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論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Relationship between Expert Endorser and Perceived Quality-The Moderating Effect of Brand Awareness
指導教授(外文):TSAI, HSIU-FEN
外文關鍵詞:Expert EndorserPerceived QualityBrand AwarenessSkincare Product
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The selection of advertisement endorser is a crucial topic in advertising marketing. Advertising endorsers are often divided into four categories: celebrity, expert, chief executive officer, and typical consumer. Different types of advertisement endorsers play distinct roles in brand development. For brands of skincare products, expert endorsers can enhance the credibility of the brands and the products. However, top-tier brands of skincare products seem to prefer celebrity endorsers over expert endorsers. Hence, this study focused on Taiwan’s market of skincare products and conducted an online questionnaire survey, in which brand awareness was used as a moderating variable to explore the relationship between expert endorsers and the perceived quality of products.

The survey for this study was limited to those who lived in Taiwan and have used facial skincare products. There were 422 valid questionnaires collected. The research results point out that (1) the credibility of an expert endorser has a positive impact on perceived quality, (2) brand awareness has a positive impact on perceived quality, (3) in the skincare product market, brand awareness produces a negative influence on the relationship between expert endorser and perceived quality. This implies that as brand awareness increases, the influence of expert endorsers on perceived quality weakens, and vice versa. The study aims to provide suggestions to skincare product marketers while choosing an endorser and to serve as a reference for future researchers.

致謝辭 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第壹章、 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 6
第三節、研究方法與限制 6
第四節、研究流程與架構 7
第貳章、 文獻探討 10
第一節、廣告代言人(Advertisement Endorser) 10
第二節、知覺品質(Perceived Quality) 15
第三節、品牌知名度(Brand Awareness) 18
第參章、 研究設計 20
第一節、研究假設 20
第二節、自變項與依變項的操作性定義與衡量方式 25
第肆章、 實證分析 29
第一節、問卷設計 29
第二節、資料分析 40
第三節、實證結果討論 58
第伍章、 結論與建議 60
第一節、研究結果與討論 60
第二節、研究限制與建議 63
參考文獻 66
附錄 73
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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
1. 品牌知名度、促銷與產品涉入對消費者購買意願之研究-----以威士忌酒產品為例
2. 百貨公司專櫃的品牌形象、知覺品質、體驗行銷與 顧客滿意度關係之研究-以香奈兒化妝品爲例
3. 服務場景對消費者知覺品質、知覺價值與再購意願之影響-以早午餐廳為例
4. 置入媒體類型與產品類型對品牌知名度及購買意願之影響
5. 品牌知名度及品牌形象影響消費者對肥料購買意願之研究-以台糖有機肥料為例
6. 直播主特質認知與產品品牌知名度對消費者購買意願影響性之研究-以蝦皮電商直播平台為例
7. 護手霜體驗行銷對購買意願,口碑行銷之影響-以品牌知名度為調節變項,顧客滿意度為中介變項
8. 台灣米其林星級餐廳顧客知覺品質、月暈效應對顧客滿意度與忠誠度影響之研究
9. 體驗行銷、品牌形象、知覺品質對行為意圖之影響—以臺中誠品書店為例
10. 產品包裝與標籤影響消費者對品牌知名度與購買意願之影響--國際品牌與當地品牌比較
11. 品牌知名度、品牌形象對消費者購買意願影響之研究--以屏東好物農產品為例
12. 第三方支付知覺品質、知覺價值與再使用意願之研究
13. 品牌知名度、品牌形象、顧客滿意度、再購買意願之研究-以台糖有機米為例
14. 廣告行銷、品牌知名度對消費意願影響之研究─以羽球拍為例
15. 知覺品質、知覺價值對法院法律諮詢滿意度之影響:以關懷理論為中介變數