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研究生(外文):LEE, PO-HSUN
論文名稱(外文):Study on Rare Earth Elements and Lead Isotopes in Lake Sediments of Liyu Lake, Hualien, Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Lu, Hsueh-Yu
口試委員(外文):Lu, Hsueh-YuChao, Hung-ChunChen, Wen-Fu
外文關鍵詞:Climate changeLiyu lakeSequential ExtractionPrincipal Component AnalysisRare Earth ElementsLead isotopes
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故本研究選擇採集位於台灣花蓮縣壽豐鄉的鯉魚潭底泥沉積物岩芯作為研究樣本,其中最深的樣本年代可追溯到大約 1020 年前。所有樣本皆經由連續萃取法將其分作可交換與碳酸鹽結合相、鐵錳氧化物結合相、有機物結合相三種主要分析相態,並以感應耦合電漿放射光譜儀和感應耦合電漿質譜儀測定不同相態中總計 39 種的元素含量。此外,為了示蹤湖泊沉積物來源,本研究另外測量 208Pb、207Pb、206Pb 和 204Pb 四種鉛同位素含量以進行鉛同位素示蹤分析。最後,本研究將測得之元素含量以多種方式進行分析和討論,以此重建過去千年鯉魚潭地區環境生態變遷趨勢。
分析結果顯示,從近代至約 440 年前,湖泊沉積物中可能擁有含量較高的石英長石類礦物,且由於降雨量的增加,氣候溫暖潮溼,沉積物環境更趨於還原狀態,土壤和水體環境的 pH 值也受其影響而降低,並伴隨著腐植質含量的增加;相對的,過去約 560 至 1020 年前,湖泊沉積物中可能擁有含量較高的黏土礦物存在,由於環境較為寒冷乾燥,湖泊底泥沉積物總體處於氧化且偏鹼性的環境,且也造成腐植質的濃度與含量相對較低。
另外,根據稀土元素分析結果表明,Ce的異常值有隨著樣本深度增加而增加的趨勢,表示過去約 560 至 1020 年前,湖泊沉積物應更偏向氧化環境,與上述分析結果相同,而 Eu 有輕微正異常值,表明本研究所研究的地層中長石礦物的風化作用較為顯著。而從 HREE 富集現象能夠推斷地層中碳酸鹽礦物普遍存在,不過同時也發現約 1020 年前至 670 年前,有重稀土元素虧損的現象,推論此時期的化學風化作用程度較低。
最後,鉛同位素分析結果表明鯉魚潭沉積物主要來源於當地天然岩石的自然風化,但其中在 6 個較接近現代的淺層樣本中,發現其沉積物來源有混合來自人為鉛源的大氣氣溶膠,這表明台灣 20 世紀初期以來工業和採礦業快速發展對台灣的地球化學環境的變遷產生了顯著的影響。
Geochemical properties of sediment deposits from lake is one of the feasible and excellent methods for reconstructing the environmental changes on a centennial scale. This approach has advantages of easy sample accessibility, long-term chronological records, environmental stability, and representation of regional geology, an ideal material for analyzing environmental migration.
A sediment core from Liyu Lake in Shoufeng Township, Hualien County, Taiwan, it is conducted with geochemical analysis in this study. The deepest sample in the core dates back approximately 1020 years. All samples were processed with continuous extraction to separate them into three primary phases: exchangeable and carbonate phases, iron manganese oxide phase, and organic matter phase. A total of 40 chemical components in these phases were measured using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Additionally, to trace the source of lake sediment, lead isotopes was conducted by measuring 208Pb, 207Pb, 206Pb, and 204Pb.
The analytical results reveal that from the modern era to around 440 years ago, the lake sediments may have a high content of quartz feldspar minerals, and the sediment environment tends towards a more reducing and lower pH state, the humus content also increased, due to higher precipitation. In contrast, around 560 to 1020 years ago, lake sediments had a relatively high content of clay minerals. And because of the colder and drier conditions, the lake sediment environment was predominantly oxidizing and alkaline. This relatively lower concentrations and content of humic substances is confirmed with in this study.
The rare earth elements indicate an increasing of the Ce anomaly with sample depth, which suggests a shift towards oxidizing conditions in the period of 560 to 1020 years ago. A slight positive Eu anomaly suggests that the weathering of feldspar minerals in the studied strata is significant. Additionally, the enrichment of heavy rare earth elements illustrate the prevalence of carbonate minerals in the lake sediment. However, an absence of heavy rare earth elements from sediments around 1020 to 670 years ago suggests weaker chemical weathering during this period.
The results of lead isotope analysis indicates that the sediment in Liyu Lake primarily originates from natural weathering of local rocks. However, among the shallow samples, six are closer to modern times and exhibit a mixture of anthropogenic lead sources from atmospheric aerosols. The rapid industrial have significant effect on geochemical environments activities in Taiwan since the early 20th century.
第一章 緒論...1
1.1 前言...1
1.2 研究動機與目的...2
1.3 文獻探討...3
1.3.1 大南澳片岩地層構造分析...3
1.3.2 水-岩相互作用...4
1.3.3 古土壤之相關研究...6
1.3.4 鯉魚潭之前人研究...7
第二章 研究方法...9
2.1 研究區域和地層分布...9
2.2 岩芯樣本...10
2.2.1 岩芯分樣...10
2.2.2 實驗樣本選取...10
2.3 實驗方法...12
2.3.1 方法介紹...12
2.3.2 實驗程序...14
2.4 實驗分析...19
2.4.1 主要與微量元素分析(Major and Trace Element Analysis)...19
2.4.2 主成分分析(Principal Components Analysis,PCA)...19
2.4.3 稀土元素分析(Rare Earth Element Analysis,REE Analysis)...21
2.4.4 鉛同位素分析(Lead Isotopes Analysis)...22
第三章 儀器介紹...27
3.1 感應耦合電漿放射光譜儀...27
3.1.1 儀器概述...27
3.1.2 儀器分析原理與構造...28
3.2 感應耦合電漿質譜儀...31
3.2.1 儀器概述...31
3.2.2 儀器分析原理與構造...32
第四章 結果與討論...35
4.1 主要與微量元素分析結果...52
4.1.1 可交換與碳酸鹽結合相元素分析結果...52
4.1.2 鐵錳氧化物結合相元素分析結果...53
4.1.3 有機物結合相元素分析結果...54
4.2 主成分分析結果...55
4.2.1 可交換與碳酸鹽結合相...56
4.2.2 鐵錳氧化物結合相...60
4.2.3 有機物結合相...63
4.3 稀土元素分析結果...67
4.3.1 鈰(Ce)異常現象...67
4.3.2 銪(Eu)異常現象...68
4.3.3 釓(Gd)異常現象...68
4.3.4 稀土元素富集...70
4.4 鉛同位素分析結果...72
4.4.1 鉛元素濃度分析...72
4.4.2 鉛同位素分析結果...72
4.4.3 鉛同位素示蹤分析...76
第五章 結論...79

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