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論文名稱(外文):Establishment of a machine-to-machine molding test quality prediction system based on key process information and machine learning
外文關鍵詞:Injection moldingquality indexquality predictiontransferable quality fittingartificial intelligence.
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In polymer processing, injection molding has the advantages of high production volume, high repeatability, and low cost. However, traditional production requires various pre-molding processes to find the optimal parameter combination. Also, the lack of quality control for each molded product during the process becomes a significant issue. These two pain points, without digitalization and structured adjustment strategies, result in significant time and labor costs and become urgent challenges in industrial production.
To overcome the above-mentioned challenges and address the cost consumed by conducting pre-experiments due to environmental and operational changes after delivering molds to customers, this study proposes a quality prediction technique that combines a multi-layer perceptron model with process parameters and quality indicators. This method not only predicts the quality of finished products but also saves a significant amount of time and labor costs required for measurements, thereby enhancing overall production efficiency and effectiveness. Furthermore, this study discusses the differences in production quality between molds produced under different but similar machines through two main approaches: experimentation and simulation. It also investigates quality transfer prediction to ensure that molds maintain expected performance and produce results that meet quality requirements under different machines.
This study consists of three main parts. First, experimental adjustments are made to machine parameters, including melt temperature, holding pressure, and cooling time, centered around the optimal parameter configuration obtained from previous experiments. Random sampling is performed within a specific positive and negative range to restore and amplify the impact of environmental variations during the actual injection process. Pressure sensing technology and quality indicator techniques are then utilized to extract in-mold pressure and perform feature extraction and data dimensionality reduction. Second, a multi-layer perceptron model is established to predict data by mutually establishing relationships between actual machine production parameters, quality indicators, and finished product quality. This achieves data fitting and learning effects. Third, a simulation environment is created to simulate the injection molding process. Pressure curves at sensing points are extracted, and quality indicator techniques and transferable quality fitting techniques are employed to achieve fitting between simulated quality indicators and experimental quality indicators. This enables direct prediction of weight and geometric quality.
Experimental validation shows that this method can accurately predict the weight quality of original machine production. Moreover, through the extraction of simulation data, the effectiveness of predicting different machine product quality is achieved. The root means square error (RMSE) values of the multi-layer perceptron model predictions are all less than 0.1, indicating their reliability in prediction accuracy. Additionally, the average errors between the fitted quality indicator predictions for weight and geometric quality and the simulated quality are both less than 1%, demonstrating the feasibility of the research framework proposed in this study.

摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
符號目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 傳統試模技術 2
1-3 科學化成型方法 3
1-4 人工智慧在射出成型的應用 5
1-5 研究動機與目的 6
1-6 論文架構 7
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2-1 傳統射出成型 10
2-2 工業4.0 12
2-3 感測技術與大數據處理技術 14
2-4 智慧製造與彈性製造系統 16
2-5 人工智慧與AI射出成型 19
第三章 研究方法 22
3-1 建立移機品質預測架構 22
3-1-1 單機製程關鍵資訊獲取 23
3-1-2 單機品質預測 23
3-1-3 機械觀點品質預測 24
3-1-4 跨機品質預測 24
3-2 建立數據庫與資料處理流程 25
3-3 品質指標化 25
3-4 相關性分析 28
3-5 多層感知器模型 29
3-6 田口實驗設計法 30
3-7 多層感知器超參數優化方法 31
3-7-1 田口方法L12(21×35)直交表 32
3-7-2 訊噪比分析 33
3-8 平均絕對百分比誤差 34
3-9 國際標準公差 34
第四章 實驗設計與實驗設備 36
4-1 實驗設備 39
4-1-1 射出成型機與模溫機 39
4-1-2 模具設計與實驗材料 40
4-1-3 感測器與感測設備 43
4-1-4 量測設備 44
4-1-5 軟體設備 45
4-2 選定實驗製程參數 46
第五章 結果與討論 48
5-1 製程參數對壓力曲線與品質指標之數值關係分析 48
5-1-1 A機台數值轉換關係之說明 48
5-1-2 B機台數值轉換關係之說明 50
5-2 單機製程參數對成品品質之相關性分析 52
5-2-1 A機台製程參數對成品品質之相關性分析 52
5-2-2 B機台製程參數對成品品質之相關性分析 53
5-3 單機品質指標對成品品質之相關性分析 54
5-3-1 A機台品質指標對成品品質之相關性分析 54
5-3-2 B機台品質指標對成品品質之相關性分析 57
5-4 MLP模型之預測效果 59
5-4-1 品質指標與成品品質關係之MLPIQ模型預測效果 59
5-4-2 製程參數與品質指標關係之MLPPI模型預測效果 63
5-4-3 預測品質指標(Î)與成品品質關係之MLPÎQ模型預測效果 65
5-4-4 製程參數與成品品質關係之MLPPQ模型預測效果 66
5-4-5 跨機品質指標間的關係之MLPIBIA模型預測效果 67
5-5 單機與機對機品質預測方法之分析與討論 70
5-5-1 A機台品質QA 對B機台品質QB 71
5-5-2 Model A1品質QA vs 實際品質QA 72
5-5-3 Model A2品質QA vs 實際品質QA 73
5-5-4 單機品質預測方法之結果與討論 74
5-5-5 Model A1B品質 QB 對A機台品質QA與B機台品質QB 75
第六章 結論與未來展望 80
6-1 結論 80
6-2 未來展望 82
參考文獻 84
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