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研究生(外文):Lin-Jhu Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of ASR Support on Number and Proper Name Renditions in Student Interpreters’ Simultaneous Interpreting from English into Chinese
指導教授(外文):Yin-Yin Wu
口試委員(外文):Chia-Chien ChangMing-Li Ju
外文關鍵詞:Automatic speech recognitioneye-tracking softwaresimultaneous interpretationproblem triggers
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This empirical study investigated the effects of unedited automatic speech recognition (ASR) transcript on student interpreters’ simultaneous interpretation (SI) performance from English into Chinese in terms of numbers and proper names. The experiment recruited thirteen student interpreters who took part in an SI experiment and a following retrospective interview. The SI experiment required the participants to interpret two speeches, one with the presence of unedited ASR transcript and one without. During the tasks with ASR, a laptop displayed slides accompanied by ASR transcripts generated by Otter.ai, and an eye-tracking software was adopted to capture the participants’ eye movements during the task. In the tasks without the ASR, only slides were provided. Each of the two speeches in the SI experiments contained 20 numbers and 10 proper names. After the interpreting tasks and the retrospective interviews, the participants were asked to fill in a post-experiment survey and rate the perceived effectiveness of the ASR. Quantitative analysis was adopted to analyze the number renditions and the accuracy of sentences containing problem triggers and the neighboring sentences. A paired sample t-test showed that the participants scored significantly higher in number renditions when ASR was present. The accuracy of sentences in the tasks with ASR received higher scores, but a paired sample t-test showed there was no significance difference between the scores of the tasks with ASR and without ASR. In terms of proper names, results showed there were fewer omissions in the tasks with ASR. Finally, the retrospective interviews revealed that the participants adopted a more neutral stance towards the application of unedited ASR service, and they maintained that the ASR support might be useful under certain circumstances. Gile’s Effort Models were discussed at the end of this paper with an aim to explain the impact of unedited ASR on an SI task.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement i
Abstract (English) ii
Abstract (Chinese) iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Effort Models and Competition Hypothesis of Simultaneous Interpretation 8
2.2 Remote Simultaneous Interpreting and Computer-assisted-interpreting 9
2.3 Automatic Speech Recognition and its Integration with CAI Tools 11
2.4 SI with Text vs. SI with ASR support 15
2.5 Numbers as a Problem Trigger in Simultaneous Interpreting 19
2.6 Proper Names as a Problem Trigger in Simultaneous Interpreting 23
Chapter 3 Methods 26
3.1 Participants 26
3.2 Materials 28
3.3 Automatic Speech Recognition Tool 30
3.4 Experiment Setup and Pilots 30
3.5 Procedure and Data Collection 31
3.6 Data Analysis 35
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 45
4.1 Output and Accuracy of ASR 45
4.2 Number Renditions 50
4.3 Analysis of Proper Names Renditions 70
4.4 Accuracy of Critical Sentences 83
4.5 Attitudes towards ASR Support 85
4.6 Incorporating ASR into Gile’s Effort Models and Implication for Training 92
Chapter 5 Conclusion 97
5.1 Findings 97
5.2 Limitations 101
5.3 Future Research and Contribution of the Present Study 102
References 105
Appendix A. Post-Experiment Survey 111
Appendix B. Materials 115
Appendix C. Instructions for Stimulated Retrospective Interview 129
Appendix D. Consent Form 130
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