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研究生(外文):Nguyen,Thai Nam
論文名稱:多來源網頁資料對股市投資影響之分析: 以台灣股市為例。
論文名稱(外文):Analysis Of The Impact On Stock Market Investment Using Multi-source Web Data: Taking Taiwan Stock Market As An Example.
口試委員(外文):Li, Yong-CiSu,Ja-HwungLee,HangChen,Chun-Hao
外文關鍵詞:Multi-source web datasentiment analysisgenetic algorithmsprediction modelnatural language processing
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In recent years, with the rapid development of wireless networks and mobile devices, it has become easier for investors to get various information from multi-source web data. Although there are many sources of web data, investors are often influenced by a single source of data, as a results, inconsistent information and misjudging trends are occurred. In addition, since the characteristics of web data are complex and most of them are unstructured data, how to process and obtain objective information from multi-source web data is a challenging task. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a genetic-based multi-source attribute optimization algorithm, which aims to find effective classification attributes from multi-source web data to construct a prediction model to analyze the relationship and influence between multi-source web data and the stock market. The proposed approach first targets three web data sources, including: financial news, social media and economic indicators, and performs data preprocessing to obtain possible classification attributes. Then, the binary encoding schema is utilized to encode those attributes. As to the fitness function, two factors that are accuracy of model and diversity of attribute sources are used to calculate fitness value of a chromosome. After evolution, the best set of classification attributes is output and used to build a prediction model. Using the built prediction model, we expect to provide a relatively objective trend judgment result for users' reference.
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
符號說明 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機------------------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的與論文貢獻------------------------------------------------- 2
第三節 閱讀指引---------------------------------------------------------------- 3
第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
第一節 單來源網頁資料於股市分析---------------------------------------- 4
第二節 多來源網頁資料於股市分析---------------------------------------- 6
第三節 背景知識---------------------------------------------------------------- 8
第三章 研究方法------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
第一節 問題定義---------------------------------------------------------------- 15
第二節 研究架構圖------------------------------------------------------------- 15
第三節 所提方法-MsWDSMAO---------------------------------------------- 16
第四節 MsWDSMAO虛擬碼與流程範例---------------------------------- 23
第四章 分析與結果---------------------------------------------------------32
第一節 實驗數據集---------------------------------------------------------32
第二節 實驗環境與參數設定--------------------------------------------------32
第三節 實驗設計與評估-----------------------------------------------------33
第五章 討論與改進---------------------------------------------------------------- 37
參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38


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