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研究生(外文):Kai Li
論文名稱(外文):Analytic Method of Fast Eye-diagram Index for Multiple Coupled Lines in DDR
指導教授(外文):Ruey-Beei Wu
口試委員(外文):Wei-Da GuoChiu-Chih ChouChien-Ming LeeYung-Yu Chen
外文關鍵詞:signal integritycrosstalktransfer functionfast eye-diagram indexsingle bit responseeye diagrampeak distortion analysis
  • 被引用被引用:1
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DDR technology has been continuously developing with the advancement of technology, and an increasing number of electronic products are adopting DDR technology to achieve high-speed data transmission. The signal integrity issues involved in high-speed DDR transmission are becoming increasingly important. In DDR design, factors such as signal propagation delay, reflection, and crosstalk need to be considered for signal integrity. This paper discusses the derivation of the transfer function of a single transmission line under mismatched boundary conditions and extends it to the transfer function between multiple coupled transmission lines. By utilizing inverse Fourier transform, we obtains the pulse response and, based on peak distortion analysis, quickly obtains the height and width of an eye diagram. Compared to the method of analyzing eye diagrams using pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS), this approach saves approximately 15000 times the time and can improve the eye height error of the worst eye diagram by up to 12 times.
口試委員會審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
Chapter 1 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 主要貢獻 4
1.4 章節內容概述 4
Chapter 2 理論背景 5
2.1 DDR模組介紹 5
2.1.1 DDR的原理及特性 5
2.1.2 DDR的傳輸路徑 6
2.1.3 On-Die Termination 7
2.2 眼圖原理及介紹 9
2.2.1 眼圖形成的原理 9
2.2.2 偽隨機二進位序列(Pseudorandom Binary Sequence, PRBS)信號 10
2.3 基於脈波響應的峰值失真分析 11
2.3.1 線性非時變(Linear Time-Invariant System, LTI)系統 11
2.3.2 脈波響應(Pulse Response) 12
2.3.3 符碼間干擾(Inter Symbol Interference, ISI) 16
2.3.4 眼圖最劣序列(Worst-case Bit Pattern) 18
Chapter 3 快速眼圖指標解析法 19
3.1 眼圖指標 19
3.2 單一傳輸線的轉移函數 23
3.3 多條耦合線的轉移函數 26
3.4 帶有並聯電路邊界的轉移函數 30
Chapter 4 DDR4電路眼圖指標分析 32
4.1 DDR4電路介紹 32
4.2 S參數前處理及包含時鐘訊號的峰值失真分析 35
4.2.1 S參數前處理 35
4.2.2 包含時鐘訊號的峰值失真分析 40
4.3 眼圖指標分析 41
4.3.1 解析法與正反相偽隨機序列之眼圖比較 43
4.3.2 解析法與修正節點分析法(Modified Nodal Analysis, MNA)比較 47
Chapter 5 解析法之程式 51
5.1 程式介紹 - 問題描述及I/O設計 51
5.2 程式外觀及使用手冊 52
5.2.1 程式外觀 52
5.2.2 使用手冊 55
5.3 額外功能及注意事項 65
5.3.1 額外功能 65
5.3.2 注意事項 66
Chapter 6 結論及未來展望 67
6.1 結論 67
6.2 未來展望 67
參考文獻 68
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H.-H. Chuang, personal communication, June 1, 2023.
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