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研究生(外文):Pin-Hsuan Liao
論文名稱(外文):A Study of LOHAS and Purchase Intention of Slow Fashion
指導教授(外文):Yir-Hueih LuhShuay-Tsyr Ho
口試委員(外文):Chen-Ling FangChing-Jen Chiu
外文關鍵詞:LOHAS lifestyleSlow Fashion ApparelsPerceived ValuesDecomposed Theory of Reasoned ActionPLS-SEM
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LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability)的廣義意思是以健康與永續發展為目標的生活方式。LOHAS消費族群在選擇商品或服務時,並不僅僅考慮對自己的利益,還會高度認知商品或服務對環境和社會的影響,力求兩者兼顧。因此,本研究欲探討與慢時尚理念相近的LOHAS樂活生活態度是否能影響消費者購買慢時尚服飾的意願。若LOHAS樂活生活態度可以正面顯著地影響消費者購買慢時尚服飾,則此研究結果可以有助於慢時尚服飾品牌有效地鎖定目標族群、制定行銷策略、打造合適的銷售通路,在施行環境友善的社會責任的同時,擴大消費族群範圍。本研究應用解構式理性行為理論 (decomposed Theory of Reasoned Action, DTRA),並將LOHAS生活態度納入考量,以探討消費者的LOHAS生活態度、對購買慢時尚服飾的態度及主觀規範等心理因素對慢時尚服飾購買意圖之影響。本研究使用SmartPLS軟體以進行偏最小平方結構方程模型 (Partial Least-squares Structural equation model, PLS-SEM) 路徑分析,除了檢視生活態度與前述心理因素與購買慢時尚服飾意圖之間的關係,並且驗證消費者對慢時尚服飾的感知價值 (perceived values) 是否在生活態度與購買慢時尚服飾意圖間之關係扮演著中介的角色。
本研究 PLS-SEM 實證結果顯示, LOHAS生活態度對於感知價值的四個子構面,即情感價值、社會價值、價格價值、品質價值,皆有正向影響,認同LOHAS生活態度的消費者對於慢時尚的認知與感知價值會呈現正相關。四個感知價值的子構面對慢時尚態度皆呈現正向影響,其中,以情感價值對慢時尚態度的影響最大,品質價值的影響次之。慢時尚態度對於購買慢時尚服飾的意圖有正向影響,顯示消費者對慢時尚的積極態度提升了購買慢時尚服飾的意圖。主觀規範對於購買慢時尚服飾的意圖亦呈現正向影響,顯示若親近的人給予慢時尚服飾正面的評論,則會提高消費者對於慢時尚服飾的購買意願。就解構式理性行為理論之主要架構構面而言,態度、主觀規範皆會顯著且正向地影響消費者的購買意圖,而態度為影響購買意圖最大之心理構面、主觀規範控制次之。
Slow fashion is a strategy that aims to redefine the global fashion system by addressing the sustainability challenges faced by the fashion industry. Slow fashion advocates for purchasing durable, high-quality clothing and promotes fair treatment of people, animals, and the environment.
The broad meaning of LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) is a lifestyle that aims for health and sustainable development. The LOHAS consumer group, when choosing products or services, considers not only their own interests but also highly values the impact of products or services on the environment and society, striving for a balance between the two. Therefore, this study aims to explore whether the LOHAS lifestyle attitude, which is similar to the concept of slow fashion, can influence consumers' willingness to purchase slow fashion clothing. In this study, the Decomposed Theory of Reasoned Action (DTRA) incorporates the LOHAS lifestyle attitude to investigate the impact of consumers' LOHAS lifestyle attitude, attitude toward purchasing slow fashion clothing, subjective norms, and other psychological factors on their intention to buy slow fashion clothing.
According to the empirical results of this study, the LOHAS lifestyle attitude has a positive impact on all four sub-constructs of perceived values: emotional value, social value, price value, and quality value. Consumers who identify with the LOHAS lifestyle attitude show a positive correlation between their perception and perceived values of slow fashion. Perceived values, including emotional value, social value, price value, and quality value, positively influence the attitude toward slow fashion.
Among them, emotional value has the greatest impact on the attitude toward slow fashion, followed by quality value. The attitude toward slow fashion has a positive impact on the intention to purchase slow fashion clothing, indicating that consumers' positive attitude toward slow fashion enhances their intention to buy slow fashion clothing. Subjective norms have a positive impact on the intention to purchase slow fashion clothing, meaning that positive reviews from close acquaintances increase consumers' willingness to buy slow fashion clothing. The main framework extended from the DTRA Decomposed Theory of Reasoned Action in this study shows that both attitude and subjective norms significantly and positively influence consumers' purchase intention, with attitude being the strongest influencer and subjective norms coming second.
摘要 II
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 LOHAS樂活生活態度 4
第二節 消費行為模型 6
一、理性行為理論(TRA) 6
二、分解式理性行為理論(DTRA) 8
三、計畫行為理論(TPB) 8
第三章 實證設計、資料概述與變數說明 10
第一節 研究假說與模型架構 10
第二節 問卷設計 14
第三節 資料來源、變數定義及敘述統計 19
一、 資料來源 19
二、變數定義與敘述統計 19
第四章 實證分析與討論 22
第一節 信度、收斂與區別效度分析 22
第二節 假說驗證結果 27
一、 路徑分析 27
二、 假說驗證 28
第五章 結論與建議 31
參考文獻 33
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