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研究生(外文):Wu, Chun-Chieh
論文名稱(外文):The challenges of human resources in traditional industries : A case study of bike and sports equipment companies
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Jerry
口試委員(外文):Wang, Tai-YueChang, Shao-Chi
外文關鍵詞:Organizational structureManagement systemHuman resourcesSupply chainCompetitivenessCompany policy
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企業界普遍認同人力資源運營中心運作模式與概念,可藉由One by One返饋約談督導員工參與檢討其職務現狀及職涯之規劃,協助提出具執行力的個人職場發展計畫,將有助員工對於未來工作績效的展現,更進一步提升組織的競爭力。藉由人力資源運營中心之運作為參,與員工在模擬情境中的思維表現來推測、檢測它未來的能力透過工作分析來確立標的職位所需之技能。
This study will gain an in-depth understanding of the organizational structure and management system of traditional industries, as well as the thinking on human resource management strategies, and explore the anxiety and panic that has spread around the world with the rapid spread of Covid-19. In order to curb the spread of the new crown pneumonia, countries around the world have adopted many different levels of epidemic prevention measures, such as locking the country, closing the city, segregating and maintaining social distance, etc., which affect human life, behavior patterns and psychological states. The challenges are from three aspects of the industry: first, the human impact of resumption of work after the lifting of the ban; second, the impact of the supply chain; third, the impact of performance.
Put forward exemplary suggestions to develop human resource management strategies for the future internationalization of enterprises. The global working environment is constantly changing, and discuss how the organizational structure management system affects human resource management strategies , I hope to analyze in depth how the differences in the international human resource management of the two case companies lead to the problems and challenges faced by enterprises in human resource management, and provide practical experience and academic solutions. It is hoped that this study will enable those who are interested in this topic to pay more attention to this issue of international human resource management, the key to exerting international competitiveness, so as to enhance the overall competitiveness of enterprises.
Human resource departments in the corporate world agree with the basic concept of human resource operation center. The selection, training, use, education, and retention of enterprises are the importance of human resource management. In order to meet the needs of future human development, consider the future development of the organization and talents. The use of all these methods actively cultivates and develops employees; due to practical factors and limited resources, it is difficult to cover everything, which makes companies hesitate to invest in employee training and development; according to the overall human resource development environment found in this study, the development of talents The promotion of the mechanism seems to be immature, and there is still a lot of room for the education and efforts of concepts.
The business community generally agrees with the operation mode and concept of the human resources operation center. Through the One by One feedback interview, the employees can be supervised to participate in the review of their job status and career planning, and help to propose an executive personal career development plan. There will be Help employees show their future work performance, and further enhance the competitiveness of the organization. Participate in the operation of the human resources operation center, participate in the employee's thinking performance in the simulated situation to speculate and test its future ability, and use job analysis to establish the skills required for the target position.
Based on the concept of competency, design or choose to participate in simulated situations or tests for employees to demonstrate their own abilities. It is necessary to examine employees' abilities, abilities, Analyze the trends of its pros and cons, measure the individual performance and development needs of employees, and discover training needs, so that the training for future development can better meet the needs of employees.
The study found that the business community generally believes that a systematic planning of the human resources operation center plan is necessary, but the actual operation is still limited by factors such as company policies, professional knowledge, organizational establishment, budget, etc.; human resources operations The center's activity plan must go through the steps of systematic analysis, design/development, implementation, and evaluation, and it must be carried out in a strictly controlled standard procedure to make the operation of the plan effective. In the analysis stage, there must be sufficient analysis and research before it can be completed. Design or select simulated situations or tests that allow participating employees to demonstrate their job competencies. Under the existing control state, let the employees participate in the simulation implementation or accept the interview, and each activity will be observed and evaluated by different observers; the observers will check the ability standards designed for the activities during different activities, and Record the behavior of the subjects. The higher the degree of standardization of the activity process, the higher the fairness of the results obtained. Summarize the views of all observers, systematize the data integration, and write a report based on the working ability of each project, so as to avoid personal bias or evaluation. Biases are minimized and referenced as a basis for promotion, training and learning and development.
Enterprises generally agree with the connotation of the human resource operation center, and planning the activities of the human resource operation center also shows the need. The business community really needs to set up a human resource operation center. The human resource department generally believes that a sound employee development mechanism will help the company Cultivate talents, and believe that a sound employee development mechanism will help improve the quality of human resources and further enhance organizational performance. The research found that the human resource department in the corporate world generally agrees with the basic concept of the human resource operation center, and it is necessary for the relevant issues in each stage of the implementation of the human resource operation center, especially if it has an employee development mechanism or a dedicated employee development unit Enterprises have more recognition and needs for the need for human resource operation centers.
Therefore, in order to promote work performance and personal development, the business world has included the development center in the organization as a permanent establishment. It is necessary for individual or task units; make full use of the functions and characteristics of the human resources operation center to assist employees to improve
Improve their work performance, and promote their affirmation of the value of their future development, further enhance the high-quality human resources of the enterprise, strengthen the organization's competitive advantage, and adapt to the future environment.
誌 謝 .VII
目 錄 .VIII
圖目錄 .X
表目錄 .XI
2.1.1. 人力資源管理策略.4
2.1.2. 國際人力資源管理.6
2.1.3. 人力資源策略與組織績效.10
2.1.4. 人力資源策略、控制與績效.11
2.2.1. 組織文化的定義.16
2.2.2. 領導風格.18
3.1.1. 公司簡介.21
(1) A公司沿革.22
(2) A公司營業比重.25
(3) A公司目前之產品項目.25
(4) 計劃開發之新產品.26
(5) 產業概況.26
(6) A 公司從業員工概況.28
(7) 勞資關係.28
(8) A公司創辦人訪談紀錄.29
3.1.2. B 公司簡介.29
(1) B公司沿革.29
(2) B公司營運概況.30
(3) 產業概況.31
(4) B 公司從業員工概況.31
(5) B 公司經營者訪談紀錄.32
3.2.1. 資料蒐集方式.33
3.2.1. 資料分析步驟.33
4.1.1. 管理模式.34
4.1.2. 集權或分權.35
4.1.3. 領導方式.35
4.1.4. 股權.36
4.1.5. 組織文化.37
4.1.6. 管理風格.38
4.5.1. 績效考核.47
4.5.2. 回任管理.48
4.5.3. 工會組織.49
4.5.4. 個案人力資源管理(A、B公司的差異).50
5.6.1. 研究對象限制.64
5.6.2. 未來研究建議.65
(1) 對企業界之建議.65
(2) 給後續研究者之建議.65
圖 1.1 研究流程圖.2
圖 2.1 U型適應理論圖.11
圖 2.2 人力資源規劃(Human Resource Planning,HRP) .13
圖 2.3 人才策略計畫(Talent strategy plan).14
圖 2.4 文化整合架構.16
圖 2.5 八類型文化風格的優缺點.17
圖 2.6 領導的定義.18
圖 2.7 組織文化的七大特質.20
圖 2.8 五種常見的領導風格.20
圖 3.1 長期業務發展計劃.27
圖 4.1 自行車產業之供應鏈.39
圖 4.2 台灣自行車產業往高值化邁進.39
圖4.3 近5年企業海外派駐地區佔比變化.46
圖4.4 你不可不知的離職原因.46
圖5.1 觀念架構.54
表 3.1 A 公司營業比重.25
表 3.2 A 公司研發費用.26
表 3.3 A 公司最近二年度及截至年報刊印日止從業員工資料.28
表 3.4 B 公司營業比重.30
表 3.5 B 公司從業員工概況.31
表 4.1 個案組織結構.40
表 4.2 個案人力資源管理 (A公司).50
表 4.3 個案人力資源管理 (B公司).52
表 5.1 A 公司資料及獲利能力最近四年每股盈餘.57
表 5.2 B 公司資料及獲利能力最近四年每股盈餘.57
表 5.3 A 公司股利政策.58
表 5.4 B 公司股利政策.58
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