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Author (Eng.):YANG, WEI-CHENG
Title (Eng.):Research on Logistics Information Management System by Analytic Hierarchy Process
Oral Defense Committee:江依儒許鳳鑾
oral defense date:2023-06-30
Narrow Field:工程學門
Detailed Field:電資工程學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2023
Graduated Academic Year:111
number of pages:85
keyword (chi):層級分析法全壽期管理後勤資訊管理
keyword (eng):Analytic Hierarchy ProcessLifecycle ManagementLogistics Information Management
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  • HitsHits:68
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本研究經由文獻蒐集、評估要項歸納、問卷調查及數據分析等客觀科學方式,完成運用決策管理之「層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)」分析各項關鍵元素,研究後勤資訊管理系統之評估要項及層級架構,整理主要項計「需求規劃釐訂」等 4 項,次要因素計「上級政策支持」等 15 項,設計AHP問卷,進行調查及數據蒐整,產出相關權重數值,並建立決策評估模式。
The logistics information management system has been developed and used for many years. From today's perspective, the independent development of functionalities among different systems seem to lack the concept of lifecycle management although it has used a complete logistics framework to construct the system. Therefore, effective management starting from project planning is applied to discuss how to improve and enhance the operational efficiency of the logistics information management system.
This study utilizes objective scientific methods such as literature collection, evaluation criteria induction, questionnaire surveys, and data analysis to analyze various key elements of the logistics information management system through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) decision-making approach. The research identifies the evaluation criteria and hierarchical structure of the logistics information management system, organizes the main items, including requirement planning and refinement, system process integration, information technology application and project implementation plan. The top three factors in the order of their weightings are "support from superior policies.", "system availability assessment" and "comprehensive system process analysis". An AHP questionnaire is designed for conducting surveys and data collection to generate relevant weight values and establish a decision evaluation model.
Based on the literature collection from various experts and the results obtained through data analysis, the logistics information management system will incorporate the concept of lifecycle management. The priority of the main factors is determined, with "needs planning and refinement" ranking first, followed by "system process integration," "application of information technology," and "project execution plan." Among the secondary factors, the top three priorities are "support from higher-level policies," "system availability assessment," and "comprehensive system process analysis."
Through comprehensive analysis, key points and suggestions for enhancing system efficiency are proposed, including "strengthening system planning and management," "continuously improving system design and development," and "enhancing system maintainability and backup mechanisms." These suggestions and approaches can serve as references for future integration of logistics information management systems. It’s expected to integrate the concept of lifecycle management, combine emerging industry information technology to strengthen supply operations, integrate warranty processes, and improve repair efficiency. The goal is to construct a comprehensive logistics management system, that encompasses transparent asset management, facilitates real-time replenishment and maintenance, ensures precise material preparation, and reduce the costs".
Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process, Lifecycle Management, Logistics Information Management

摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝詞 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 3
1.3研究目的 4
1.4研究範圍與限制 4
1.5研究架構與流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1後勤資訊管理系統現況發展 7
2.2全壽期管理概念之運用 10
2.3評估要項歸納 11
2.4層級分析法AHP 20
第三章 研究方法與設計 24
3.1層級架構建立 25
3.2 AHP問卷設計 31
3.3 AHP 執行運算方式 32
3.4 AHP 優點及應用軟體 36
3.5權重比值確立 37
第四章 研究結果分析 38
4.1問卷資料分析 38
4.2綜合分析 55
第五章 結論與建議 62
5.1結論 62
5.2建議 64
參考文獻 65
附錄 69

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[38]徐明德《國軍老舊眷村改建關鍵成功因素之研究- AHP方法之運用》,(中山大學公共事務管理研究所碩士論文,2005年),頁35-36。
[39]鄧振源、曾國雄(1989)。層級分析法(AHP)的內涵特性與運用(上)。中國統計學報,第 27 卷第 6 期,頁 5-22。
[42]同註36,頁 6。
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