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研究生(外文):Hsieh, Po-Jen
論文名稱(外文):The Legal Intermediary Responsibilities of Reward-based Crowdfunding Platforms
指導教授(外文):Lin, Ching-Fu
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Chang-HsienLiu, Han-Wei
外文關鍵詞:reward model crowdfundinge-commerce platform regulationsplatform responsibilityintermediary responsibilityself-regulationconsumer protection
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因而得以創立或成長。2021 年全球群眾募資的金額達 10 億 9 千萬美元,2022 年預
估成長 4.7%,約 11 億 4 千萬美元。由於募資公司多是新創公司,在營運、開發上
本文將以平台數量最多之回饋式(Reward model)群眾募資平台作為研究對象,
上之管制方式提出建議: 回饋式群眾募資平台應在其介入交易程度高時賦予其有限
In recent years, crowdfunding platforms have been making its way to the international
stage. People from all over the world had the opportunity to help and fund startups, in
exchange receiving the latest developed products, creating a win-win situation. The
intention of these platforms was to help those who has great ideas but lack the fund to bring
them to life. Through a non-traditional way, startups can receive funds from the crowd. In
2021, the amount that crowdfunding raised in the world reached one billion and ninety
million US dollars, it is estimated to grow 4.7% in 2022. Since most company who seek
crowdfunding are startups, they lack stability on company operation and product
development, resulting in after spending all the funds they received through crowdfunding,
they were not able to fulfill the promises they made to backers. Backer’s interests are at
stake without reasonable channels to seek remedy.
This research will focus on the most common reward model crowdfunding platforms,
looking to provide a meaningful way of remedy for backers. First, to look into what are the
current regulation methods of remedy a backer can use while his/her interests are at stake.
Second, to compare regulations with e-commerce platforms, due to the similarity, and
discuss whether it is suitable for reward model crowdfunding platforms to adopt similar
measures. Third, further discuss whether self-regulation is adequate in this context. Finally,
this research provides suggestions that reward model crowdfunding platforms should be
bestowed with a limited guarantor intermediary responsibility.
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景及動機 1
第二節、研究目的與問題 4
第三節、研究範圍與限制 9
第四節、研究方法 10
第一項、文獻分析法 10
第二項、案例分析法 10
第三項、比較分析法 10
第五節、研究流程與架構 12
第二章、現行群眾募資平台簡介與現況 14
第一節、群眾募資平台概要與簡介 14
第二節、群眾募資類型 20
第一項、捐贈模式 (Donation Model) 20
第二項、回饋模式 (Reward Model) 21
第三項、借貸模式 (Lending Model) 22
第四項、股權模式 (Equity Model) 23
第三節、國內外主要回饋式群眾募資平台 25
第一項、國外主要回饋式群眾募資平台 25
第二項、國內主要回饋式群眾募資平台 30
第四節、回饋式群眾募資特性 32
第五節、小結 36
第三章、回饋式群眾募資爭議及現行救濟方式 39
第一節、 回饋式群眾募資爭議 41
第一項、回饋式群眾募資爭議實例 41
第二項、回饋式群眾募資爭議類型 45
第二節、 現行回饋式群眾募資平台權利受損救濟管道 49
第一項、申訴與調解 49
第二項、民事訴訟 50
第三項、刑事訴訟 53
第三節、小節 56
第四章、回饋式群眾募資平台之中介責任 58
第一節、回饋式群眾募資平台與電子商務平台比較 60
第一項、電子商務平台特性 60
第二項、 回饋式群眾募資平台特性 62
第三項、 回饋式群眾募資平台與電子商務平台差異及適用規範 63
第二節、電子商務平台之中介責任 66
第一項、 我國電子商務平台規範 66
第二項、 美國電子商務平台規範 69
第三項、 歐盟電子商務平台規範 73
第四項、 電子商務平台責任 81
第三節、平台私部門自我管制 84
第一項、私部門自我管制誘因 85
第二項、平台私部門自我管制方式 87
第三項、私部門自我管制限制 89
第四節、回饋式群眾募資平台之中介責任 92
第一項、 回饋式群眾募資平台私部門自我管制 94
第二項、 回饋式群眾募資平台公部門管制 99
第三項、回饋式群眾募資平台中介責任應實施之管制 101
第四項、回饋式群眾募資平台中介責任實例 103
第五節、小結 112
第五章、結論、研究發現與建議 117
參考文獻 130
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【Haxson Airfan|智慧風扇清淨機】集結20項重點功能設計,只為一次性解決您所有的床上生活需求!嘖嘖網站,https://www.zeczec.com/projects/haxson-airfan(最後瀏覽日:08/29/2022)。
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Kickstarter Terms of Use section 15, KICKSTARTER, https://www.kickstarter.com/terms-of-use#section15 (last visited Aug 10, 2022).
Yasmin Ismail, E-commerce in the World Trade Organization: History and Latest Developments in the Negotiations Under the Joint Statement International Institute for Sustainable Development, https://www.iisd.org/publications/report/e-commerce-world-trade-organization-history-and-latest-developments (last visited Mar 20, 2022).

4. Cases
Nguyen v. Barnes & Noble Inc., 763 F.3d 1171, 1180 (9th Cir. 2014).
Tiffany (NJ) Inc. v. eBay Inc., 600 F.3d 93, 103 (2d Cir. 2010).
Asociación Profesional Elite Taxi v Uber Systems Spain, ECLIC:EU:C:2017:981 (Case C-434/15).
Case 390/18 Criminal proceedings against X [2019] ECLI:EU:C:2019:1112 (Airbnb Ireland).
Kibidangoユーザー規約網站,https://kibidango.com/page/UserKiyaku (最後瀏覽日:08/15/2022)。
Beeline velo 2|更に進化!目的地まで楽しくワクワク走れる自転車ナビKibidango網站, https://kibidango.com/1864 (最後瀏覽日:08/16/2022)。
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