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研究生(外文):CHEN, PEI-CHI
論文名稱(外文):Breast Ultrasound Assisted Examination System with Explainable AI
指導教授(外文):LIN, SZU-YIN
外文關鍵詞:breast cancerultrasoundartificial intelligenceconvolutional neural networkVGG16-bnResNet-50DenseNet-121interpretable artificial intelligenceGrad-CAMSHAPtelemedicine
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我們使用U-Net進行影像切割有好的效果,Dice coefficient達到94%,如此才能進一步有好的分類,三種演算法分類的效果差不多,準確度也都很好,至少能達到98%,從可視化結果來看,Gad-Cam比較適合用於解釋乳房超音波影像,heat map顯示CNN演算法關注的區域,紅色是最強的部份,SHAP的效果不好,可視化呈現不清楚,反而難以判讀。
In 2021, the World Health Organization announced that breast cancer (BC) remained the most common form of cancer in women. The accuracy of artificial intelligence (AI)-based breast examination is already very high. However, clinics still rely on doctors’ expertise and experience, and AI involvement is very limited. Accordingly, we must open the black box of AI to increase confidence and trust in its use in the medical field.
In this research, U-Net is used for segmentation, and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) VGG16-bn, ResNet-50, and DenseNet-121 are employed for classification. Quantitative analysis can help in measuring the size and area of suspicious regions instantly. The great advantage over other similar examination systems is the inclusion of “explainable AI (XAI),” where gradient-weighted class activation mapping (Grad-CAM) and SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) are incorporated to visualize AI decision-making. The proposed auxiliary examination system is suitable for telemedicine.
The utilization of U-Net for image segmentation provided good results, with a Dice coefficient of 94%. The classification efficiency of the three algorithms was similar, and the accuracy was at least 98%. Visualization results revealed that Grad-CAM was more suitable for the interpretation of breast ultrasound. The efficiency of SHAP was not good, and the visual presentation was unclear, making the interpretation difficult.
The results of this research show that AI can be an excellent tool for the early detection and diagnosis of BC, and the authors sincerely hope that the pace of AI-assisted medical care can be accelerated.
Keywords: breast cancer, ultrasound, artificial intelligence, convolutional neural network, VGG16-bn, ResNet-50, DenseNet-121, interpretable artificial intelligence, Grad-CAM, SHAP, telemedicine
摘 要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgments III
Contents IV
Table of Contents VII
Diagram of Contents VIII
List of Abbreviations X
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Motivation for the Research 1
1-1-1 About Cancer 1
1-1-2 Breast Cancer 4
1-1-3 Screening Methods for BC 5
1-2 Background of the Research 7
1-2-1 Artificial Intelligence 7
1-2-2 Medical AI 8
1-2-3 Explainable Artificial Intelligence 10
1-3 Purpose of the Research 11
Chapter 2 Related Work 12
2-1 Cancer and BC 12
2-1-1 Cancer 12
2-1-2 BC 13
2-2 Deep Learning 13
2-3 Segmentation 14
2-3-1 Thresholding Method 14
2-3-2 U-Net 16
2-3-3 U-Net for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis 19
2-4 Classification 20
2-5 XAI 22
2-5-1 SHAP 25
2-5-2 Grad-CAM 25
Chapter 3 Design and Method 28
3-1 System Design Architecture 28
3-2 System Processes 29
3-3 System Equipment for the Experiment 29
3-4 Dataset 30
3-5 Pre-processing of Data 33
3-5-1 Data Augmentation 33
3-5-2 Data Allocation 37
3-6 Segmentation and Classification 38
3-6-1 Segmentation 38
3-6-2 Classification 40
3-7 Interpretable AI 43
3-8 Quantitative Analysis 44
Chapter 4 Results 45
4-1 Segmentation 45
4-2 Classification 47
4-2-1 Binary Classification 47
4-2-2 Multiclassification 49
4-2-3 Performance of the Model for Testing Data 50
4-2-4 Comparison of Models 52
4-3 Explainable AI 54
4-3-1 Grad-CAM 54
4-3-2 SHAP 56
4-4 Quantitative Analysis 59
4-5 Comparison with Previous Relevant Studies 60
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Discussion 61
5-1 Segmentation 61
5-2 Classification 62
5-3 XAI 63
5-4 Quantitative Analysis 63
5-5 Purpose of the Research 64
Chapter 6 Research Constraints and Future Prospects 65
References 68

Table of Contents
Table 1 The incidences of the top six types of cancer in 2020. (WHO) 1
Table 2 The top five types of cancers that cause death in 2020. (WHO) 2
Table 3 Top 10 causes of death in 2020. (HPA) 2
Table 4 Top 10 cancers in Taiwan in 2020. (HPA) 3
Table 5 Comparison of BU and mammography. 6
Table 6 The widely used cancer course is the TNM staging system. 13
Table 7 Results obtained by expanded training and general training. [22] 18
Table 8 Results of 8 CNN classification models. [24] 21
Table 9 Results of 12 CNN classification models. [25] 22
Table 10 Computer specifications for the experiment. 30
Table 11 Division of the dataset into three categories. [31] 30
Table 12 Depth ranges of the LOGIQ E9 ultrasonic system. 31
Table 13 Four methods of data augmentation as given. 34
Table 14 Parameters of the U-Net model. 39
Table 15 Hyperparameters of VGG16_bn, ResNet-50, and DenseNet-121. 42
Table 16 Confusion Matrix 47
Table 17 Definitions of the four primary indexes of the confusion matrix. 48
Table 18 Definitions of the four second-level indexes. 48
Table 19 Definitions of the third-level indexes. 49
Table 20 Definition of the macro and weighted averages. 49
Table 21 Comparison of accuracy. 52
Table 22 Comparison of precision, recall, and F1-score. 52
Table 23 Results of the model performance. 53
Table 24 Axis major, axis minor and area of the suspicious regions. 59

Diagram of Contents
Figure 1 The cross-sectional surface of the breast. 4
Figure 2 The relationship between AI, ML, and DL. 7
Figure 3 The trend and focus of medical care in the future. 8
Figure 4 A brief overview of the research conducted by Ge-Ge Wu et al. [3] 9
Figure 5 Experimental architecture proposed by Jaeil Kim et al. 11
Figure 6 FELs proposed by Ismail Yaqub Maolood et al. [18] 15
Figure 7 FEL provides good results for BUI. [18] 16
Figure 8 U-Net Architecture [21]. 17
Figure 9 U-Net-based framework proposed by Guo et al. [22] 17
Figure 10 Comparison of expansion training and general training. [22] 18
Figure 11 Classification of XAI methods [27]. 23
Figure 12. DL models combined with XAI proposed by Fajin Dong et al.. [28] 24
Figure 13. AUC values for the model with coarse and fine ROIs. [28] 24
Figure 14 An overview of Grad-CAM. [29] 26
Figure 15 Examples of Grad-CAM visualization. 27
Figure 16 Breast Ultrasound Detection System with Explainable AI. 28
Figure 17 De-identified original BUIs. 32
Figure 18 Removal of the boundaries of the original BUIs. 32
Figure 19 Using MATLAB to determine the “ground truth” for segmentation. 32
Figure 20 Classification and number of images: benign (200); on the left is the 35
Figure 21 Classification and number of images: benign (232); on the left is the 35
Figure 22 5° rotation range and a 10% shift range of benign (1). 36
Figure 23 A typical overfitting. 37
Figure 24 Original architecture of U-Net. 39
Figure 25 Examples of the segmentation result. 45
Figure 26 Dice of the testing dataset. 46
Figure 27 Confusion matrix of VGG16_bn. 50
Figure 28 Confusion matrix of ResNet-50. 51
Figure 29 Confusion matrix of DenseNet-121. 51
Figure 30 Heat maps visualized by Grad-CAM. 55
Figure 31 The visualization of SHAP (malignant 14). 57
Figure 32 The visualization of SHAP (benign 64). 58
Figure 33 Segmentation by U-Net compared to the ground truth. 62
Figure 34. Breast Ultrasound Detection System with Explainable AI for telemedicine. 65
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