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研究生(外文):Ming-Chieh Lee
論文名稱(外文):Magnetic force modulating axial rigidity of piezoelectric plate to develop variable-frequency function in a fluid-induced vibration energy harvester
指導教授(外文):Yu-Hsi Huang
口試委員(外文):Chien-Hao LiuChuan-Chieh Liao
外文關鍵詞:piezoelectric platemagnetic forcepre-stress axial loadsuperposition methodfinite element methodenergy harvesting systemlattice Boltzmann methodcomputational fluid dynamicsvortex-induced vibrationwind tunnel
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:135
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This research investigated the vibration characteristics of a piezoelectric plate subjected to pre-stress axial load using the superposition theory and applied to the vortex-induced vibration excitation by lattice Boltzmann method for flow field. The study is complemented by theoretical analysis, finite element method (FEM), and experimental measurements. The stiffness effect of pre-stress axial load on a piezoelectric plate is analyzed and leads to change in the resonant frequency of the piezoelectric energy harvester to correspond with the vortex shedding frequency. The theoretical analysis combines the piezoelectric constitutive equations by Kirchhoff's plate theory to equivalently represent the three-layer structure as a single-layer rectangular plate. The governing equation for the piezoelectric plate subjected to pre-stress axial load is obtained through force and moment balance equations. The superposition method is then employed to divide the plate into multiple structural blocks for the solution, where each block satisfies partial boundary conditions and the governing equation of the original plate. The solutions of individual blocks are superposed to satisfy the remaining boundary conditions. The resonance frequencies and mode shapes of the piezoelectric cantilevered plate under a pre-stress axial load are obtained through orthogonal function expansion and show good agreement with the results in FEM. In experimental measurements, magnetic force applied pre-stress axial load to the piezoelectric plate. Various magnetic forces are provided by the change in distance and analyzed by magnetic theory. Under different magnitudes of magnetic force, a laser Doppler vibrometer is employed to measure the variation of frequency spectrum for the piezoelectric plate. Electronic speckle pattern interferometry is also used to measure the resonant frequencies and their corresponding out-of-plane mode shapes of the piezoelectric plate. At least the first mode in the experiment can fit the theoretical model to change the natural frequency by pre-stress axial load, being used to design the variable-frequency function for the fluid-induced vibration energy harvester. The vortex shedding around a cylindrical bluff body is initially measured using a hot wire anemometer at different flow velocities in the wind tunnel experiments. The vortex frequency results in the 2D and 3D lattice Boltzmann method are compared with CFD results, showing better agreement with the 3D lattice Boltzmann method as the flow-rate changes. Subsequently, the vortex-induced vibration of a piezoelectric plate compound with a cylinder is measured, and the generated voltage of the piezoelectric plate is simultaneously recorded using an oscilloscope. The vortex shedding is intended to excite the first resonant frequency of a piezoelectric plate, as well as the vortex frequency, the efficiency in piezoelectric energy harvesting system increases significantly, resulting in higher voltage output. Finally, an axial force provides different axial stiffness for the piezoelectric plate by modulating magnitudes of magnetic force, to measure the highest voltage of the piezoelectric energy harvester in the wind tunnel, under different flow velocities. Compared to previous cases within the same flow velocity, the piezoelectric plate exhibits a wider bandwidth of voltage response.
中文摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 論文內容簡介 7
第二章 實驗原理與架設 9
2.1 電子斑點干涉術 9
2.2 雷射都卜勒測振儀 17
2.3 風洞 19
2.4 皮托管 23
2.5 熱線風速計 25
第三章 壓電矩形薄板理論 27
3.1 壓電陶瓷雙晶片 27
3.1.1 壓電本構方程式 28
3.1.2 薄板力學假設 33
3.1.3 壓電材料電學假設 35
3.1.4 壓電薄板受軸向力作用下之統御方程式推導 38
3.2 矩形薄板受軸向力作用之疊加法理論推導 46
3.2.1 單邊懸臂邊界之疊加法理論推導 46
3.2.2 理論解析與有限元素分析結果比較 81
3.2.3 質量效應下之單邊懸臂邊界疊加法理論推導 94
3.2.4 理論解析與有限元素分析結果比較 128
3.3 磁力計算模型 137
3.3.1 理論解析 137
3.2.2 磁力量測實驗 140
3.2.3 結果討論 143
3.4 壓電陶瓷雙晶片之共振頻率量測 145
3.4.1 實驗架設 145
3.4.2 結果討論 149
第四章 晶格波茲曼法 167
4.1 基本理論 167
4.1.1 波茲曼方程式 167
4.1.2 離散波茲曼方程式 170
4.1.3 大渦流模擬(Large Eddy Simulation, LES) 173
4.2 數值模擬 175
4.2.1 LBM 模擬流程 175
4.2.2 邊界條件設定 177
4.2.3 流體作用力計算 178
4.3 結果討論 179
4.3.1 圓柱繞流模型 179
4.3.2 圓柱夾持試片模型 201
第五章 壓電能量擷取實驗 214
5.1 無受力下壓電能量擷取實驗 214
5.2 受預應力作用下壓電能量擷取實驗 235
第六章 結論與未來展望 253
6.1 結論 253
6.2 未來展望 255
參考文獻 257
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