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論文名稱(外文):Impact of Work-Shift on Exceptional Workload-A Case Study of a Chain Catering Industry
外文關鍵詞:catering industryshift workexceptional workloadoverworkcerebral cardiovascular disease
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Fatigue or stress caused by exceptional workloads such as shift work, night work, and long hours are important factors that contribute to the development of cerebral and cardiovascular diseases and are increasingly being emphasized. According to the insurance coverage statistics of the Bureau of Workers' Compensation, during the period of 2017-2022, there were 387 cases of workers suffering from cerebral and cardiovascular diseases and receiving benefits for injuries, incapacities, and deaths. Among those cases, there were 103 cases of deaths. Most of cases are from the food and beverage industry. It covers a wide range of ages. The types of their works are diverse, including shift work, night work, and long hours, etc. Their work involves not only food processing but also the customers’ demands, which is one of the factors contributing to the physical and mental stress on the workers.
This study investigates the health effects of workload caused by shift work and long working hours of employees in the chain restaurant industry. Applying the overwork scale and the short-form health scale in the Guidelines for the Prevention of Diseases Caused by Abnormal Workload, an online questionnaire survey was conducted in 2018 and 2022 to collect the health check data of all the employees. In total, there were 715 copies of complete data which collected and analyzed for the purpose of statistical analysis. Those data were collected and analyzed to compare with the data on the risk of CVD in 2018 and 2022, which were available in these two years.
The study found that gender, age and job attributes were the key factors affecting the risk of CVD. While the risk of CVD due to shift work or fatigue was not statistically different. The average CVD risk of men was 4.59%, which is higher than that of women (2.01%). The proportion of men with heart rate ≧10% and BMI ≧27 was significantly higher than that of women, while there was no statistically significant difference between men and women in the distribution of other physiological data related to heart rate and smoking behavior. In terms of job attributes, the average CVD risk for part-time workers was 4.24%. For full-time staff, the average was 2.23%. For office administrators, it was 3.25%. There are significant differences. The risk of cardiovascular disease among timekeepers was significantly higher than that of monthly paid workers and office administrators. Since the proportion of timekeepers over 50 years old in restaurants accounted for 62.5%, age is still the most crucial and unchangeable factor in the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, timekeepers over 50 years old and employed for the second time were the riskiest ethnic group in this study. The average CVD risk for day shift workers was 2.74%, night shift workers 2.97%, and shift workers 2.77%. There is no significant difference.

第壹章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景1
第二節 研究動機與目的3
第貳章 文獻探討5
第一節 餐飲業工作特性5
第二節 輪班制度及長時間工作對健康的影響7
第三節 工作異常負荷對腦心血管疾病的影響13
第參章 研究方法17
第一節 研究流程與架構17
第二節 研究對象與研究工具19
第三節 資料收集及分析23
第肆章 結果與討論25
第一節 連鎖餐飲業員工基本資料25
第二節 2018及2022健康風險比較29
第三節 罹患心血管疾病風險之相關性32
第四節 小結35
第伍章 結論與建議39
附 錄50

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