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研究生(外文):Ling, Kuan-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Study for Porous Functional Gradient Pipes Subject to Thermal Impact and Thermal Fatigue Loadings
指導教授(外文):Lai, Hsin-Yi
外文關鍵詞:Porous StructureNumerical MethodsFunctionally Gradient Materials
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In this study, the finite element method will be used to analyze the heat transfer and stress changes of the circular tube when subjected to thermal shock and thermal fatigue when the circular tube material is added to the double-layer porous structure with different hole sizes, hole distribution and porosity. In order to achieve the application of materials commonly used in today's engineering, steel materials will be used for relevant analysis first. Due to the progress of modern material technology, functional gradient materials will be added for research, Finally, in order to enhance the reliability of subsequent research, this study validated and compared the numerical analysis model using the stress data of porous materials provided in the literature and the heat conduction data of functional materials. The results showed that the theoretical and numerical simulation methods in this study were correct and feasible, and then conducted analysis of related porous structures and functional materials.
This research is mainly to use numerical analysis to carry out relevant research. This research will use the finite element method to calculate, and use the tubular finite element method to calculate the material properties of the tube, and then use the heat transfer and thermoelastic equations of the tube to obtain relevant values, and use the above values to evaluate the results of thermal impedance and thermal stress, Finally, the safety factor is calculated through the stress obtained from the maximum deformation energy theory, and then the resistance of the material tube to the thermal shock and thermal fatigue given in this study is evaluated.
It can be seen from the results of this study that the thermal stress of the part using steel materials under thermal shock has an increasing trend when using porous structure, but the thermal impedance of the upper and lower layers can be 48.7% higher than that of solid materials when the porosity of the upper and lower layers is 0.3. If the porosity of the upper and lower layers of the part of functional gradient materials is 0.1, the thermal stress is reduced by 12.4% compared with that of solid steel materials, The safety factor has been improved by 91.4% and the performance of thermal impedance has been improved by 11%. The maximum stress value of the functional gradient in the part subjected to thermal fatigue is reduced by 6.6% compared to steel materials, and the stress amplitude is reduced by 36%, indicating that it is helpful for the resistance to thermal fatigue.
摘要 I
Extend Abstract III
誌謝 X
目錄 XI
圖目錄 XV
符號目錄 XX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2 研究目標 3
1.3 章節導覽 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 多孔材料應用回顧 6
2.2功能梯度材料應用回顧 7
2.3熱衝擊與熱疲勞之雷射熱源文獻回顧 8
第三章 多孔功能圓管之系統分析理論與數值模擬 11
3.1 研究之完整架構與研究流程 11
3.2多孔功能圓管之系統參數與結構設計步驟 13
3.2.1多孔圓管之系統基本假設 13
3.2.2 多孔圓管之工作條件設定 14
3.2.3 多孔圓管之幾何參數設計步驟 15
3.2.4 多孔圓管之材料參數設計步驟 20
3.2.5 多孔圓管之孔洞材料強度模型優化流程 22
3.2.6多孔圓管之材料性質設定 23
3.3多孔功能梯度材料圓管數值模擬步驟與流程 25
3.3.1有限元素離散表達與整體網格分佈 27
3.3.2功能圓管之離散統御方程 33
3.3.3功能梯度圓管熱傳與熱彈性方程之推導 38
3.3.4 多孔功能圓管熱阻抗之計算 39
3.3.5 多孔功能圓管材料熱應力之計算 42
3.4抗熱衝擊及熱疲勞之結果評估指標 43
3.4.1最大變形能理論之應力計算 43
3.4.2 安全係數計算 44
第四章 多孔功能圓管數值分析結果與驗證 45
4.1多孔圓管受不同熱源之影響分析 45
4.1.1固定熱源下實心多孔材料之應力分析 47
4.1.2週期雷射熱源下實心多孔材料之應力分析 49
4.2多孔圓管孔洞大小對熱衝擊之影響分析 51
4.2.1多孔圓管孔洞大小對材料熱阻抗之影響 51
4.2.2多孔圓管孔洞大小對材料熱應力之影響 54
4.3多孔圓管孔洞分佈對熱衝擊之影響分析 56
4.3.1多孔圓管孔洞分佈對材料熱阻抗之影響 57
4.3.2多孔圓管孔洞分佈對材料熱應力之影響 59
4.4 多孔圓管孔隙率對熱衝擊之影響分析 61
4.4.1多孔圓管孔隙率對材料熱阻抗之影響 63
4.4.2多孔圓管孔隙率對材料熱應力之影響 65
4.4.3多孔圓管孔隙率對材料強度與熱阻抗之關係 67
4.5 多孔功能圓管受熱衝擊與熱疲勞之分析結果 69
4.5.1 多孔功能圓管受熱衝擊之影響 69
4.5.2 多孔功能圓管受熱疲勞之影響 71
4.6多孔功能圓管系統驗證 73
4.6.1 驗證例1-多孔材料設計分析與文獻結果之驗證比較 74
4.6.2 驗證例2-功能圓管材料設計與文獻結果驗證比較 76
4.7與傳統圓管結構強度與功能之比較 78
4.7.1功能梯度與一般材料比較 78
4.7.2多孔與無孔材料之比較 80
第五章 結論與未來展望 83
5.1結論 83
5.2未來展望 84
參考文獻 86
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