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Author (Eng.):LIU, MEI-YING
Title (Eng.):LINE Bot and LINE Official Account for Parent-Teacher Communication in Elementary School:A Study of Parents' Satisfaction
advisor (eng):WU,WEN-CHUAN
Oral Defense Committee:金凱儀陳宜惠
Oral Defense Committee (eng):CHIN,KAI-YICHEN,YI-HUI
oral defense date:2023-07-05
Narrow Field:電算機學門
Detailed Field:網路學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2023
Graduated Academic Year:111
number of pages:83
keyword (chi):親師溝通LINE官方帳號LINE機器人科技接受模式滿意度
keyword (eng):Parent-teacher communicationLINE Official AccountLINE BotTechnology acceptance modelSatisfaction
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  • Cited Cited :3
  • HitsHits:194
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現今行動網路發達,親師溝通的工具上變得更為多元,國小階段最常選用 LINE 即時通訊軟體作為親師交流平臺。早期使用「 LINE 群組」形式,它具有易用、有用的特性,使得家長的行為意圖與滿意度皆高,但因其存有隱私暴露的顧忌,近年有轉而使用「LINE 官方帳號」之趨勢。本研究旨在以 LINE 官方帳號建置國小親師溝通平臺,串接 LINE Bot 提高其有用、易用性,並參酌家長行為意圖與滿意度之顯著因素來設計平臺功能,最後調查家長端的使用滿意度,評估此系統之功能是否能夠達成使用者需求。家長滿意度問卷以科技接受模式 (Technology Acceptance Model, TAM) 為理論基礎,以知覺有用性、知覺易用性、使用限制、行為意圖、滿意度為變數,研究對象為臺北市河堤國小四年某班家長,共回收有效問卷30份。本研究利用 SPSS 22.0 統計軟體進行資料處理與結果分析,研究結果顯示,家長對於LINE親師平臺之知覺易用性、知覺有用性、行為意圖與滿意度,具有正面的評價。多數使用者認為 LINE 官方帳號之使用限制不至於影響行為意圖,但確實有部分家長受使用限制影響因而降低行為意圖,於一開始時進行操作說明教學會有助於熟悉平臺的使用方式。
With the advancement of mobile networks, the tools for parent-teacher communication have become more diverse. Among these, LINE, an instant messaging software, is commonly chosen as a platform for parent-teacher interaction in many elementary schools. Initially, "LINE groups" was widely used due to its user-friendly and useful features, leading to high parental behavioral intention and satisfaction. However, due to concerns about privacy exposure, there has been a trend in recent years towards using " LINE Official Accounts" instead.
This study aims to develop a parent-teacher communication platform for elementary schools using the LINE Official Accounts. It integrates with a LINE Bot to enhance its usefulness and user-friendliness. The platform's features are designed based on significant factors related to parental behavioral intention and satisfaction. Finally, the study investigates the satisfaction of parents in using the platform and evaluates whether the system’s functionalities meet user needs.
The parental satisfaction questionnaire is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), with perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, usage limitations, behavioral intention, and satisfaction as variables. The research subjects were parents of a fourth-grade class in He-Ti Elementary School in Taipei City. A total of 30 valid questionnaires were collected. Data processing and result analysis were performed using SPSS 22.0 statistical software.
The results of the study show that parents have a positive evaluation of the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, behavioral intention, and satisfaction with the LINE parent-teacher platform. Most users believe that the usage restrictions of LINE Official Accounts do not significantly affect their behavioral intention. However, there are some parents who are indeed influenced by the usage restrictions, leading to a decrease in their behavioral intention. Providing operational instructions and tutorials can help users become familiar with the platform usage.

摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與問題 3
1.3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 親師溝通 5
2.2 家長運用LINE 於親師溝通之相關研究 7
2.3 LINE 官方帳號 15
2.3.1 LINE 官方帳號之演變 15
2.3.2 LINE 官方帳號功能介紹 16
2.3.3 運用 LINE 官方帳號於親師溝通之相關研究 18
2.4 LINE Bot 23
2.4.1 LINE Bot架構機制 23
2.4.2 LINE Bot運用於學校場域之研究 24
2.5 科技接受模式 25
第三章 研究方法 28
3.1 研究架構 28
3.2 開發平臺工具 29
3.2.1 LINE Developers 29
3.2.2 LINE Official Account Manager 30
3.2.3 Google App Script 30
3.2.4 Google Sheets 31
3.3 研究對象 32
3.4 研究問卷設計 32
3.5 資料蒐集方法及處理程序 37
第四章 LINE 親師平臺系統設計 38
4.1 整體系統功能架構 38
4.2 LINE 官方帳號系統建置 39
4.2.1 LINE官方帳號圖文選單功能設計 40
4.2.2 LINE官方帳號聊天溝通功能設計 41
4.3 LINE Bot系統建置 41
4.3.1 LINE Bot架構流程 41
4.3.2 LINE Bot圖文選單功能設計 42
4.4 LINE親師平臺系統建置成果 44
4.4.1 好友加入與歡迎訊息 44
4.4.2 請假申請 44
4.4.3 班級課表 46
4.4.4 行事曆 47
4.4.5 公告看板 48
4.4.6 電話溝通 48
4.4.7 班級相簿 49
4.4.8 查作業 50
4.4.9 查成績 51
4.4.10 聊天溝通手動回應訊息與LINE Bot自動回應訊息 53
第五章 研究結果與討論 56
5.1 親師平臺後臺使用分析 56
5.1.1 訊息數量統計分析 56
5.1.2 圖文選單使用統計分析 58
5.1.3 聊天使用統計分析 59
5.1.4 查作業/成績機器人使用統計分析 60
5.1.5 LINE VOOM貼文相簿使用統計分析 61
5.2 親師平臺滿意度問卷分析 62
5.2.1 信度分析 62
5.2.2 樣本基本資料分析 63
5.2.3 問卷統計分析 66
第六章 結論與建議 72
6.1 研究結論 72
6.2 研究限制與建議 73
參考文獻 75
附錄 家長使用LINE官方帳號與LINE機器人進行親師交流之調查 79
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遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司(2018年6月29日)。LINE是好友還是敵人? | 彭杏珠 | 遠見雜誌。遠見雜誌 - 前進的動力。上網日期:2023年3月12日,檢自:https://www.gvm.com.tw/article/44822
朱亞豪(2021)。 LINE機器人運用於親師交流之研究。國立臺南大學數位學習科技學系碩士在職專班碩士論文。
何秋燕(2019)。國小學童家長透過 LINE 與教師進行親師溝通之行為意圖研究-以嘉義地區為例。南華大學科技學院資訊管理學系碩士論文。
李靜宜(2019)。國小導師班級經營和親師溝通—智慧型手機即時通訊軟體 LINE 親師群組的運用。南華大學社會科學院國際事務與企業學系公共政策研究碩士班碩士論文。
沈新茹(2021)。國小級任教師使用 LINE 官方帳號於親師溝通的行為意圖與實際使用之研究。國立臺中教育大學教育學系課程與教學碩士在職專班碩士論文。
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顏如玉(2021)。LINE 群組運用於幼兒園親師溝通之現況、效益、困境與改進策略。 國立東華大學幼兒教育學系碩士論文。
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1. A Study of LINE Use For Communication Between Elementary School Lower- Grade Teachers and Parents
2. A Study of Willingness of Parent-Teacher Communication With LINE: An Example of Teachers in Chiayi County
3. A Study of the Elementary School Homeroom Teachers’ Applications and Perceptions of Line Instant Messaging to Parent-Teacher Communication
4. A study of the kindergarten parents using instant messaging software, Line, for parent-teacher communication
5. Study on Attitude and Intention of Using Social Media Platforms Between Elementry Teachers and Parents
6. Exploring Preschool Teachers’ and Parents’ Experience of Instant Messaging in Parent-Teacher Communication
7. A Case Study on Line Use for Effective Interaction between the Teacher and Parents: An Example of A Public Elementary School in Chiayi County.
8. A Study of Parents Using Facebook for Parent-teacher Communication
9. A Study on the Current Situation and Communication Satisfaction of Elementary School Homeroom Teachers Using Parent-Teacher Communication Medias in Hsinchu City
10. The Effects of Instant Message Software and Parenting Modes on Teacher-Parent Communication
11. A Study on Willingness of Parent-Teacher Communication with LINE: An Example of Parents in Chiayi Area
12. A Study on Kindergarten Parents of Tainan Using Technology Acceptance Model to Conduct Parent-Teacher Communication
13. Class Management and Parent-Teacher Communication in a Primary School--A Study of the Application of the LINE App
14. A Study on Usage Intention of Line in Parents-Teacher Communication Based on Task-Technology Fit Mode in New Taipei City Elementary Schools
15. The Use of LINE for CMC Between Junior High School Teachers and Parents
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