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研究生(外文):Chen, Wei-Chieh
論文名稱(外文):Two-Color Pressure-Sensitive Paint Development and Applicants on Jet Impingement Experiments
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chih-Yung
外文關鍵詞:Pressure-sensitive paintTemperature-sensitive paintJet impingement
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壓力螢光感測塗料(Pressure-sensitive paint)能夠進行非侵入方式進行量測,近年來被大量應用在模型表面壓力量測,然而,此塗料除了具有壓力感測的功能外,也會同時受到溫度變化的影響,因此,對壓力結果進行溫度修正是必要的。本研究以PtTFPP做為壓力敏感螢光分子,CsPbBr3量子點、有機化合物NBD相關衍生物及Thioflavin T (Th T)環境感測分子做為溫度敏感螢光分子,以混和壓感及溫感兩種螢光分子的方式,開發出適合應用於同步量測並提供溫度修正參數之雙色壓力螢光感測塗料。選用NBD-ZY37為溫度感測螢光分子時,在螢光衰減方面有良好的穩定性,且在溫度影響感測上溫度敏感度約-1.4 % / ℃。在壓力比0.5以上時,不受壓力變化影響,適用於雙色壓力感測塗料中。本研究將討論最合適之雙色壓力感測塗料,並將塗料應用於噴流研究中。噴流研究以15、20及30度做為衝擊角度,在壓力比為2.38、3.40及4.42條件下進行實驗。較大的衝擊角會使得壓力波提前發生,於壓力比2.38時,衝擊角由15度增加至30度,壓力波發生位置由s/D = 0.8提前至s/D = 0,且壓力波在壓力峰值區域越接近圓形;而較大的壓力比時,壓力波會向後延伸,於衝擊角為30度時,由2.4延伸至4.2,而最大壓力值由192 kPa 上升至260 kPa。
Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) is a common pressure sensing technique. With its non-intruding feature, PSP has been applied to the surface pressure measurements on tested models. However, PSP has a temperature dependency that needs to be corrected. This study describes the development of a two-color PSP with an additional luminescence probe for providing the temperature-correction signal (T probe). The T probe factor can correct the temperature dependency embedded in the pressure profile. This paint uses PtTFPP as the pressure sensor and quantum dots, NBD derivates, and Th T have been used as T probes for developing appropriate two-color PSP. One of the NBD derivates, NBD-ZY37, performs with good stability in photodegradation and has -1.4 % / °C of temperature sensitivity. Moreover, it has close to none pressure effect while the pressure ratio is above 0.5 and it is suitable for two-color PSP selection. This paint has also been used in the jet impingement experiments. From the experimental results, the pressure wave occurs earlier while the impinge angle increases. When the pressure ratio is 2.38, the impinge angle from 15 degrees turns to 30 degrees, and the position of the pressure wave moves from s/D = 0.8 to 0. Meantime, the shape of the maximum pressure zone will change from a crescent shape to a round shape. On the other hand, when the pressure ratio increases, the pressure ratio extends. At 30 degrees impinge angle, the pressure ratio increases from 2.38 to 4.42, pressure ratio extends from 2.4 to 4.2. Meanwhile, maximum pressure raise from 192 kPa to 260 kPa.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiv
第1章、 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.1.1 壓力螢光感測塗料 (Pressure-sensitive paint, PSP) 2
1.1.2 溫度螢光感測塗料 (Temperature-sensitive paint, TSP) 9
1.1.3 雙色壓力螢光感測塗料 (Two-color Pressure-sensitive paint, 2-color PSP) 16
1.1.4 螢光感測塗料在噴流實驗的應用 (PSP/TSP in jet impingement testing) 23
1.3 研究目的 27
第2章、 實驗原理 28
2.1 壓力/溫度螢光感測塗料之理論 28
2.1.1 光致發光(Photoluminescence) 28
2.1.2 氧氣淬滅(Oxygen Quenching) 29
2.1.3 熱淬滅(Thermal Quenching ) 30
2.2 壓力/溫度螢光感測塗料之量測原理 30
2.2.1 PSP量測原理 30
2.2.2 TSP量測原理 32
2.2.3 溫度影響修正原理 33
第3章、 實驗架設及方法 35
3.1 壓力/溫度螢光感測塗料選擇 35
3.1.1 螢光分子 35
3.1.2 黏著劑 37
3.1.3 溶劑 39
3.2 雙色壓力螢光感測塗料配製 40
3.3 實驗架設 42
第4章、 雙色壓力塗料測試結果與討論 48
4.1 塗料特徵量測與配方選用 48
4.1.1 CsPbBr3量子點 51
4.1.2 有機化合物NBD及其衍生物 52
4.1.3 Th T (Thioflavin T) 72
第5章、 噴流結果與討論 76
5.1 噴流實驗 76
5.1.1 單色PSP與TSP塗料驗證 76
5.1.2 雙色塗料驗證 80
5.1.3 雙色塗料噴流實驗 85
第6章、 結論與未來工作 92
6.1 結論 92
6.2 未來工作 94
參考文獻 95
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