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研究生(外文):Yitong Zhao
論文名稱(外文):From Cash to Careers to Cradles: Examining the Early Retirement of Taiwanese Women
指導教授(外文):Ching-I Huang
口試委員(外文):Kuan-Ming ChenYen-Chien Chen
外文關鍵詞:Event StudyFemale Labor Force ParticipationRetirementChild SupportInter-Generational TransfersGrandparenting
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為何台灣女性會提早退休? 調查資料顯示,在中華家庭觀念之影響下,台灣成年子女普遍對父母提供經濟幫助;因此我們推測,子女對父母的經濟幫助可能會導致台灣女性提早退休。然而,我們透過事件研究設計發現,當成年子女有能力給父母提供經濟支援時,並無證據顯示母親會提早退休,母親亦不會在成年子女無法提供經濟支援時重返職場。相反地,當母親成為(外)祖母時,她們會付出金錢與時間照顧(外)孫子女,從而決定提早退休。
Why do Taiwanese women retire early? Since survey data suggest that the net inter vivos financial support flows from adult children to parents, we hypothesize that child-to-parent support might contribute to the early retirement of Taiwanese women. However, using an event study design, we find no evidence that the mother retires early when the adult child can provide financial support to her, nor evidence suggesting that the mother would resume working when the adult child becomes unable to offer financial support. Instead, the mother will retire when she welcomes her grandchild, to whom she significantly contributes time and money by grandparenting.
口試委員審定書 i
Acknowledgments ii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
1 Introduction 1
2 Data & Empirical Formulation 6
2.1 Data Processing Strategy 6
2.2 Empirical Formulation 9
3 Empirical Results 12
3.1 From Cash to Careers: Support from Adult Children to Mothers 12
3.1.1 Summary Statistics of Transfers 12
3.1.2 Dynamic Aspects of Transfer Patterns 15
3.1.3 Effects on the Mother’s Working Status 22 When the Child Can Provide for their Parents 23 When the Child Is Unable to Provide for their Parents 29
3.2 From Careers to Cradles: Support by Grandmothering 34
3.2.1 Correlation Between Grandparenting Time and Working Status 34
3.2.2 Causal Effect of Being a Grandparent on Work 36
4 Discussion 46
5 Conclusion 48
6 Bibliography 51
7 Appendix 54
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