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研究生(外文):Jun-Ching Lee
論文名稱(外文):Radiographic changes of jawbone in patients with anti-resorptive medication or medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ)
指導教授(外文):Jang-Jaer LeeLing-Ying Wei
口試委員(外文):Wei-Yih ChiuSang-Heng Kok
外文關鍵詞:Anti-resorptive agentsMedication-related osteonecrosis of the jawFractal dimensionCortical bone thickness measurement
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The main purpose of this study is to identify objective radiographic measurements in patients who have taken anti-resorptive agents or experienced medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ). The objective data collected through this study is intended to assist physicians in early diagnosis, treatment planning, and strategy development. The data was retrospectively collected from panoramic radiographs taken before and after drug use and cone-beam computed tomography scans taken after the occurrence of MRONJ. Fractal dimension and cortical bone thickness measurements were used to observe their changes in relation to occurrence of MRONJ, drug type, duration of use, and primary cancer. The results thus far indicate a significant increase in fractal dimension after using anti-resorptive drugs, but a significant decrease in fractal dimension when MRONJ occurs. Moreover, cortical bone thickness shows a significant increase in certain regions compared to the control group. These findings provide additional objective data for evaluating patients who have taken anti-resorptive drugs or experienced MRONJ. However, the retrospective study design is limited, and some groups were not able to control for certain conditions adequately, indicating a need for further relevant research to confirm and apply the findings.
目 錄
口試委員審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 引言與文獻回顧 1
1.1 本章摘要 1
1.2 抗骨吸收藥物(Anti-resorptive agents) 1
1.3 藥物相關性顎骨壞死(Medication-related osteonecrosis of jaw, MRONJ) 1
1.4 服用抗骨吸收藥物及藥物相關顎骨壞死影像學上的變化 2
1.5 碎形維度(Fractal dimension)分析 2
1.6 下顎骨皮質骨厚度 3
第二章 實驗設計與方法 4
2.1 本章摘要 4
2.2 研究目的 4
2.3 影像資料來源 4
2.4 資料排除 4
2.5 研究組別 5
2.5.1 環口全景X光 5
2.5.2 錐狀束電腦斷層 5
2.6 測量方式 6
2.6.1 碎形維度 6
2.6.2 下顎皮質骨厚度 6
2.7 觀察者內信度(Intra-observer reliability) 7
2.8 統計方式 7
第三章 實驗結果 8
3.1 本章概要 8
3.2 觀察者內信度 8
3.3 環口全景X光-惡性腫瘤-BP組別-用藥前後FD差異 8
3.4 環口全景X光-惡性腫瘤-BP組別-用藥前後FD差異-以ROI位置做次群組分析 8
3.5 環口全景X光-惡性腫瘤-DMB組別-用藥前後FD差異 9
3.6 環口全景X光-惡性腫瘤-DMB組別-用藥前後FD差異-以ROI位置做次群組分析 9
3.7 環口全景X光-惡性腫瘤-BP組別- BPz+ONJ- vs BPz+ONJ+ vs Control (BP-) 的FD值比較 9
3.8 環口全景X光-惡性腫瘤-DMB組別-DMBx+ONJ- vs DMBx +ONJ+ vs Control (DMB-)的FD值比較 9
3.9 環口全景X光-骨質疏鬆- BPF+ONJ- vs BPF+ONJ+ vs Control 的FD值比較 10
3.10 環口全景X光-骨質疏鬆 - DMBp+ONJ- vs DMBp +ONJ+ vs Control的FD值比較 10
3.11 錐狀束電腦斷層-惡性腫瘤-不同藥物與對照組皮質骨厚度之分析 10
3.12 錐狀束電腦斷層-惡性腫瘤-Zometa藥物 11
3.13 錐狀束電腦斷層-惡性腫瘤-Xgeva藥物 11
3.14 錐狀束電腦斷層-骨質疏鬆-不同藥物與對照組皮質骨厚度之分析 11
3.15 錐狀束電腦斷層-骨質疏鬆-Fosamax藥物 11
3.16 錐狀束電腦斷層 - 惡性腫瘤-Zometa藥物-ONJ處皮質骨厚度與相對處之比較 12
3.17 錐狀束電腦斷層 - 惡性腫瘤- Xgeva藥物-ONJ處皮質骨厚度與相對處之比較 12
3.18 錐狀束電腦斷層 – 骨質疏鬆-Fosamax藥物-ONJ處皮質骨厚度與相對處之比較 12
第四章 討論 13
4.1 環口全景X光-惡性腫瘤 13
4.2 環口全景X光-骨質疏鬆 14
4.3 錐狀束電腦斷層 14
4.4 本實驗之限制及困難 14
第五章 結論 16
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