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研究生(外文):Yen, Annie
論文名稱:機械手臂控制: 深度強化學習網路應用於抓取和放置協同作用
論文名稱(外文):Robotic Arm Manipulation: Deep Reinforcement Learning Network for Grasping and Placing Synergy
指導教授(外文):Chu, Wei-TaLien, Jenn-Jier
口試委員(外文):Wu, Jin-YiLien, Jenn-JierChu, Wei-TaChung, Chun-huiChiang, Pei-Ju
外文關鍵詞:6 DoF industrial manipulatorDeep reinforcement learningObject graspingPick-and-place tasks
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這項研究應對了在隨機環境中教導機器人複雜的多步操作任務的挑戰。為了應對這一挑戰,我們提出了一個框架,將dense U-net 與無模型強化式學習 (model-free reinforcement learning)相結合。這種協同方法使機器人結合抓取和放置物體的操作。基於視覺的模型,dense U-net,訓練預測可執行動作 (possible actions),並引入了自我調整探索(Self-Adjustive Exploration, SAE)策略。SAE策略根據最近損失值的Softmax分佈選擇操作。我們的框架還包括一個獎勵機制和雙重深度Q網絡(Double Deep Q-Network, DDQN)結構,用於引導機器人的基本抓取和放置操作,以完成任務。我們通過在隨機模擬環境中訓練該框架加以驗證。動作效率以完成單次任務所需的動作次數來衡量,比較前沿方法時,我們的方法在成功率和動作效率方面有相當的表現。同時消融研究確認了SAE和DDQN在需要探索可能動作的任務中的有益影響。
The study tackles the challenge of teaching robots complex multi-step manipulation tasks within randomized environments. To address this, we present a novel framework that combines a dense U-net model with model-free deep reinforcement learning techniques. This synergistic approach is designed to enable robots to seamlessly integrate the actions of grasping and placing objects. Our vision-based model, the dense U-net, is trained to predict possible actions, and we introduce a Self-Adjusted Exploration (SAE) policy. The SAE policy selects actions based on a Softmax distribution derived from recent loss values. In conjunction with a carefully crafted reward function and a Double Deep Q-Network (DDQN) structure, our framework guides the robot's primitive actions of grasping and placing objects toward successful task completion. We empirically validate our approach by training the framework to excel in grasping and stacking tasks within randomized simulated environments. Our method showcases competitive performance when compared to existing techniques, as measured by success rates and action efficiency—quantified by the number of actions required for task completion. Our ablation studies confirm the beneficial impact of both SAE and DDQN, particularly in tasks demanding action exploration.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
致謝 iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
List of Symbols and Abbreviations viii
Chapter 1 Introduction and Related Works 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Contributions 2
1.3 Related works 3
1.3.1 RGB image to robot pose 3
1.3.2 Robot pose based on U-net model predictions 3
1.3.3 Reinforcement learning for mainpulation tasks 4
1.4 Thesis structure 4
Chapter 2 State and action of DDQN structure 6
2.1 State and action fromulation 6
2.2 Reward function 9
2.3 Double deep Q-network structure 10
2.3.1 Online network 11
2.3.2 Target network 11
2.3.3 Loss update 12
2.4 Target and behavior policy 13
2.4.1 Target policy 13
2.4.2 Behavior policy 14
Chapter 3 Dense U-net model 16
3.1 Dense U-net model structure 16
3.2 Dense U-net encoder 19
3.3 Dense U-net decoder 20
3.4 Squeeze-excitation 21
3.5 Limited channel-wise expansion 22
Chapter 4 Dense U-net model 25
4.1 Simulation 25
4.1.1 Robot simulation 25
4.1.2 Robot modeling 27
4.2 Forward and inverse kinematics 30
4.2.1 Forward kinematics 30
4.2.2 Inverse kinematics 33
Chapter 5 Experiment setup and result 34
5.1 Simulation setup 34
5.2 Evaluation matrix 35
5.3 Experiments 36
5.4 Results and discussion 42
5.4.1 Grasping tasks 42
5.4.2 Stacking tasks 45
5.5 Ablation studies 48
5.5.1 Channel-size limitation 49
5.5.2 DDQN and exploration 50
Chapter 6 Conclusion and future works 52
6.1 Conclusion 52
6.2 Future works 52
References 55
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