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論文名稱:洗衣店創新經營與商業模式之研究 以 A 洗衣店為例
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Innovative Operation Mode and Business Model of the Laundry Business Taking the A Laundry as an Example
外文關鍵詞:Innovative Operation ModeBusiness ModelLaundry Busisness
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極大的便利。 洗衣業於 2013 年年產值達 827.17 億元,至 2019 年卻僅為 106.82
億元,洗衣業者家數卻由 6,012 家新增為 6,446 家,由此可知洗衣業正面臨的是
產業萎縮且內部高度競爭。自 2020 年疫情影響,自助洗衣店憑藉其零接觸、高
研究之目的:一、瞭解洗衣店目前之經營型態 二、探討洗衣店創新經營之可行
性 三、藉由與經驗豐富、技術嫻熟的業者訪談,尋找出洗衣店之創新商業模式。
本研究 之探討標的為洗衣業,透過與經驗豐富之洗衣店前輩先進的深入訪談,瞭

The laundry industry is a traditional service industry, and although its existence
does not contribute significantly to economic growth, it can bring great convenience to
people. The laundry industry had an annual output value of 82.717 billion yuan in 2013,
but it decreased to 10.682 billion yuan by 2019. However, the number of laundry
businesse s increased from 6,012 to 6,446 during the same period. This indicates that
the laundry industry is facing industry contraction and intense internal competition.
Since the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic in 2020, self service laundromats have
seen a rise i n business due to their advantages of zero contact and high temperature
sterilization. Despite the strong emergence of self service laundromats, traditional
laundromats have not been completely wiped out. It is evident that traditional
laundromats still po ssess key factors that are lacking and irreplaceable in self service
laundromats. The objectives of this study are: 1. To understand the current operating
models of laundromats. 2. To explore the feasibility of innovative business practices in
laundromats. 3. To provide innovative business models for laundromats through
interviews with experienced and skilled industry practitioners. The objective of this
study is to explore the laundry industry. Through in depth interviews with experienced
and successful la undry shop owners, the study aims to understand their business
strategies and innovative insights, examine the innovation and implementation of their
business models, analyze their advantages, and provide recommendations for
development and operations. Thr ough this study, it is hoped to provide reference for
businesses in the laundry industry in terms of business models and operational
directions, and contribute to the continuous development of the laundry industry in the
Abstract II
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
研究背景與動 機 1
研究目的 3
研究問題 4
研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
洗衣店產業概況 7
創新經營模式相關理論探討 15
商業模式相關理論探討 21
第三章 研究設計 30
研究架構 30
研究方法 31
研究範圍與研究對象 33
訪談大綱 34
第四章 研究結果分析 36
第一節 A洗衣店案例分析 . 3636
第二節 洗衣店創新經營分析洗衣店創新經營分析 3939
第三節 洗衣店商業模式分析 4242
第五章 結論與建議 5151
第一節 研究結論研究結論 5151
第二節 研究建議 5858
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 6060
參考文獻 6161
一、中文文獻 6161
二、英文文獻 6464
附錄 6767
訪談問卷 6767
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