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研究生(外文):HOU, SHEN-WEI
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Emodin on Uric Acid Excretion in Hyperuricemia Rats
指導教授(外文):CHEN, WEN-CHI
外文關鍵詞:EmodinGoutPotassium oxonateRatTraditional Chinese medicineUric acid
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本研究藉由腹腔注射Potassium Oxonate來誘導大鼠產生高血尿酸。並且藉由比較陽性對照組、陰性對照組、西藥治療組及三種不同濃度的大黃素治療組來觀測大黃素降低血清尿酸的功效。
與正常對照組相比,中 (30 mg / kg)、高劑量 (50 mg / kg)的Emodin顯著降低血清尿酸濃度(P<0.05),使尿酸濃度與控制組相比無顯著差異,達到治療高尿酸血症的療效。FEUA數值的上升證明Emodin具有促進尿酸排泄的功效。
The study aims to explore the therapeutic effect of a Chinese herbal extract, emodin, in a rat model of hyperuricemia and gout. At present, the diagnosis and treatment of hyperuricemia and gout are mostly based on clinical evaluation of western medicine and Western medicine treatment at home and abroad. Because of systematic evaluation and a large amount of medical data, western medicine treatment of hyperuricemia and gout has generally won the public’s trust. However, in clinical practice, there are still some patients who have adverse reactions to Western medicine and turn to Chinese medicine as an alternative. A review of TCM literature and clinical case observations shows that the application of TCM has potential curative effects in the treatment of hyperuricemia and gout. However, lack of evaluation of scientific data and cases of pre-clinical studies has led the public to remain skeptical about the treatment of TCM. Therefore, it is crucial and urgent to design a preclinical study/research of Chinese medicine treatment to obtain more convincing data on the treatment of hyperuricemia and gout with Chinese medicine.
In this study, rats were induced to produce hyperuricemia by intraperitoneal injection of Potassium Oxonate. By comparing the positive control group, negative control group, western medicine treatment group and three different concentrations of emodin treatment group, the observation of the efficacy of emodin in reducing serum uric acid can be thus made.
Compared with the vehicle control plate, the middle and high concentrations of Emodin significantly reduced the serum uric acid level (P<0.05), so that there was no significant difference between the uric acid concentration and the control group, achieving the curative effect of treating hyperuricemia. The increase in FEUA value proves that Emodin has the effect of promoting uric acid excretion.
Emodin can reduce serum uric acid concentration to achieve the effect of treating hyperuricemia and gout. The results were supported by the measured values of serum uric acid and FEUA. Our data may have potential value in clinical practice in the treatment of gout and other hyperuricemias.
第一章 前言 1
研究目的和背景 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 高尿酸血症及痛風的西醫文獻 3
第二節 痛風在中醫會統典籍的相關文獻探討 10
第三節 中藥治療痛風及高尿酸血症的文獻 15
第四節 中藥萃取物Emodin的文獻探討 22
第五節 高尿酸血症及痛風的動物模型的文獻探討 23
第三章 材料與方法 28
第一節 Chemicals and reagents 28
第二節 Animals and treatment 29
第三節 Biochemical analysis 30
第四節 檢測方法 30
第五節 結果評估 32
第四章 結果 33
第一節 Allopurinol、各劑量Emodin對血清尿酸、液尿酸、血清Creatinine、尿液Creatinine以及FEUA的影響 33
第二節 Allopurinol、各劑量Emodin對Xanthine oxidase活性的影響 37
第三節 Allopurinol、各劑量Emodin對血清GOT、GPT的影響 38
第四節 Allopurinol、各劑量Emodin對血清IL-1ß、IL-6和TNF-α的影響 41
第五節 Allopurinol、各劑量Emodin對血清及尿液OSM的影響 45
第六節 Allopurinol、各劑量Emodin對MSU誘導結晶性關節炎之影響 47
第七節 Allopurinol、各劑量Emodin對高尿酸血症大鼠腎臟、肝臟和足踝組織病理學的影響 48
第五章 討論 51
第六章 結論 54
附錄 63
作者簡歷 66

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