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研究生(外文):Cing - Wun Hu
論文名稱(外文):A study on the influence of user behavior and experience on online exhibitions
指導教授(外文):Chi-Sen Hung
外文關鍵詞:exhibition designexhibition interactiononline exhibitionuser experience
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本研究通過參考科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model)其中提及的知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺愉悅性構面結合文獻探討中的「個人背景差異」及「虛擬環境影響」發展問卷設計。而通過研究發現,以「統一性」而言,3D環景展的資訊統一性最差,網頁展覽次之;網頁展覽中,因其展示方式的互動性較少,因此本研究建議可「增加趣味性或互動性」,例如:首頁圖紋上設計通過點擊互動來提供展覽資訊的方式;在「主題特色呈現」上,本身較具模組化特色的3D建模展覽,其模組化的優勢也是劣勢所在,在易用性上要特別小心;並且展覽中也需注意「主題特色呈現」、「資訊內容配置」、「使用者的直覺性」等問題。
本研究為探討,不同的線上展策展模式,如:是否會影響使用者的「知覺易用性」、「知覺有用性」及「知覺愉悅性」,通過問卷來輔助調查使用者體驗完後的感官態度,並以IBM SPSS進行平均數分析,得出結論為「性別-對於個別網站的同意度均無顯著影響」、「教育程度-對於個別網站的同意度均無顯著影響」與「參展頻率-對於個別網站的同意度均無顯著影響」。
In recent years, due to the impact of the epidemic, the transformation of lifestyles has led to a trend towards online exhibitions. This study observes that there is a lack of literature on the relationship between user behavior and experience. Currently, the literature on exhibitions is mostly about the user experience of physical exhibitions, but depending on the medium of experience, there should be different characteristics and limitations between online exhibitions and physical exhibitions due to the different mediums.
This study summarizes three types of exhibitions, namely, "3D Scenic Exhibition," "3D Modeling Exhibition," and "Web Exhibition," through literature review. Based on these three types of exhibitions, the museums with online exhibitions proposed by the Ministry of Culture of the R.O.C. are selected as "[Virtual Reality] The Beauty of the Sea-Marine Culture and the Scenery of Taiwan," "[Thematic Production] Shibao You Xie-Xi Zhu Xi Xie Matters Collection Online Exhibition," and "[Thematic Production] Where is Summer Chill" as a result of the literature research. Where is Summer Chill" was used as a research case, and a flowchart on the page was created to support the "expert-inspired evaluation". Three experts gave usability questions and suggestions for the three exhibitions, and designed a classic task flow for user experience, and the "observation method" was used to observe the behavior of the participants in the actual operation of the online exhibitions, along with the "think aloud" method, to record the feedback of the participants in the process of operation, and to understand how users felt and what they did during the operation. The method of "observation" was used to observe the participants' actual operation of the online exhibition.
In this study, the questionnaire design was based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which refers to the perceptual usefulness, perceptual ease of use, and perceptual pleasantness, and the "personal background differences" and "virtual environment influence" in the literature. The study found that in terms of "uniformity", the information uniformity of the 3D exhibition was the worst, followed by the webpage exhibition; in the webpage exhibition, since the display method was less interactive, the study suggested that the part of interaction between users and the exhibition could be increased to increase the fun or interactivity, which could be considered by designing a way of providing information about the exhibition through the clicking of the homepage pattern; in terms of the "presentation of theme features", it was more modularized than the other exhibitions. In terms of "presentation of theme features", 3D modeling exhibitions that are more modular in nature have the advantage of being able to create a relatively realistic exhibition quickly and without the need for special offline settings. However, the advantage of modularity is also a disadvantage, and special care should be taken in terms of ease of use, and attention should be paid to issues such as the "presentation of theme features", the "configuration of information content", and the "intuitive nature of the user" in the exhibitions.
In this study, in order to investigate whether different curatorial modes of online exhibitions, such as "perceived ease of use", "perceived usefulness" and "perceived pleasure", would affect the users' perceptual attitudes, a questionnaire was used to investigate the users' perceptual attitudes after experiencing the exhibitions, and a mean analysis was conducted by IBM SPSS, which resulted in the following conclusions: "Sex - no significant effect on agreement with individual websites", "Education level - no significant effect on agreement with individual websites", and "Educational level - no significant effect on agreement with individual websites". The conclusion was "gender - no significant effect on the agreement level of individual websites", "education level - no significant effect on the agreement level of individual websites" and "participation frequency - no significant effect on the agreement level of individual websites".
After analyzing the effects of 3D landscape exhibitions, webpage exhibitions and 3D modeling exhibitions on perceptual ease of use, perceptual usefulness and perceptual enjoyment through variance analysis, it was found that the three exhibitions had significant effects on perceptual ease of use, and in order to understand the rankings of the three types of online exhibitions in terms of the difficulty of operation, it was found that among the three types of online exhibitions, the webpage exhibitions were the most difficult to operate. The 3D modeling exhibition, "[Theme Production] Where is Summer CHILL", was the lowest rated and relatively the least satisfied by the users; after combining the contents of the users' experience of the operation and their feelings, it can be found that the amount of questions raised in the Summer CHILL is relatively less, but the consistency is higher and the uniformity is stronger. This study suggests that when constructing an exhibition environment for 3D modeling exhibitions, more attention should be paid to the ease of operation and the smoothness of movement in the exhibition hall to ensure that the movement methods designed in the exhibition meet the intuitive operation of the users.
中文摘要…. i
目次……… v
表目次…… viii
圖目次…… ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究範圍及限制 5
第四節 研究流程 6
第五節 名詞釋義 8
1-5-1線上展覽 8
1-5-2科技接受模式 8
1-5-3使用者行為 10
1-5-4使用者體驗 10
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 展覽產業 11
2-1-1展覽設計 16
2-1-2線上展平台的類別及線上展表現模式 19
2-1-3策展人 23
2-1-4相關研究 25
第二節 影響使用者體驗的因素 31
2-2-1使用者體驗(User Experience,UX) 31
2-2-2使用者參觀動機 36
2-2-3相關研究 39
第三節 使用者體驗後的結果 42
2-3-1參觀經驗 42
2-3-2使用者行為 44
2-3-3展覽研究評量方式 46
第四節 小結 48
第五節 研究個案介紹 50
2-5-1研究個案之線上展類型整理 51
2-5-2研究個案:國立歷史博物館 53
2-5-3三種類型之線上展覽 55
第三章 研究架構與方法 60
第一節 研究架構 60
第二節 研究方法 62
3-2-1專家啟發式評估法 62
3-2-2經典任務內容設計 64
3-2-3觀察法 99
3-2-4問卷法 100
第四章 研究分析 102
第一節 分析統整專家啟發式評估之建議 102
4-1-1 3D環景展覽以【實境虛擬】海之美-海洋文化與臺灣風貌為例 103
4-1-2網頁展覽以【專題製作】史博有囍─喜字喜事館藏線上展為例 108
4-1-3 3D建模展以【專題製作】夏日CHILL哪裡為例 112
4-1-4綜合各類型展覽之設計原則與建議 115
第二節 統整使用者體驗之操作及感受 116
第三節 使用者體驗後的問卷內容分析 141
4-3-1性別-是否對於個別網站會顯著影響同意度 141
4-3-2教育程度-是否對於個別網站會顯著影響同意度 144
4-3-3參展頻率-是否對於個別網站會顯著影響同意度 147
4-3-4不同展覽類型與個別網站的知覺易用性、知覺有用性、知覺愉悅性的影響 150
第五章 結論與建議 152
參考文獻… 155

表1: 2017年至2021年藝文活動個數與出席人次 2
表2: 2016至2020年台灣會展產業規模統計 11
表3: 2017年至2019年臺灣舉辦國際會議總數及亞洲排名統計 13
表4: 藝文展演活動類別及內容範圍 14
表5: ARTOGO展示方式需求及特徵 20
表6: 國立臺灣博物館線上展分類 22
表7: 以問卷設計探討展覽產業研究 26
表8: 博物館線上展覽 51
表9: 線上展覽類型與其特徵 52
表10: 國立歷史博物館沿革 54
表11: 啟發式評估之專家名單 63
表12: 問卷設計之觀眾基本資料表 100
表13: 問卷衡量問項 101
表14: 【實境虛擬】海之美-海洋文化與臺灣風貌之專家建議 103
表15: 【專題製作】史博有囍─喜字喜事館藏線上展之專家建議……………… 108
表16: 【專題製作】夏日CHILL哪裡之專家建議 112
表17: 統整使用者體驗之行為與感受-史博有囍任務 116
表18: 統整使用者體驗之行為與感受-海之美任務 125
表19: 統整使用者體驗之行為與感受-夏日CHILL哪裡任務 135
表20: 「網頁展覽」史博有囍的性別獨立樣本T檢定 142
表21: 「3D環景展覽」海之美的性別獨立樣本T檢定 142
表22: 「3D建模展」夏日CHILL哪裡的性別獨立樣本T檢定 143
表23: 「網頁展覽」史博有囍的教育程度單因子變異數分析 144
表24: 「3D環景展覽」海之美的教育程度單因子變異數分析 145
表25: 「3D建模展」夏日CHILL哪裡的教育程度單因子變異數分析 146
表26: 「網頁展覽」史博有囍的參展頻率單因子變異數分析 147
表27: 「3D環景展覽」海之美的參展頻率單因子變異數分析 148
表28: 「3D建模展」夏日CHILL哪裡的參展頻率單因子變異數分析 149
表29: 不同類型線上展覽之知覺易用性、有用性、愉悅性變異數分析 150
表30: 不同類型線上展覽知覺易用性的Duncan事後檢定 151

圖1: 研究流程圖 7
圖2: 科技接受模式 8
圖3: 使用者體驗、沉浸式體驗與參觀經驗間的關係圖 49
圖4: 【實境虛擬】海之美-海洋文化與臺灣風貌頁面流程 56
圖5: 【專題製作】「史博有囍─喜字喜事館藏線上展」頁面流程……………… 58
圖6: 【專題製作】「史博有囍─喜字喜事館藏線上展」頁面流程……………… 59
圖7: 研究架構圖 61
圖8: 史博有囍任務-1 65
圖9: 史博有囍任務一2 66
圖10: 史博有囍任務-3 66
圖11: 史博有囍任務-4 67
圖12: 史博有囍任務-5 67
圖13: 史博有囍任務-6 68
圖14: 史博有囍任務-7 69
圖15: 史博有囍任務-8 70
圖16: 史博有囍任務-9 71
圖17: 史博有囍任務-10 72
圖18: 史博有囍任務-11 73
圖19: 史博有囍任務-12 74
圖20: 海之美任務-1 75
圖21: 海之美任務-2 76
圖22: 海之美任務-3 77
圖23: 海之美任務-4 78
圖24: 海之美任務-5 79
圖25: 海之美任務-6 80
圖26: 海之美任務-7 81
圖27: 海之美任務-8 82
圖28: 海之美任務-9 83
圖29: 海之美任務-10 84
圖30: 海之美任務-11 84
圖31: 海之美任務-12 85
圖32: 海之美任務-13 86
圖33: 海之美任務-14 87
圖34: 海之美任務-15 88
圖35: 海之美任務-16 89
圖36: 夏日CHILL哪裡任務-1 90
圖37: 夏日CHILL哪裡任務-2 91
圖38: 夏日CHILL哪裡任務-3 92
圖39: 夏日CHILL哪裡任務-4 93
圖40: 夏日CHILL哪裡任務-5 94
圖41: 夏日CHILL哪裡任務-6 94
圖42: 夏日CHILL哪裡任務-7 95
圖43: 夏日CHILL哪裡任務-8 96
圖44: 夏日CHILL哪裡任務-9 96
圖45: 夏日CHILL哪裡任務-10 97
圖46: 夏日CHILL哪裡任務-11 98
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