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研究生(外文):LIU, FENG-CHI
論文名稱:基於FPGA上CPU0的RTOS 驗證與開發技術
論文名稱(外文):RTOS Verification and Development Techniques on FPGA-Based CPU0
指導教授(外文):YUAN, SHIH-YI
外文關鍵詞:embedded devicesreal-time operating systemFPGACPUintegration of software-hardwarepre-emptive scheduling
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在先前的研究中,本實驗室提出了一個FPGA-Based CPU0,使用者可以彈性地修改CPU的架構並燒錄至FPGA開發板中,使得開發板能夠有CPU的行為。同時,開發了一個簡化的作業系統OS216,通過計時器中斷程序定期切換任務,實現搶佔式排程的作業系統。

With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), embedded devices have become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives and are required to perform various tasks. Therefore, real-time operating systems play a crucial role in IoT systems for coordinating and allocating resources for task execution in embedded devices.
In our previous study, we proposed an FPGA-Based CPU(CPU0). CPU0 allows users to flexibly modify the CPU architecture and burn it into an FPGA development board, enabling the board to exhibit CPU behavior. Additionally, we developed a simplified operating system, OS216, which implements pre-emptive scheduling by periodically switching tasks through a timer interrupt.
To enhance the flexibility of the development environment, we propose a method for software-hardware integration, establishing a software development and burning process onto hardware for debugging purposes. Furthermore, we drew inspiration from the popular real-time operating system FreeRTOS, reinforcing the original OS216 architecture and introducing task state management. Ultimately, we successfully realized a more real-time operating system and assisted in hardware debugging during the porting process, enhancing the maturity of the hardware architecture.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
第一章. 前言 1
第一節 研究動機 2
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 論文架構 4
第二章. 研究背景與基礎理論 5
第一節 FPGA簡述 6
第二節 基於FPGA上CPU0 6
第三節 即時作業系統介紹 9
第四節 FreeRTOS簡述與架構 12
第五節 OS216介紹 14
第三章. 研究方法 15
第一節 軟硬體整合方法 16
第二節 LLVM簡介 16
第三節 機械碼校正工具 19
1.機械碼格式 19
2.機械碼校正工具 21
第四節 CPU0 程式設計 22
1.暫存器 22
2.控制單元 24
3.CPU0通用型輸入輸出 25
4.中斷服務程序實現 26
5.計時器 29
第五節 FPGA 相關IDE工具 31
1.Signal Tap 31
2.Waveform Simulation 32
第六節 OS216 簡化作業系統開發 34
1.OS216架構的實現 34
2.OS216任務狀態的實現 44
第四章. 研究結果 56
第一節 軟硬體整合驗證 56
第二節 作業系統功能驗證 60
第五章. 結論與未來展望 63
參考文獻 65
發表論文 67

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