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研究生(外文):Yen-Chun Huang
論文名稱(外文):Consumers' Perceptions of Natural Colored Foods and Functional Foods
指導教授(外文):Shu-Mei WangMin-Hsiung Pan
口試委員(外文):Yuan-Tay ShyuLi-Pei Peng
外文關鍵詞:natural color foodfunctional foodnutrientsfruits and vegetablescognition
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The global health and nutrition food market will reach US$869.7 billion in 2022 and is expected to exceed US$1 trillion in 2026. Consumers around the world are increasingly demanding functional foods that are beneficial to their health, and manufacturers and channel marketers are actively investing in research and development, resulting in the increasing number of functional foods and their diversification, novelty, and uniqueness, especially natural colored foods that have a colorful and bright appearance, and contain a variety of functional demands. In particular, natural colorful foods with bright and colorful appearance and various functional demands have become popular functional food designs in the market.
In this study, it was found that the most common color of functional foods purchased by consumers was "yellow/orange", and the most popular color of fruits and vegetables was "green"; the most common place for consumers to purchase functional foods was "supermarkets"; and most people consume functional foods when they feel tired and need to replenish their diets. After cross-tabulation analysis, it was found that consumers had the highest level of awareness of functional foods, nutrients, and fruits and vegetables, namely, "eye protection", "lutein", and "carrots", and the corresponding colors of fruits and vegetables were "orange/yellow"; therefore, "eye protection" requires eating "orange/yellow" fruits and vegetables. The highest level of awareness of nutrients and fruits and vegetables was found in "Chlorophyll" and "Green Leafy Vegetables", which correspond to the color of fruits and vegetables as "green", which means that supplementation of "Chlorophyll" mainly comes from fruits and vegetables that are "green" in color.
The results of this study show that consumers are most aware of the functional properties and nutrients of "orange/yellow" and "green" fruits and vegetables, and that the marketing of products with the colors "orange/yellow" and "green" has been successfully accepted and recognized by consumers over the years, while there is still much room for development in the promotion of and education on the awareness of other natural colorful foods. The results of this study on consumer awareness of functionality, nutrients, fruits and vegetables, and the corresponding colors of fruits and vegetables can be promoted and applied to the development of functional foods with natural colors, and can be used as an important reference for food manufacturers to identify the target consumer groups, as well as to identify new product development, product packaging, establishing new demands, launching a series of products, and in marketing planning and sales.
口試委員審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究貢獻 4
第四節 研究流程 5
第貳章 文獻探討 6
第一節 機能性食品與消費意願 7
第二節 產品知識與消費意願 12
第三節 食物顏色與營養素 15
第四節 小結 20
第參章 研究方法 21
第一節 研究架構 22
第二節 研究方法 23
第三節 問卷設計 24
第四節 研究對象與抽樣方法 26
第五節 資料分析方法 27
第肆章 資料分析 29
第一節 敘述性統計 30
第二節 各研究變項敘述統計量分析 34
第三節 各研究變項答題正確率分析 246
第四節 人口變項與控制變項差異分析 256
第五節 各研究變項認知與相對應顏色分析 259
第伍章 結論與建議 263
第一節 研究結論與建議 264
第二節 潛在研究貢獻 269
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 270
參考文獻 271
附件 278
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