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論文名稱(外文):Experimental Investigation into the Effect of Particle Shape on Size Segregation Behavior of binary mixtures in a rotating drum
外文關鍵詞:Shape-inducedNon -spherical particlesDynamic angle of reposeRotating Drum
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Granular materials widely exist in nature and are also used in many industries, such as pharmaceutical industry, food industry, powder metallurgy industry and even medical industry. The mixing and segregation behavior of particles is also a common and important physical phenomenon in the industry. This paper will use a quasi-2D rotating drum as an experimental device to investigate the effects of different rotation speeds and different shapes of non-spherical particles on the segregation phenomenon and dynamic characteristics of the rotating drum. The volume of the non-spherical particles used in the experiment is equal to that of a 5mm sphere by 3D printing. The first experiments used 4 types of cylindrical particles of the same volume, different widths and heights, and the second group of experiments used cube, ellipsoid, cylindrical particles and 5 mm POM mixed with 6 mm spherical POM particles . During the experiment, a high-speed camera was used to take pictures of the particle movement. Finally, the average velocity, particle temperature, final intensity of segregation and dynamic angle of repose of the white spherical particles were measured through particle tracking and image processing analysis. The experimental results show that changing the particle shape will affect its segregation. The shape effect inhibits the osmosis effect and reduces the segregation. It is observed that the particle mixture that deviates from the spherical shape has a lower segregation. The larger angle of repose will also increase the average velocity and average particle temperature, and the increase in the rotating drum speed will also increase the average particle velocity, average particle temperature, and dynamic repose angle. The results of this study demonstrate that changing the shape of non-spherical particles has an important impact on the segregation phenomenon due to size effects.
Keyword: Shape-induced、Non -spherical particles、Dynamic angle of repose、Rotating Drum.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
符號說明 ix
一、緒論 1
1.1顆粒材料 1
1.2顆粒流 1
1.3旋轉鼓介紹 2
1.4 旋轉鼓中顆粒的流態行為 3
1.5顆粒材料之動態特性和分離現象 4
1.6安息角(Angle of repose) 8
1.7非球形顆粒形狀效應對分離機制與動態特性之影響 9
1.8研究動機 12
1.9論文架構 12
二、實驗設備與方法 13
2.1 實驗設備 13
2.2實驗方法 15
2.3實驗誤差 17
三、實驗參數與原理 18
3.1實驗參數原理 18
3.2影像分析原理 19
3.3二值化處理 20
3.4粒子追蹤技術 20
3.5顆粒動態特性 21
3.6實驗參數 23
四、結果與討論 24
4.1不同非球形顆粒形狀效應與轉速對分離強度之影響 24
4.2不同非球形顆粒形狀效應與轉速對安息角之影響 26
4.3不同非球形顆粒形狀效應與轉速顆粒動態特性之影響 27
五、結論 29
六、參考文獻 30
附表 35
附圖 37
個人簡歷 83

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