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研究生(外文):Chen, Chia-Hsiang
論文名稱:使用於觸發型 RAW 模式的 IEEE 802.11ah IoT 網路之具 QoS 考量的 RBT 通道存取方法
論文名稱(外文):The QoS-considered Registration-Backoff-Time (RBT) -based Channel Access Method for the Trigger-RAW Mode’s IEEE 802.11ah IoT Network
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chung-Ming
中文關鍵詞:物聯網IEEE 802.11ahWi-Fi HaLowRestrict Access WIndows (RAW)註冊退避時間(RBT)機制群組
外文關鍵詞:Internet of Thing (IoT)IEEE 802.11ahWi-Fi HaLowRestrict Access Windows (RAW)Registered Backoff Time (RBT)Grouping
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IEEE 802.11ah,也被稱為 Wi-Fi HaLow,是一種在低於 1 GHz 頻帶中運作的無線網路標準,可為物聯網(IoT)設備提供擴展範圍和低功耗的功能。本研究提出了一種基於註冊優先考慮通道存取(RPCA)的方法,該方法採用了註冊退避時間(RBT)機制,使優先級高的上行資料(比常規優先級的上行資料更重要)有更多機會訪問通道並實現較短的傳輸延遲,適用於 802.11ah IoT 網路。該方法的特點如下:每個 STA 生成一個 RBT 值並向 AP 註冊,用於 STA 的下一次通道存取。將每個 RAW 分為多個要求 RAW(包含多個要求時槽)和資料 RAW(包含多個資料時槽)。然後,將每個資料時槽分為預定時和非預定時槽。具有優先級高的上行資料的 STA 可以爭取通道存取的特權,在要求 RAW 的對應時槽中通知 AP 它們要發送優先級更高的上行資料的意圖。然後,AP 可以在資料 RAW的對應預定時槽中,根據它們的 RBT 值,安排(i)成功要求的 STA 和(ii)具有下行資料的 STA 進行通道存取。如果一個資料時槽在所有預定 STA 完成通道存取後有一些剩餘時間,也就是非預定時槽,那麼具有(i)優先級高的上行資料並且未成功要求的STA 和(ii)常規優先級的上行資料的 STA 可以分別使用CSMA/CA 方案爭取通道存取的特權。本研究提出了(1)一個系統模型來分析所提出的 RPCA 方法的性能,以及(2)一種分組機制,基於建模結果,可以避免RAW 時槽中具有過多優先級高的上行資料,從而導致優先級高的上行資料的傳輸延遲增加。通過使用分組機制,AP 選擇一個適合的 RAW 時槽,該時槽具有最少的優先級高的上行資料負載,以添加一個新關聯的 IEEE 802.11ah AP 的 STA。這樣可以使所有 RAW 時槽中優先級高的上行資料負載盡可能相似。實驗結果表明,所提出的 RPCA 方法可以實現 RAW 所有時槽中優先級高的上行資料負載的平衡,減少優先級高的上行資料的延遲,從而提高吞吐量。
IEEE 802.11ah, which is also called Wi-Fi HaLow, is a wireless networking standard that operates in the sub-1 GHz frequency band, enabling extended range and lower power consumption for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This work proposes a Registration-based Priority-considered Channel Access (RPCA) method, which adopts the Registered Backoff Time (RBT) mechanism and makes high priority’s uplinked data, which are more important than the regular priority’s uplinked data, have more chance to access channel and the shorter transmission latency for 802.11ah IoT network. The characteristics of the proposed method are as follows. Each STA generates a RBT value and registers it to AP, which is used for the STA’s next channel access, and each RAW is divided into a claiming RAW, which has multiple claiming slots, and a data RAW, which has multiple data slots. Then, each data slot is divided into a scheduled sub-slot and an unscheduled sub-slot. STAs having the high priority’s uplinked data can contend the privilege of channel access to notify their intentions of sending higher priority’s uplinked data to AP in their corresponding claiming slot of the Claiming RAW. Thereafter, AP can schedule (i) STAs that claim successfully and (ii) STAs that have downlinked data to access channel according to their RBT values in their corresponding scheduled sub-slot of the data RAW. If a data slot has some remaining time, which is called unscheduled sub-slot, after all scheduled STAs have finished their channel access. STAs that (i) have high priority’s uplinked data and did not claim successfully and (ii) have regular priority’s uplinked data can contend for the privilege of channel access using the CSMA/CA scheme in their unscheduled sub-slot respectively. This work proposes (1) a system model to analyze the performance of the proposed RPCA method and (2) a grouping mechanism, which can avoid a RAW slot having too much high priority’s uplinked data and causing the transmission latency of high priority’s uplinked data to increase, based on the modeling’s result. Using the grouping mechanism, AP chooses a suitable RAW’s slot, which has the least load of high priority’s uplinked data, iiito add a newly associated STA of the IEEE 802.11ah AP. In this way, it can make the loads of high priority’s uplinked data in all slots of a RAW as similar as possible. The experimental results shown that the proposed RPCA method can achieve the load balance of high priority’s uplinked in all slots of a RAW and reduce the latency of high priority’s uplinked data and thus improve throughput.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
Content v
List of Figures and Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Preliminary 7
Chapter 3 Related Work 13
3-1. System Model and Analysis 13
3-2. QoS-based Grouping Methods 14
3-3.Grouping Methods for Load Balance 16
Chapter 4 System Architecture and the Functional Scenario 19
4-1. The Claim Phase 20
4-2. The AP Selecting Phase 21
4-3. The Scheduled Sub-slot's Data Transmission Phase 22
4-4. The Un-scheduled Sub-slot's Data Transmission Phase 27
Chapter 5 System Modeling of the Proposed Method 32
5-1. Modeling and Analysis of Data Transmission for Scheduled STAs 32
5-2. Modeling and Analysis of the Data Transmission in the Unscheduled Sub-slot 47
5-3. Modeling and Analysis of the Grouping Mechanism 53
Chapter 6 Performance Evaluation 56
6-1. The Simulation Environment 56
6-2 The Performance Evaluation Results - without Grouping Control 57
6-3 The Performance Evaluation Results of the Proposed Method 61
Chapter 7 Conclusion 84
Reference 85
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