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Author (Eng.):LEE, JIA-HUEI
Title (Eng.):Comparison of Online and Face-to-Face sports Nutrition Educational Intervention in Endurance Athletes with Insufficient Energy Availability
advisor (eng):CHANG, WEN-HSIN
Oral Defense Committee:劉珍芳許美智
Oral Defense Committee (eng):LIU, JEN-FANGHSU, MEI‐CHICH
oral defense date:2023-06-17
Narrow Field:醫藥衛生學門
Detailed Field:復健醫學學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2023
Graduated Academic Year:111
number of pages:150
keyword (chi):能量可用性耐力運動員線上運動營養教育運動營養知識飲食態度
keyword (eng):energy availabilityendurance athletesonline sports nutrition educationsports nutrition knowledgedietary attitudesCOVID-19
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背景:過去許多研究均指出,耐力運動員為發生低能量可用性的高風 險族群,並可能對其造成生理及心理上的問題,進而影響運動表現。 若運動員能透過運動營養教育課程得到正確的運動營養知識,將有助 於改善其飲食習慣並提升健康狀態及運動表現。然而前幾年由於受到 COVID-19 疫情的影響,許多實體課程轉為以線上方式進行,但由於 目前缺乏相關研究,故無法得知線上運動營養教育的介入方式對耐力 運動員之能量可用性的影響是否與實體相同。
目的:本研究旨在探討分別給予實體與線上運動營養教育課程後,對 有能量可用性不足的耐力運動員,其營養知識、飲食態度、能量可用 性、身體組成、運動身心狀況、睡眠品質及運動表現的影響。
方法:本研究共招募 13 位有能量可用性不足的耐力運動員,並按非 隨機分派的方式分為實體運動營養教育組 (Face-to-Face,FF,共 7 人) 及線上運動營養教育組 (Online, OL,共 6 人);課程介入共 4 次, 每 2 週一次,每次 60 分鐘。所有受試者於介入前後會進行 3 日熱 量攝取量 (EI) 及運動熱量消耗量 (EEE) 分析,計算其能量可用性 (Energyavailability,EA),並填寫飲食態度量表 (EAT-26)、運動身心狀 況量表 (RESTQ-S)、匹茲堡睡眠品質量表 (PSQI) 與運動營養知識問 卷,最後會評估 10k 的跑步完成時間。

結果:FF 組及 OL 組的 EA 數值在運動營養教育介入前分別為 26.9 ± 8.8 kcal/kg FFM/day 及 16.1 ± 10.6 kcal/kg FFM/day,皆符合低 能量可用性 (LEA) 的標準。分別給予實體與線上運動營養教育介入 後,兩組的運動營養知識問卷總得分均顯著提升,然而在介入後兩組 的 EA、EI 均無顯著變化,但在醣類 (p=0.018) 及蛋白質 (p=0.043) 的攝取量均顯著增加;兩組間僅 EEE 的變化量有差異 (p=0.046),即 FF 組於介入後增加 145.4 ± 309.4 kcal,OL 組則下降 270.5 ± 310.2 kcal。此外,FF 組的匹茲堡睡眠品質量表分數在介入後下降至 4.9 ± 2.3 分,達臨床上所定義的睡眠品質良好 (≤ 5 分), OL 組的 EAT-26 分數顯著下降 (p=0.043)。然而,在介入後兩組的身體組成、運動身 心狀況量表分數及 10k 的完成時間則均無顯著上的變化。
結論:無論是實體或是線上運動營養教育介入,對提升有能量可用性 不足之耐力運動員的運動營養知識皆有幫助,且兩種介入方式間沒有 差異。然而,若要改變耐力運動員的三大營養素攝取量,只有實體運 動營養教育的方式能夠顯著提升其醣類及蛋白質的攝取量。
Background: Previous studies have indicated that endurance athletes are at a high risk of low energy availability, which may lead to physiological and psychological issues, thereby affecting their athletic performance. By providing endurance athletes with proper sports nutrition education, they can improve their dietary habits and enhance their health status and athletic performance. However, in recent years, due to the impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic, many courses have transitioned to online formats. Currently, there is a lack of research on whether online sports nutrition education has the same impact on energy availability in endurance athletes as Face-to- Face education.
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effects of Face-to-Face and online sports nutrition education courses on nutrition knowledge, dietary attitudes, energy availability, body composition, physical and mental well- being, sleep quality, and athletic performance in endurance athletes with low energy availability.
Methods: 13 endurance athletes with insufficient energy availability were recruited for this study. They were divided into a Face-to-Face sports nutrition education group (FF, n=7) and an online sports nutrition education group (OL, n=6) by a non-randomized assignment. The intervention consisted of 4 sessions, conducted once every two weeks, with each session

lasting 60 minutes. Before and after the intervention, all participants did 3 days energy intake (EI) and exercise energy expenditure (EEE) record for calculating their energy availability (EA). They also completed the EAT- 26, RESTQ-S, PSQI, and a sports nutrition knowledge questionnaire. Additionally, the completion time for a 10k run was assessed.
Results: The EA values of the FF and OL groups were 26.9 ± 8.8 kcal/kg FFM/day and 16.1 ± 10.6 kcal/kg FFM/day, respectively, both meeting the criteria for low energy availability (LEA). After the Face-to-Face and online sports nutrition education interventions, both groups showed a significant improvement in the total score of the sports nutrition knowledge questionnaire. However, there were no significant changes in EA, EI in both group although carbohydrate (p=0.018) and protein (p=0.043) intake in both groups were significantly increased. After the interventions only the change in EEE showed a significant difference between the two groups (p=0.046). The FF group increased EEE by 145.4 ± 309.4 kcal, while the OL group decreased EEE by 270.5 ± 310.2 kcal. Furthermore, the PSQI score in the FF group decreased to 4.9 ± 2.3, indicating good sleep quality according to clinical definitions (≤ 5 points). The EAT-26 score in the OL group significantly decreased (p=0.043). However, there were no significant changes body composition, RESTQ-S scores, and completion time of 10k run in both groups after the intervention.
Conclusion: Both Face-to-Face and online sports nutrition education

interventions were helpful in improving the sports nutrition knowledge of endurance athletes with low energy availability, with no significant difference between the two intervention methods. However, to change the intake of the three major nutrients in endurance athletes, only Face-to-Face sports nutrition education significantly increased their carbohydrate and protein intake.
Abstract ...............................................................................................4

第一章 緒論 ......................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機..........................................................1
第二節 研究目的 ......................................................................3
第二章 文獻探討 ..............................................................................4
第一節 耐力運動員的營養需求..............................................4
第二節 女性運動員三聯症與低能量可用性........................17
第三節 運動相對能量不足對運動員的影響........................24
第四節 運動營養教育 ............................................................36

第三章 研究方法 ............................................................................42
第一節 研究對象 ....................................................................42
第二節 研究方法與流程........................................................43
第三節 資料處理 ....................................................................58

第四章 資料分析與結果 ................................................................60
第一節 受試者基本資料........................................................60
第二節 實體與線上運動營養教育介入的差異....................65
第三節 各項因子與能量可用性的相關性............................84 1

第五章 討論 ....................................................................................95
第一節 實體與線上運動營養教育介入的探討....................95
第二節 能量可用性與生理狀態的探討..............................105
第三節 研究優勢與限制......................................................108

第六章 結論與未來展望 ..............................................................110

參考文獻......................................................................................... 111
附錄一 研究倫理審查證明書......................................................124
附錄二 受試者同意書 ..................................................................125
附錄三 基本資料問卷 ..................................................................126
附錄四 飲食態度量表 (EAT-26) .................................................127
附錄五 運動身心狀況量表 (RESTQ-Sport)...............................129
附錄六 匹茲堡睡眠品質量表 (PSQI).........................................132
附錄七 運動營養知識問卷 ..........................................................134
附錄八 線上課程滿意度回饋問卷..............................................135
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