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論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Concept of Marine Resources Conservation and Sustainability for Secondary School
外文關鍵詞:Marine resource conservationSustainable Development GoalsSDGs (SDGs)Secondary school studentsPropositional concept map
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本研究旨在探討國中階段學生對海洋資源保育及永續概念認知情況為何。研究對象為110學年度基隆市某國中學生。本研究採立意取樣方式,於教學現場進行資料蒐集,三個年級以隨機抽取,有效樣數共298份。研究方法及工具參酌Yen ,Liang ,Liang and Cheng (2020),建置國中生「海洋資源保育與永續概念」命題式概念圖,學生依自己所知之海洋辭彙造句,每一命題造句至少需含2個海洋相關基本概念詞彙。學生之敘述命題造句依Stoddart等(2000)開放性命題三個項度來加以評分及分析。命題造句依正確度、解釋度、命題結構度的評分,評分者信度分別為0.86、0.85、0.82。並將命題式概念圖造句對應海洋素養七大原則及聯合國永續發展目標 (SDGs)進行對應,評分者信度分別為0.81、0.83。

This study aimed to investigate the knowledge of marine resource conservation and sustainability among junior high school students. The target population of this study was the students of a junior high school in Keelung City in the 110th school year. The study was based on a purposive sampling method, and the data were collected at the teaching site, with a total of 298 samples randomly selected from three grades. Concerning Yen, Liang, Liang, and Cheng (2020), a propositional concept map of the concept of marine resources conservation and sustainability was constructed for secondary school students. Students were asked to construct sentences based on their knowledge of marine vocabulary, and each propositional sentence was required to contain at least two basic conceptual terms related to the oceans. Students' narrative propositional sentences were scored and analyzed according to Stoddart et al.'s (2000) open-ended propositional scales. The propositional sentences were scored according to the correctness, interpretation, and propositional structure, with raters' reliabilities of 0.86, 0.85, and 0.82, respectively, and the propositional conceptual maps were scored according to the Seven Principles of Ocean Literacy and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with raters' reliabilities of 0.81 and 0.83, respectively.
Descriptive statistics and related data analysis were conducted to determine the frequency of the most frequently occurring vocabulary used by the students. The results of the study are as follows:
1. The main sources of "marine knowledge" for junior high school students were: "teaching by school teachers" (80.2%), "school promotion" (63.42%), "school publicity" (63.42%), "news media broadcasting" (55.37%), "watching marine films" (48.99%), "visiting marine museums" (47.99%), "others" (2.68%), "other" (2.83%), and "other" (2.68%). Others" accounted for 2.68%, and "Others" accounted for the least.
2. 59% of the students considered the current level of marine pollution to be "serious", while 41% considered marine pollution to be "very serious.
3. 76% of the students were enthusiastic about the ocean, while 3% were not enthusiastic about the ocean.
4. The vocabulary related to basic ocean-related concepts was used 210 times for "plastic", the most; 194 times for "clean beach", the second most; and 193 times for "ocean pollution", the third most.
5. Propositional Concept Map Sentence Making: (1) Propositional Concept Map.
(1) There was no significant difference between male and female students in the three dimensions of "correctness", while there was a significant difference in "explanation", "complexity" and total score, which showed that female students were better than male students in terms of sentence explanation and sentence structure complexity. In terms of grade level and propositional conceptual sentence triad, students in grades 8 and 9 of junior high school were higher than students in grades 7 of junior high school, but there was no significant difference between grades 8 and 9 of junior high school. There was no significant difference between students' feelings about ocean pollution and their love for the ocean and the three dimensions of the propositional conceptual sentences, indicating that students' feelings and emotions about the ocean did not affect the presentation of the conceptual sentences in the conceptual map.
(2) The correspondence with the Seven Principles of U.S. Ocean Literacy is as follows.
Principle 6 "Oceans and people have strong interactions and connections" had
the highest percentage of 75.57%;
Principle 5: "The oceans support a great deal of biological and ecological
diversity" was the second highest at 26.01%;
Principle 7: "Much of the ocean remains to be explored" was the least with 0.37%.
(3) Responses to "United Nations Sustainable Development Goals": The highest response was for the SDGs.
The highest response was SDG-14 "Underwater life" with 68%; the second highest response was SDG-6 "Clean water and sanitation" with 12%; the lowest responses were "SDG-1 Eradication of Poverty", "SDG-2 Eradication of Hunger", "SDG-3 Good health and well-being", "SDG-4 Quality education", "SDG-5 Gender equality".......and the second highest was "Eradication of poverty" with 0.37%; SDG-7 "A large part of the oceans remains to be explored" was the lowest response. ..." and "SDG-5 Gender Equality" all accounted for 0%.
The study shows that students have concepts of marine resource conservation and sustainability. The results of this study can be used as a reference for secondary school teachers and marine education researchers to enhance the concepts of ocean literacy and marine sustainability.

摘要 I
目次 V
圖次 VI
表次 VII
第一章 緒論...1
第一節 研究背景與動機...1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題...4
第三節 名詞釋義 ...4
第四節 研究範圍與限制...5
第二章 文獻回顧 ...7
第一節 永續發展概念...7
第二節 海洋環境教育意涵與相關研究...17
第三節 海洋資源保育概念...23
第三章 研究方法...28
第一節 研究架構...28
第二節 研究流程...30
第三節 研究方法與步驟...32
第四節 研究工具...32
第四章 研究結果與討論...36
第一節 基本資料分析...36
第二節 命題式概念圖造句三向度分析...38
第三節 命題式概念圖造句三向度間差異分析...39
第四節 命題式概念圖造句對應海洋素養七大原則...43
第五節 命題式概念圖造句對應SDGs-17項目標...44
第五章 結論與建議...46
第一節 研究結論...46
第二節 研究建議...47

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