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研究生(外文):Hung, Yu-Chun
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Demand-Supply Equilibrium of Autonomous-Mobility-on-Demand Services under Dynamic Pricing Strategies
指導教授(外文):Hu, Ta-Yin
口試委員(外文):Lu, Chung-ChengLin, Pei-ChunHu, Ta-Yin
外文關鍵詞:Shared Autonomous VehicleDemand-supply Equilibrium ModelDynamic PricingRidesharing
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基於上述研究背景,本研究建立了共乘機制的車輛指派模型,並在真實路網中進行數值實驗,比較五種不同因素對模型的影響。基於實驗結果的數據,本研究通過迴歸分析來預測低規模需求和供給下的服務效能與效率,並應用上述迴歸模型,建構共享自動駕駛汽車在 AMoD 系統下的乘車市場之供需模型。該模型使用動態定價策略和共乘機制,其中模型以社會福利最大化為目標,並以近似動態規劃求解每個決策階段的最佳費率。實驗結果發現,共乘模式下能提升乘車服務率,此外,本研究所建構乘車市場供需模型之結果顯示,在共乘機制下,動態費率透過平衡市場上的供需,獲得比固定費率還高的社會福利,也降低乘客的平均等待時間。
Shared transportation is a vital branch of sharing economy, which can lighten the air pollution problem and promote the development of a smart city. Artificial intelligence, V2X communication technologies, and 5G technology have become more and more mature, and using autonomous vehicles to provide pick-up and drop-off services on the road is just around the corner. Autonomous Mobility-on Demand (AMoD) combines self-driving and Mobility-on-Demand (MoD) services, allowing passengers to enjoy the last mile service. AMoD can solve the spatial-temporal uncertainty of ride demands and autonomously balances the supply and demand over time, which implements the concept of shared autonomous vehicle (SAV) service.
Studies point out that the implementation of dynamic pricing is an effective way for ride-hailing platforms to balance supply and demand. On the one hand, it can increase the incentives for drivers to enter the market; on the other hand, it can reduce the demand for rides from price-sensitive passengers. In European and American countries, some people consider that the cost of purchasing and maintaining private cars is too high so they take ridesharing services, which can not only reduce the expenditure on transportation but also help cities decrease traffic congestion and reduce air pollution.
Based on the research background, this research builds a ridesharing and dispatching model and conducts numerical experiments on the real road network to compare the effects of five different factors on the model. Based on the simulation data, this study performs linear regression to predict the average waiting time and meeting rate under small-scale demand and supply. Then, applying the above regression model, this study constructs a supply and demand model in the ridesourcing market with the application of SAV in AMoD systems, which considers dynamic pricing strategy and ridesharing. This model aims at maximizing social welfare and uses approximate dynamic programming to solve the optimal pricing for each stage. The experimental results reveal that ridesharing can improve the service rate of rides. Additionally, the demand and supply model results in the ridesharing market show that the dynamic pricing strategy achieves higher social welfare by balancing the supply and demand compared to fixed pricing under the ridesharing mechanism. It also reduces the average waiting time of passengers.
摘要 iii
誌謝 iv
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives 4
1.3 Research Flow Chart 4
2.1 The Era of Autonomous Vehicles 7
2.1.1 Features of AMoD 7
2.1.2 Shared Autonomous Vehicle 9
2.2 Ridesourcing System 11
2.2.1 Demand-Supply Equilibrium 11
2.2.2 Dynamic Pricing 13
2.3 Vehicle Routing Problem 15
2.3.1 Categories of Vehicle Routing Problem 15
2.3.2 Solution Methods for Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems (D-VRP) 17
2.3.3 Ridesharing Service 19
2.4 Approximate Dynamic Programming 20
2.5 Summary 21
3.1 Problem Statement and Research Assumptions 23
3.2 Research Framework 25
3.3 Ridesharing and Dispatching Model 28
3.3.1 Definition of Variables and Parameters 29
3.3.2 Mathematical Model 31
3.4 Approximate Dynamic Programming 35
3.4.1 Definition of the Variables and Parameters 36
3.4.2 Demand and Supply Function 40
3.4.3 Optimization Problem Formulation 42
3.4.4 State 44
3.4.5 Action 45
3.4.6 Exogenous Information 46
3.4.7 Bellman’s Optimality Equation 46
3.4.8 Value Function Approximation Updating Rule 47
3.4.9 Solution Algorithm 48
3.5 Regression Analysis 52
3.5.1 Linear Regression 52
3.5.2 Transformation 53
3.5.3 The Meeting Rate, Waiting Time, and Idle Time Model 54
3.6 Summary 55
4.1 Experiment Setup 56
4.1.1 Test Network 56
4.1.2 Experimental Design 57
4.1.3 Code for Ridesharing and Dispatching Model 58
4.2 Results Analysis 60
4.2.1 Ridesharing / Non-ridesharing 60
4.2.2 Maximum Acceptable Waiting Time 62
4.2.3 Update Time Interval 63
4.2.4 Demand Levels 64
4.2.5 Fleet Sizes 66
4.3 Summary 68
5.1 Regression Analysis 69
5.1.1 Input Data of Regression Model 70
5.1.2 Results of Regression Analysis 71
5.2 Experiment of ADP 75
5.2.1 Data Processing 75
5.2.2 Input Data 75
5.2.3 Parameter Setting 78
5.2.4 Code of ADP algorithm 79
5.2.5 Results Analysis 81
5.3 Summary 84
6.1 Conclusions 85
6.2 Suggestions 86
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