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論文名稱(外文):Using DEA to Measure the Operating Efficiency of the PPE Industry during the COVID-19 Pandemic
指導教授(外文):YU, MIN-CHUN
中文關鍵詞:個人防護設備產業資料包絡分析法麥氏生產力指數Tobin’s Q
外文關鍵詞:Personal Protective EquipmentData Envelopment AnalysisMalmquist Productivity IndexTobin’s Q
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2019年底新冠病毒爆發使得全球經濟與產業遭受前所未有的衝擊,唯獨個人防護設備(Personal Protective Equipment, PPE)產業逆勢中成長,PPE是以保護個人生命安全為目的的穿戴產品,而以不織布為核心原料之防疫備品-口罩、隔離衣及防護衣,始終無法滿足暴增之需求,以往臺灣在上述防疫用品約八至九成皆仰賴中國進口,幸虧在政府的號召,這群不織布或成衣業者卸下手邊工作成為口罩及隔離衣、防護衣國家隊之成員,肩起解決臺灣PPE需求不足之責任,同時這些業者正面臨夕陽產業轉型之苦。

本研究透過台灣經濟新報資料庫(TEJ)彙整公開資料,再運用資料包絡分析法(DEA)之超效率差額基礎模型(Super efficiency of Slack-Based Measure, Super SBM)模型、Malmquist生產力指數以及Tobin’s Q衡量11家擔任口罩國家隊及防護衣和隔離衣國家隊的成員,又或自發性生產之PPE業者其營運效率,以營業費用及資產為投入項,營業收入淨額、營業毛利以及稅後淨利為產出項,分析2017至2021年新冠疫情期間各業者經營效率及生產力之變化。

研究結果顯示,2017年至2021年五年間有六間企業為相對有效率,其中五間更是具有超效率,為其他無效率企業之學習標竿,但因疫情延伸的問題包含海外工廠停工、訂單劇減等等以及其他國際情勢,仍對於企業有所衝擊。Malmquist生產力指數分析顯示,由於各企業仍處於轉型中,因此五年之間整體PPE產業生產力與技術效率呈衰退,技術方面卻持續進步往前。此外,Tobin’s Q衡量結果顯示,每個年度的平均Tobin’s Q值均大於1,表示整體產業績效與產業價值皆表現良好,而影響各企業Q值高低,部分原因可能由股價所導致。

At the end of 2019, the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus caused an unprecedented impact on the global economy and industries. However, the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) industry experienced a counter-trend growth. PPE refers to wearable products designed to protect personal safety, with non-woven fabric as the core material for epidemic prevention supplies such as masks, isolation gowns, and protective clothing. The demand for these items surged, and previously, Taiwan relied on China for about 80-90% of the epidemic prevention supplies that mentioned before. Fortunately, in response to the government's call, non-woven fabric and garment manufacturers shifted their focus to become members of the national team for producing masks, isolation gowns, and protective clothing, shouldering the responsibility of addressing Taiwan's insufficient PPE supply. At the same time, these manufacturers are facing the challenges of transitioning from sunset industries.

This study utilized the Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) database to gather publicly available data. It employed the Super SBM model of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Malmquist productivity index, and Tobin's Q to measure the operational efficiency, productivity trend, and financial performance of 11 members of the national teams producing masks, protective clothing, and isolation gowns. The inputs in this study included operating expenses and assets, while outputs consisted of net operating revenue, gross operating profit, and after-tax net profit. The analysis focused on the changes in operational efficiency and productivity of these entities during the period from 2017 to 2021, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

The results of this research indicate that over the five-year period from 2017 to 2021, there were six companies that exhibited relative efficiency, with five of them even achieving super efficiency. These companies serve as benchmarks for other inefficient enterprises to learn from. However, they still faced challenges due to the extension of the pandemic, including overseas factory closures, drastic reduction in orders, and other international situations.

In terms of the Malmquist productivity index analysis, the overall productivity and technical efficiency of the PPE industry declined over the five-year period due to ongoing transformation efforts by various companies. However, there was continuous progress in terms of technological advancements. According to the results measured by Tobin's Q, the average Tobin's Q for each year was greater than 1, indicating favorable overall industry performance and industry value. The variations in Tobin’s Q among different companies may be partially attributed to stock prices.

第一章 緒論..........................1
第一節 研究背景..........................1
第二節 研究動機..........................5
第三節 研究目的..........................7
第四節 研究流程..........................8
第二章 文獻探討..........................9
第一節 績效衡量之相關文獻..........................9
第二節 DEA衡量企業績效之相關文獻..........................13
第三節 Tobin’s Q衡量企業績效之相關文獻..........................20
第三章 研究方法..........................22
第一節 研究架構..........................22
第二節 DEA模型..........................23
一、CCR 模型..........................24
二、BCC 模型..........................27
三、SBM 模型..........................29
四、Super SBM 模型..........................32
第三節 Malmquist生產力指數..........................34
第四節 Tobin’s Q 市場價值..........................35
第四章 研究結果與分析..........................36
第一節 樣本資料與投入項和產出項之選取..........................36
第二節 效率分析..........................42
一、Super SBM效率值..........................42
第三節 Tobin’s Q分析..........................56
第五章 結論與建議..........................64
第一節 研究結論..........................64
第二節 管理意涵..........................67
第三節 未來研究之建議..........................69
參考文獻 70

表1-1 DEA文獻之統整..........................17
表1-1 DEA文獻之統整(續)..........................18
表4-1 本研究所選取之樣本..........................37
表4-2 過去紡織相關產業文獻所使用之投入及產出項..........................38
表4-2 過去紡織相關產業文獻所使用之投入及產出項(續)..........................39
表4-3 投入及產出項之定義..........................40
表4-4 投入及產出項之相關分析..........................41
表4-5 SUPER SBM效率值..........................43
表4-6 DMU A之差額變數分析..........................44
表4-7 DMU B之差額變數分析..........................45
表4-8 DMU C之差額變數分析..........................45
表4-9 DMU D之年差額變數分析..........................46
表4-10 DMU E之差額變數分析..........................47
表4-11 DMU F之差額變數分析..........................47
表4-12 DMU G之差額變數分析..........................48
表4-13 DMU H之差額變數分析..........................49
表4-14 DMU I之差額變數分析..........................50
表4-15 DMU J之差額變數分析..........................51
表4-16 DMU K之差額變數分析..........................52
表4-17 2017~2021年技術效率變動分析..........................53
表4-18 2017~2021年技術變革分析..........................54
表4-19 2017~2021年Malmquist生產力指數分析..........................55
表4-20 2017~2021年Tobin’s Q分析..........................56

圖1-1 研究流程..........................8
圖3-1 研究架構圖..........................22
圖3-2 CCR效率前緣..........................24
圖4-1 2017~2021年臺灣PPE產業之Tobin’s Q年度平均值..........................57
圖4-2恆大之Tobin’s Q值趨勢變化..........................58
圖4-3年興之Tobin’s Q值趨勢變化..........................58
圖4-4宏遠之Tobin’s Q值趨勢變化..........................59
圖4-5南緯之Tobin’s Q值趨勢變化..........................59
圖4-6台南之Tobin’s Q值趨勢變化..........................60
圖4-7儒鴻之Tobin’s Q值趨勢變化..........................60
圖4-8聚陽之Tobin’s Q值趨勢變化..........................61
圖4-9如興之Tobin’s Q值趨勢變化..........................61
圖4-10興采之Tobin’s Q值趨勢變化..........................62
圖4-11南六之Tobin’s Q值趨勢變化..........................62
圖4-12康那香之Tobin’s Q值趨勢變化..........................63

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