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論文名稱(外文):Research and Implementation of Colon Cancer Classification Method based on Transfer Learning
外文關鍵詞:Colorectal cancerClassificationTransfer learningConvolutional neural net-worksDeep learning
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我們的研究專注於醫學圖像分析,旨在提高結直腸癌組織病理學圖像的準確分類。通過結合遷移學習和ResNet-50 CNN模型,並使用Adam優化器進行訓練,我們取得了出色的實驗結果。平均訓練準確率達到100%,平均測試準確率達到99.75%。我們的方法在結直腸癌組織病理學圖像分類方面優於其他相關研究,並超越了許多已發表的論文。這一研究成果突出了遷移學習在醫學圖像分析中的有效性,為提高結直腸癌診斷的能力提供了實用解決方案。我們相信這項研究有助於增強醫療專業人員的診斷能力,並幫助患者做出更明智的臨床決策。
Our research focuses on medical image analysis and aims to improve the accurate classification of colorectal cancer histopathology images. By combining transfer learning and the ResNet-50 CNN model, trained with the Adam optimizer, we achieved excellent experimental results. The average training accuracy reached 100%, the average test accuracy reached 99.75%. Our method outperforms other related studies in the classification of colorectal cancer histopathology images and outperforms many published papers. This research achievement highlights the effectiveness of transfer learning in medical image analysis and provides a practical solution for improving the ability of colorectal cancer diagnosis. We believe this research can help enhance the diagnostic capabilities of medical professionals and help patients make more informed clinical decisions.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgments III
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures VI
List of Table VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation and Objectives 3
1.3 Research Contributions 7
Chapter 2 Literature Review 9
2.1 Clinical Characteristics of Colorectal Cancer 11
2.2 Classification Methods for Colorectal Cancer 12
2.3 Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) 14
2.4 Deep Learning 19
2.5 Optimizer 21
2.6 Network Architecture 25
2.7 Evaluation Metrics 27
2.8 AI for Colorectal Cancer and Related Applications 31
Chapter 3 Research methods 34
3.1 Data processing method 34
3.2 Pretrained Network 36
3.3 Experimental Design 38
3.4 Five Elements of Neural Networks 42
Chapter 4 Experimental Results and Discussion 45
4.1 Experimental process 45
4.2 Experimental results 48
4.3 Results and Comparison 72
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Prospects 73
References 75

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