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研究生(外文):Min-Jhong Bai
論文名稱(外文):A comparative study of post-processing methods in object detection algorithms
指導教授(外文):Chen-An Tsai
口試委員(外文):Chun-Huo ChiuHsueh-Huey Miin
外文關鍵詞:object detectiondeep learningnon-maximum suppression
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本文欲討論深度學習物件偵測的後處理方法對預測表現的影響,以貪婪非極大值抑制(Greedy NMS)方法作為基準方法,與Soft NMS、Fast NMS、Cluster NMS、DIOU NMS、Confluence NMS、Weight NMS等方法相比在公開資料集 PASCAL VOC、MS COCO上的表現差異與優缺點,並從不同模型與資料集的表現、類別與幾何因素的錯誤數、參數敏感度、執行速度切入。發現不同指標的表現主要受模型與資料集影響,後處理方法間的主要差異在於偽陰性錯誤數和偽陽性錯誤數的權衡以及對分類機率門檻值、定位門檻值的敏感度,速度上的差異也受參數影響,而與演算法關係不大。
Computer vision has become a common technique in a variety of applications including autonomous vehicles, medical image recognition, and traffic flow monitoring. In recent years, deep learning is the most popular study area in this domain which is capable of solving multiple problems including image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, etc. Studies have shown that they perform much better than the conventional methods. Most of object detection models are inspired from the architecture of two stage detector R-CNN, and make improvements with artificial prior methods e.g. anchor design, post processing methods, label assignment. However, these prior methods subject to parameter tuning and processing methods for dense predictions.
In this paper, we aim to investigate the effect of post processing methods to the performance of deep learning object detectors and discuss their differences and pros/cons from macro aspect of dataset/model combinations to micro aspect of categories and geometric factors and parameter sensitivity and speed. With Greedy NMS as the baseline method, we compare it to Soft NMS, Fast NMS, Cluster NMS, DIOU NMS, Confluence NMS, Weight NMS, with their performance on PASCAL VOC, MS COCO datasets. The results reveal that the performance of different metrics is primarily influenced by the models and datasets. The primary difference between different post-processing methods is how each method is capable of balancing false negative rate and false positive rate, as well as the sensitivity to classification probability thresholds and localization thresholds. In addition, time complexity depends only on the parameters and has little effect from the algorithms employed.
摘要 v
Abstract vii
目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xv
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機 6
第二章 相關文獻 7
2.1. 非極大值抑制與其變形 7
2.2. 物件偵測評估方法與指標 10
第三章 材料與方法 12
3.1.研究架構流程 12
3.2.實驗材料 13
3.2.1. 資料集介紹 13
3.2.2. 模型選擇 14
3.2.3. 後處理方法 14
3.3.評估指標 18
第四章 結果 20
4.1.資料集和模型與表現比較 20
4.1.1 表現比較 20
4.1.2 迴歸分析 22
4.2.類別和幾何因素與錯誤率比較 24
4.2.1 不同類別的錯誤比較 24
4.2.2 不同錯誤的幾何因素比較 26
4.2.3 迴歸分析 27
4.3. 參數敏感度 29
4.3.1 參數區間與表現變化比較 29
4.3.2 參數區間分組的雷文檢定 31
4.3.3 最佳參數比較 32
4.4. 處理速度 34
第五章 結論與討論 35
參考文獻 37
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