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研究生(外文):Wu, Pei-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Effects of dietary taurine supplementation on growth, body composition and bile acid metabolism of giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) fed a high plant protein diet with cholesterol
指導教授(外文):Lin, Yu-Hung
中文關鍵詞:龍膽石斑(Epinephelus lanceolatus)膽固醇牛磺酸大豆濃縮蛋白成長表現膽汁酸代謝
外文關鍵詞:giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus)cholesteroltaurinesoy protein concentrategrowthbile acids metabolism
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本研究的目的為探討高植物性蛋白飼料中含膽固醇時添加牛磺酸對龍膽石斑(Epinephelus lanceolatus)成長、體組成及膽汁酸代謝之影響。實驗飼料以大豆濃縮蛋白取代50%魚粉蛋白為控制組(SPC組),SPC及SPC加0.5%膽固醇兩組飼料分別添加0.1%牛磺酸(T1, C+T1),0.2%牛磺酸(T2, C+T2)及0.3%牛磺酸(T3, C+T3),另以全魚粉組(FM)作為對照組,共計8組飼料,每組三重複,分別餵食初重13.35±0.28 g稚魚,實驗為期8週。實驗結果顯示,末重、增重率、肥滿度及肝體比FM組顯著(p<0.05)高於其餘各組;攝食量FM組顯著高於SPC組、T1組、C+T1組、C+T2組及C+T3組,T2及T3組與其餘各組間均無顯著差異。全魚體及背肌的牛磺酸含量會隨著飼料中牛磺酸含量的提高而上升,添加膽固醇的組別中肝臟牛磺酸含量顯著下降。肝臟中的膽汁酸會隨著牛磺酸的添加量上升而提高。隨著飼料中牛磺酸含量的提高,法尼氏受體(FXR)的基因表現呈上升趨勢,膽固醇7α-單加氧酶(CYP7A1)則呈現下降。綜上所述,在高植物性飼料中添加牛磺酸會提升肝臟中膽汁酸的含量,進而抑制膽汁酸的合成。
The study investigated the effects of different dietary taurine level in high plant protein-diet with or/without cholesterol on growth, body composition and bile acids metabolism in juvenile giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus). The basal diet containing soy protein concentrate (SPC) that instituted to 50% fish meal protein. The basal diet without or with 0.5% cholesterol were supplemented with 0.1% (T1, C+T1), 0.2% (T2, C+T2) and 0.3% taurine (T3, C+T3). Together with all fish meal reference diet (FM), total of 8 experimental diets were each fed to triplicates of juvenile grouper (initial weight: 13.35±0.28 g) for 8 weeks. FM showed significantly higher (p<0.05) final body weight, weight gain, condition factor, and hepatosomatic index than other dietary treatments. Fish fed the reference diet showed significantly higher feed intake than SPC, T1, C+T1, C+T2 and C+T3. FM was significantly higher than the SPC, T1, C+T1, C+T2 and C+T3, T2 and T3 was no significant difference between the other dietary treatments. The whole body and dorsal muscle taurine content increased with the increment of dietary taurine levels. The hepatic taurine concentrations decreased significantly (p<0.05) in fish fed diets with cholesterol. Hepatic bile acids concentrations increased with the increment of dietary taurine levels. Gene expression of farnesoid X receptor (FXR) show an increased trend, but cholesterol 7-alpha-monooxygenase (CYP7A1) showed a decreased trend while the dietary taurine levels increased. These results demonstrate that dietary taurine supplementation increased hepatic bile acid concentrations but suppressed synthesized gene expression, for grouper, regardless of dietary cholesterol supplementation.
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
謝誌 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
表目錄 Ⅶ
圖目錄 Ⅷ

1.1石斑魚的養殖背景 1
1.2水產飼料的魚粉替代 2
1.3牛磺酸在魚類的生理功能 3
1.3.1牛磺酸的抗氧化能力 4
1.3.2牛磺酸在細胞膜穩定的作用 4
1.3.3綠肝綜合症 5
1.4牛磺酸的生物合成 5
1.5膽固醇在魚類的生理功能 8
1.6膽固醇的生物合成路徑 9
1.7膽汁酸的合成及功能性 9
1.8腸肝循環 11
1.9膽汁酸代謝相關基因 11

2.前言 16
3.材料與方法 18
3.1實驗物種及養殖系統 18
3.2實驗飼料 18
3.3成長指標及身體指標 20
3.3.1增重率(weight gain, WG) 20
3.3.2攝食量(feed intake, FI) 20
3.3.3肝體比(hepatosomatic index, HSI) 20
3.3.4飼料效率(feed efficiency, FE) 23
3.3.5肥滿度(condition factor, CF) 23
3.3.6存活率(survival) 23
3.3.7蛋白質效率(protein efficiency ratio, PER) 23
3.4一般成份分析 23
3.4.1水份(moisture)與灰份(ash)含量分析 24
3.4.2粗蛋白(crude protein)含量分析 24
3.4.3粗脂肪(ether extract)含量分析 25
3.4.4粗纖維(crude fiber)含量分析 25
3.4.5無氮抽出物(nitrogen-free extract, NFE) 26
3.5血液生化分析 26
3.6全魚體和肝臟總脂肪分析 27
3.7胺基酸及牛磺酸含量分析 27
3.8肝臟膽固醇及總膽汁酸含量分析 28
3.8.1移動相 28
3.8.2儀器條件 28
3.8.3樣本萃取 28
3.9血漿總膽固醇及總膽汁酸含量分析 29
3.10肝臟及腸道之膽汁酸代謝相關基因表現分析 29
3.10.1樣本採集 29
3.10.2樣本總RNA萃取 29
3.10.3互補去氧核醣核酸之反轉錄合成(cDNA反轉錄) 30
3.10.4聚合酶連鎖反應(polymerase chain reaction, PCR) 30
3.10.5即時螢光定量聚合酶連鎖反應(quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, q-PCR) 33
3.11統計分析 34
4.結果 36
4.1成長表現 36
4.2全魚體組成 36
4.3全魚體、背肌及肝臟中牛磺酸濃度與蓄積率 36
4.4血液生化分析 45
4.5肝臟總脂肪、膽固醇及膽汁酸濃度 45
4.6血漿膽固醇及膽汁酸濃度 45
4.7肝臟及腸道之膽汁酸代謝相關基因之基因表現量分析 52
5.討論 57
6.結論 61
7.參考文獻 62
8.作者簡介 77

林峰右,2017。石斑魚繁養殖技術與管理 水產試驗所特刊 23,37-48頁。


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1. 高植物性蛋白飼料添加肉鹼對龍膽石斑成長、體組成、肝臟氧化狀態、血液生化指標及脂質代謝之影響
2. 高植物性蛋白飼料中添加甲硫胺酸及牛磺酸對龍膽石斑成長、體組成與牛磺酸狀態之影響
3. 檸檬加工廢棄物再利用於開發水產機能性飼料添加物
4. 高植物蛋白質飼料中添加不同型態硒對龍膽石斑成長、硒濃度、抗氧化活性及肝臟與腸道組織學變化之影響
5. 飼料中發酵羽毛粉取代魚粉對點帶石斑成長、營養素消化率及腸道健康之影響
6. 探討飼料之中鏈脂肪酸對點帶石斑成長、營養素消化率及脂質代謝之影響
7. 飼料中麵包蟲粉取代魚粉對石斑魚成長表現、體組成、健康狀態及肌肉感官品評之影響
8. 筍殼魚飼料中以豆粕取代部分魚粉及添加牛磺酸對成長的評估
9. 藁本內酯經由減少成骨轉錄因子之表現以抑制血管平滑肌細胞轉型為類成骨細胞
10. 分析CS60作為蝦類潛在益生菌對於白蝦的腸道菌相之影響
11. 重組石斑魚虹彩病毒主要外鞘蛋白片段過表現的最佳信號肽篩選
12. 飼料中添加車前子對白蝦抵抗重金屬毒性之影響
13. 高植物性蛋白飼料添加硒對石斑魚成長、體組成及脂肪代謝相關基因表現之影響
14. 添加牛磺酸於飼料中對珍珠龍膽 成長和免疫影響之研究
15. 花枝副產物中幾丁聚醣萃取條件評估及其交聯產物對 HaCaT 人類角質細胞遷移之影響