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研究生(外文):Chen, Rou-Cian
論文名稱(外文):The impact of subjective rating and the level of exposure of competition attire on athletes' body image
指導教授(外文):Wu, Hsiu-Tin
口試委員(外文):Liao, Chu-MinChen,Mei-Hua
外文關鍵詞:aesthetic sportsappearance evaluationappearance orientationbody parts satisfaction  
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本研究目的探討評分主觀程度與競賽服裝暴露程度對運動員身體意象的影響,研究共招募175位研究參與者,平均年齡21±3.67歲,專項訓練年資達三年以上。身體意象的測量採用「多向度身體和自我關係量表」。以獨立樣本t檢定分別檢驗性別在三種身體意象上的差異,發現在外表評價及身體各部位滿意度上男性得分高於女性;外表取向上則是女性得分高於男性;因此,男女樣本分開以22 (評分主客觀項目競賽服裝暴露高低)獨立樣本二因子多變量變異數分析檢驗運動員主觀評分程度與服裝暴露程度在三個身體意象的得分(就是外表評價、外表取向、身體各部位滿意度)是否有差異,結果顯示只有評分客觀運動項目的男性運動員,發現競賽服裝暴露低的項目在外表取向上會高於暴露高的運動項目。換句話說從事競賽服裝暴露低且評分客觀的項目,如籃球、滾球等運動員會比從事暴露高的項目,如田徑、排球、游泳會更在意和監控自己的外表,以及在乎別人對自己外貌的看法等。而在外表評價與身體各部位滿意有關的身體意象則沒有差異。有別於過去研究以審美與非審美運動特性項目區分,本研究嘗試改以從評分主觀程度與競賽服裝暴露程度的項目特性來區分,且發現性別、評分主觀程度和競賽服裝暴露程度都是影響身體意象的因子,提供未來不同觀點探討對於身體意象的影響。

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the degree of subjectivity in scoring and the level of exposure of competition clothing would affect athletes' body image. A total of 175 athletes (age = 21±3.67 years) with at least three years of sport training participated in this study. Their body images were measured by the "Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire", consisting of Appearance Evaluation, Appearance Orientation, and Body Parts Satisfaction dimensions. Two 2x2 (objective/subjective scoring x clothing exposure) independent two-way multivariate analysis of variance was conducted on the three dimensions of body image. Male and female samples were analyzed separately due to the preliminary findings of gender differences in all three dimensions of body image scores in which males scored higher than females in both Appearance Evaluation and Body Parts Satisfaction while females scored higher than males in Appearance Orientation. The results showed that male athletes in the objective scoring category had higher scores in Appearance Orientation (but no differences in Appearance Evaluation and Body parts Satisfaction) for low clothing exposure sports compared to high exposure sports. In other words, male athletes participating in sports with low clothing exposure and objective scoring, such as basketball and pétanque, tented to be more concerned about and pay more attention to their appearance and care more about others' opinions of their appearance compared to those who participating in sports with high clothing exposure, such as athletics, volleyball, and swimming. For female athletes, however, no main effects nor interactions were found. This study, unlike previous studies focusing only on the aesthetic characteristics of sports, attempted to take both subjectivity in scoring and the level of exposure of competition clothing into consideration. It appears that gender, subjectivity in scoring, and the level of exposure of competition clothing are all potential factors influencing athletes' body image. The results of this study suggest different perspectives for future studies on the factors of body image.

中文摘要 VII
英文摘要 VIII
第壹章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景1
第二節 身體意象相關研究2
第三節 研究目的與假設7
第貳章 研究方法8
第一節 研究參與者8
第二節 研究工具8
第三節 評分主客觀項目的分類檢核9
第四節 研究流程9
第五節 資料分析10
第參章 結果10
第一節 資料檢視與性別在身體意象的差異分析10
第二節 評分主觀程度與競賽服裝暴露程度在不同性別的分析13
第肆章 討論17
參考文獻 22
附錄一 人體試驗委員會同意書25
附錄二 評分主觀程度和競賽服裝暴露程度分類表26
附錄三 多向度身體和自我關係量表30

表 1 研究參與者背景資料分析10
表 2 各變項描述性統計摘要 11
表 3 身高、體重與身體意象各變項相關分析11
表 4 身體意象在主客觀運動與競賽服裝暴露程度的平均數和標準差12
表 5 不同性別身體意象的平均數和標準差12
表 6 獨立樣本t檢定摘要表請參閱12
表 7 不同性別在主客觀運動與暴露程度身體意象的平均數和標準差14
表 8男性多變量檢定表14
表 9男性受試者間效應檢定15
表 10單純主要效果受試者間效應檢定16
表 11女性多變量檢定表17

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