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研究生(外文):Cheng, Yu-Cheng
論文名稱:藉由作業系統核心的 I/O 負載移轉以落實高度並行且低延遲的網路服務
論文名稱(外文):Achieving High-Concurrency and Low-Latency in Network Servers via In-Kernel I/O Offloading
指導教授(外文):Tu, Chia-­HengHuang, Ching-­Chun
口試委員(外文):Tu, Chia-­HengHuang, Ching-­ChunLo, Shi-Wu
外文關鍵詞:network serverasynchronous I/Okernel extensionI/O offloadingperformance analysis
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事件驅動架構 (event-driven architecture) 已成為開發高性能網路伺服器的常見設計典範,尤其對於系統呼叫密集型應用程式而言,它能有效利用多工 I/O (I/O multiplexing) 處理機制。然而,為了修補處理器微架構漏洞 (如 Spectre 和 Meltdown),卻會增加系統呼叫密集情境的開銷。此外,傳統系統呼叫的同步執行阻塞(blocking)特性,使其難以充分利用最先進的多核處理器特性。為了解決這些限制並識別性能瓶頸,本研究探討 Linux 核心 I/O 模型的演進並分析運行時的應用程式,如網頁伺服器和鍵-值伺服器。我們提出一個特化的核心模組,旨在提升事件驅動網路伺服器的性能,並且不像 kernel bypass 策略在換取吞吐量和延遲的高性能時,增加功耗或犧牲安全性。此外,通過大量實驗,我們將我們的方法與原生系統進行比較。結果顯示,我們的方法得以改善頻寬、延遲和功耗,且無需重新設計或重新實作整個應用程式。
Over the past decade, event-driven architectures have become a common solution for developing high-performance network servers (which are considered system-call intensive applications) due to their ability to handle concurrent requests using I/O multiplexing. However, the mitigation of architectural flaws such as Spectre and Meltdown has led to an increase in the overhead of system calls. Furthermore, the blocking characteristic of synchronous execution of legacy system calls makes it difficult to utilize state-of-the-art multicore processors. To address these limitations and identify performance bottlenecks, this research delves into the evolution of the Linux I/O model and analyzes the runtime of applications such as web servers and in-memory key-value servers. To overcome these restrictions, we propose and implement a kernel extension that improves the performance of event-driven network servers. Our approach does not compromise high power consumption or security for high performance in terms of throughput and latency, unlike kernel bypass techniques. We conducted several experiments to compare our approach against the baseline, and the results show that our approach improves bandwidth, latency, and power consumption without requiring the entire application to be redesigned or reimplemented.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Contributions 3
1.2. Paper Organization 3
Chapter 2. Fundamentals 5
2.1. Linux I/O model 5
2.2. Event­driven Architecture 7
2.2.1. EDA with network sockets in Linux 8
2.2.2. I/O strategies in EDA 9
2.2.3. Advantages of application adopting EDA 12
2.3. System Call in Linux 12
2.3.1. CPU privilege levels 12
2.3.2. Software flow of invoking a system call 13
2.3.3. Direct and indirect cost from a system call invocation 14
2.4. Network Server Software 16
2.4.1. Web server 16
2.4.2. In­memory key­value server 18
2.4.3. Transport Layer Security 22
2.4.4. Kernel TLS Offload 23
2.5. System Call Batching 24
2.6. System Call Bypassing 24
2.7. Asynchronous System Call 25
2.8. Data Plane Development Kit 26
Chapter 3. Design 28
3.1. Overview 28
3.2. Sharding Buffer 29
3.3. Asynchronous Operation Processor 31
3.4. Configurable Threading Model 32
3.5. User Adaptation Library 34
3.6. Proactor 35
3.7. Limitation 36
Chapter 4. Implementation 38
4.1. Supported Architectures 38
4.2. Hooking a New System Call 38
4.3. Establishing Communication Between User and Kernel Space 40
4.4. Threads on Asynchronous Operation Processor 42
4.4.1. Creating the worker from user­space 42
4.4.2. Posting an asynchronous system call to kernel 43
4.4.3. Offloading an asynchronous system call from userland 44
4.4.4. Suppression of instruction reordering during compilation 46
4.5. Application Patch 48
4.5.1. Soft and hard failed­independent application 48
4.5.2. Apply OFIO to Nginx 49
4.5.3. Apply OFIO to Redis 50
Chapter 5. Evaluation 55
5.1. System and configuration 55
5.2. Nginx 55
5.2.1. Workload 56
5.2.2. Enhancement for HTTP workload 56
5.2.3. Enhancement for HTTPS workload 58
5.2.4. Enhancement for kTLS 60
5.2.5. Conclusion 61
5.3. Redis 63
5.3.1. Workload 63
5.3.2. SET/GET operations 63
5.3.3. Request concurrency 66
5.3.4. Request size 67
5.3.5. Performance on HTTPS workload 68
5.3.6. Kernel bypass comparison 70 Power consumption comparison 70 Instance type comparison 71 Polling and sleep­and­wake comparison 72
5.3.7. Conclusion 73
Chapter 6. Conclusion 75
References 77
Appendix A. Software Patch 82
A.1. Critical code for Nginx kernel TLS support 82
A.2. Critical code for OFIO­-Redis 87
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