR) input images. Compared with single image super-resolution (SISR), RefSR uses external reference images to create more realistic textures. Recently, RefSR has garnered interest and development. However, there are two major challenges: 1) Most RefSR methods ignore feature extraction and focus on correspondence matching between the reference and LR images. We hypothesize that simply operating the original image features can easily introduce irrelevant and redundant information. Even with good correspondence, the reconstructed image may still deteriorate. This results in inaccurate correspondence matching, texture transfer, and perceptual quality degradation, especially in structure and details. 2) Extracting relevant textures from reference images to supplement the details of LR images is a highly challenging problem. To address these issues, we propose a novel Structure Preservation and Detail Enhancement Super-Resolution (SPDE-SR) network for reference-based image super-resolution focusing on structure preservation and detail enhancement. SPDE-SR has three primary modules: structure-preserving feature extraction (SPFE), dynamic feature aggregation (DFA), and detail fidelity restoration (DFR). More specifically, the SPFE module first effectively extracts relevant features from the LR and reference images, and pre-training is conducted through contrastive learning and knowledge distillation to obtain a robust correspondence. The DFA module then aggregates the features of the reference images for robust texture transfer to the LR image. Finally, the DFR module further reconstructs the SR images with more detail fidelity and enhancement through the proposed improved triplet attention (ITA) mechanism. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed SPDE-SR method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in four benchmark datasets, especially in structure preservation and detail enhancement.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究問題與目的 3
1.4 研究貢獻 6
第二章、文獻探討 7
2.1 單影像超解析度 7
2.2 運用深度學習之單影像超解析度 9
2.2.1 SRCNN 10
2.2.2 SRGAN 11
2.2.3 EDSR 13
2.2.4 RCAN 15
2.2.5 ESRGAN 17
2.2.6 RankSRGAN 18
2.2.7 SwinIR 19
2.3 基於參考的影像超解析度 22
2.4 運用深度學習之基於參考的影像超解析度 23
2.4.1 CrossNet 24
2.4.2 SRNTT 25
2.4.3 TTSR 26
2.4.4 SSEN 27
2.4.5 E2ENT2 28
2.4.6 MASA 29
2.4.7 WTRN 30
2.4.8 C2-Matching 31
2.4.9 AMSA 33
第三章、材料與研究方法 35
3.1 實驗材料 35
3.2 研究架構與流程 38
3.3 研究方法之步驟 39
3.3.1 結構保存特徵提取模組 40
3.3.2 動態特徵聚合模組 41
3.3.3 細節保真恢復模組 42
3.3.4 損失函數 42
第四章、實驗評估 44
4.1 實驗環境 44
4.2 實驗評估指標 44
4.2.1 專家判斷 44
4.2.2 峰值訊號雜訊比(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio [PSNR]) 45
4.2.3 結構相似性(Structural Similarity [SSIM]) 45
4.2.4 可學習感知影像塊相似性(Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity [LPIPS]) 46
4.3 實驗結果 46
4.3.1 定量結果 47
4.3.2 定性結果 48
4.3.3 額外分析 50
4.4 消融實驗 52
4.4.1 結構保存特徵提取模組 53
4.4.2 動態特徵聚合模組 53
4.4.3 細節保真恢復模組 53
第五章、結論與未來展望 54
5.1 結論 54
5.2 未來展望 54
參考文獻 56
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