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研究生(外文):Yong-Hong Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Evaluate the quality of rapeseed oil after deep-frying chicken skin by vacuum frying technology
指導教授(外文):Shuo-Wen Tsai
外文關鍵詞:vacuum frying technologyrapeseed oilpalm oilchicken skinacid valueperoxide valuetotal polar compoundsanisidine value
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將雞皮分別利用15 L芥花油及棕櫚油使用真空油炸技術進行油炸。1300 g雞皮在油中以攝氏120°C油炸26分鐘,完成後更換雞皮連續油炸12批次。過程中取樣油炸油,分析兩者之間的酸價(acid value,AV)、總極性化合物(total polar compounds,TPC)、過氧化價(peroxide value,PV)、對茴香胺(p-anisidine,p-AV)、總氧化值(total oxidation,TOTOX)及顏色外觀。分析結果顯示,芥花油與棕櫚油在連續油炸12批次後,酸價和總極性化合物幾乎相同,沒有顯著差異,且都在法規要求範圍內。芥花油產生過氧化物的含量比棕櫚油來的略少,兩者油脂的PV含量都在11以下。而p-AV的部分,芥花油產生二級氧化物的含量比棕櫚油來的略多,但是兩者油脂的p-AV含量都在50以下。另外發現芥花油經連續油炸12批雞皮後,油脂顏色較棕櫚油連續油炸12批後深,可能是造成光學量測芥花油p-AV較高原因;但兩者皆無異味。綜合上述結果說明不飽和芥花油搭配真空油炸技術可取代飽和棕櫚油做為油炸油,且能回應消費者對不飽和油脂的喜好與期待。
Deep frying is a common cooking method. During frying food is immersed in oil at a high temperature of 170-180°C, the food undergoes dehydration, extending the shelf life and changing its texture and flavor. However, prolonged exposure to high temperature during frying may cause deterioration of the oil due to the interaction of oil components with the fried food, which may affect the quality of the fried products and even potentially increase the risks of food safety. Since temperature is the critical factor in frying, this study adapts vacuum frying technology to fry chicken skin in unsaturated rapeseed oil at relatively low temperatures. The quality of oil after frying is examined and compared with the commonly used saturated palm oil to, evaluating the potential of unsaturated rapeseed oil in vacuum frying.
12 batches of 1300g chicken skin was consecutively frying 15 L of rapeseed oil and palm oil at 120°C for 26 minutes by vacuum frying technology. Oil samples were collected and analyzed for acid value(AV), total polar compounds(TPC), peroxide value(PV), anisidine value (p-AV), total oxidation value (TOTOX), and color appearance. Results showed after 12 consecutive frying batches, there is no significant difference in acid value and total polar compounds between fried rapeseed oil and fried palm oil.Moreover, both were under the regulatory limits. The content of peroxides generated from rapeseed oil after vacuum frying chicken skin is slightly lower than that from palm oil. The PV content of both oils is below 11. Furthermore, fried palm oil samples showed lower p-AV than fried rapeseed oil which implied fewer secondary oxidation compounds.Nevertheless, the p-AV value of both oils below 50. It was observed that the color of rapeseed oil became darker after 12 consecutive frying batches of chicken skin compared to palm oil, it could be a major factor contributing to the higher p-AV in rapeseed oil.However neither fried oil sample showed any off-odor. In conclusion, our results showed unsaturated rapeseed oil combined with vacuum frying technology,may be an alternative choice for saturated palm oil,which can respond to consumers' preferences and expectations for unsaturated fats.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
一、市售常見油炸油 1
(一)棕櫚油 1
(二)芥花油 1
(三)大豆沙拉油 2
(四)花生油 3
(五)葵花油 3
二、油炸技術 5
(一)傳統油炸 5
(二)真空油炸 5
三、油脂劣化機制 8
四、研究動機與目的 13
第二章 材料與方法 16
一、實驗材料 16
二、實驗方法 17
(一)使用芥花油進行油炸雞皮預實驗 17
(二)分別使用芥花油及棕櫚油油炸雞皮進行測試 22
(三)總極性化合物(total polar compounds) 22
(四)酸價(Acid Value) 22
(五)過氧化價(Peroxide Value) 24
(六)對茴香胺(p-Anisidine) 26
(七)總氧化值(Total Oxidation) 26
(八)統計分析 26
第三章 結果與討論 28
一、酸價 28
二、過氧化價 31
三、總極性化合物(TPC) 34
四、對茴香胺(p-AV) 37
五、總氧化值(TOTAX) 39
六、樣品外觀顏色比較 41
第四章 結論 45
第五章 參考書目 46
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