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研究生(外文):Chen, Yu-Ting
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Advertising and Hotels’ Performance: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
指導教授(外文):Lai, Kuan-Ling
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Hsiu-Jung
外文關鍵詞:advertisinghotel performanceCOVID-19tourist hotel
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在這競爭激烈的商業環境中,廣告在市場上是常見的行銷方式,它能創造出品牌價值與知名度,從競爭對手中脫穎而出。因此,企業已開始逐漸重視廣告所帶來的效益,同樣地廣告在餐旅產業中也扮演著非常重要的角色,廣告被用來向顧客傳遞訊息,達到顧客的需求來創造營業收入;然而 2020 年 COVID-19 全球大流行,嚴重影響餐旅企業,企業面對如此艱困的環境又該如何面對因應呢?廣告是否能減緩疫情對企業的影響呢?因此,本研究主要探討廣告對旅館業績效之影響,並進一步分析 COVID-19 期間廣告與旅館業績效關係之變化。本研究樣本以臺灣 31 間觀光旅館為研究範圍,樣本期間為 2010 年 1 月至 2022 年 12 月,共 13 年之月資料。研究結果顯示廣告對旅館營收與房價皆為顯著正向影響,但對住房率沒有顯著影響;COVID-19 對廣告與旅館營收的關係以及廣告與房價的關係具有正向顯著影響,但對廣告與住房率的關係未具有顯著影響。本研究結果可作為旅館業者未來經營管理之參考,建議業者應綜合考慮廣告支出和價格策略,制定出適合的營運策略,避免過度降低房價以追求高住房率,達到營收最佳化的目標,同時也能提供研究者及投資者作為學術研究及投資依據。

In this highly competitive business environment, advertising is a common marketing method in the market, which can create brand value, awareness and stand out from competitors. Therefore, enterprises have begun to pay attention to it. It has played an important role in the hotel industry. It is used to deliver messages to customers and create customer needs to achieve revenue. However, the global pandemic of COVID-19 in 2020 has seriously affected the situation of tourism and hospitality enterprises. In this case, how should enterprises deal with such a difficult environment? Can advertising slow down the impact of the epidemic on enterprises? Therefore, this study mainly explores the impact of advertising on hotels’ performance and further focuses on the changes in the relationship between advertising and hotels’ performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study sample size takes 31 tourist hotels in Taiwan as the research scope. The sample period is from January 2010 to December 2022, with 13 years of monthly data. The research results show that advertising has a significant positive impact on hotel revenue and housing prices but has no significant impact on occupancy rates; COVID-19 has a positive and significant impact on the relationship between advertising and hotel revenue and the relationship between advertising and housing prices but has no significant impact on the relationship between advertising and occupancy rates does not have a significant effect. The results of this study can provide the hotel industry as a reference for the future. The hotel industry should comprehensively consider the advertising expenditure and price strategy, formulate a suitable operating strategy, avoid excessively lowering the room price in pursuit of a high occupancy rate, and achieve the goal of revenue optimization. This study also can provide researchers and investors with academic research and investment basis.
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5
第三節 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 旅館產業概況 7
第二節 廣告 16
第三節 旅館業廣告與績效之研究 19
第四節 外部衝擊對旅館業績效影響 22
第三章 研究方法 26
第一節 研究架構與假設 26
第二節 研究對象 27
第三節 變數說明與資料來源 29
第四節 實證模型 32
第四章 實證結果 33
第一節 敘述統計 33
第二節 共線性分析 35
第三節 Panel 單根檢定 36
第四節 迴歸分析 38
第五章 結論與研究建議 46
第一節 結論 46
第二節 研究建議 49
參考文獻 52
壹、中文部分 52
貳、英文部分 54

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