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研究生(外文):Shan-Han Chang
論文名稱(外文):The User Satisfaction with and Preference for Telehealth: A Pilot Study from National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch
指導教授(外文):Ching-Ching Claire Lin
口試委員(外文):Shou-Hsia ChengMatthew Huei-Ming MaYi-Ju Chen
外文關鍵詞:telehealth servicesYunlinuser satisfactionCOVID-19
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本研究共完整訪問85人,總計258使用人次。受訪率為38%。其中多數的病患為女性,平均年齡為60.5 歲。60%的病患為高中以上學歷。65%的病患由醫院首頁得知本通訊診療門診之相關訊息。「整體通訊診療操作方便」獲得最低之「非常滿意」度(67%),「您覺得通訊診療醫師的態度良好」獲得最高之「非常滿意」度(95%)。全部受訪的病人中,有48.2%的使用者偏好視訊門診,其中比例最高(78%)的原因為節省時間,而偏好實體門診(51.8%)的使用者中,比例最高(68%)的原因為能擁有與醫師互動的機會。羅吉斯迴歸顯示男性病患相較於女性病患,對於系統方便性有較低的不滿意度(odds ratio, OR=0.323、95%信賴區間[0.114-0.917]、p=0.034)。居住地為虎尾或斗六以外的病患,亦即離院區較遠的病患,相較於居住地為虎尾或斗六者,對於聲音清楚有較低的不滿意度(OR=0.273、95%信賴區間[0.077-0.971]、p=0.045)。將年齡與教育程度交互分析,其中相較於小於75歲且教育程度較低之病患,小於75歲且教育程度較高之病患(OR=5.529、95%信賴區間[1.348-22.674]、p=0.018) 與75歲以上之病患(OR=5.614、95%信賴區間[1.208-26.100]、p=0.028)較偏好視訊門診。
The COVID-19 patient numbers sharply increased in May, 2021 in Taiwan. To enforce distancing and slower the pandemic, the Central Epidemic Command Center of Taiwan authorized providers of all levels to use telehealth for outpatient care without pre-approval from the central government but only from local public health authorities. National Taiwan University Hospital-Yunlin Branch therefore began outpatient telehealth service on May 26, 2021 through to July 9, 2021.
The goal of the present study is to assess the user satisfaction and preference for telehealth outpatient care as well as to analyze factors associated with level of satisfaction and preference.
Material and Methods
Telephone interviews were conducted among all the patients who utilized outpatient telehealth service during May 26, 2021 to July 9, 2021. Chi-square tests and logistic regression were used to analyze the factors associated with user satisfaction and user preference. All interviews were conducted during November 3, 2021 to December 30, 2021.
Among all 258 telehealth outpatient visits billed for National Health Insurance reimbursement, 85 patients responded to the request and completed the phone interview. The majority (60%) of the patients were female. The mean age was 60.5 years old. Most patients (60%) were with senior high school-level education or higher. Among all interviewees, 65% learned about availability of telehealth service offered by NTU Yunlin branch through hospital website. “The operating system of video-conferencing was convenient” got the lowest level of satisfaction (67%), and “The doctor had good attitude” got the highest level of satisfaction (95%.) Almost half (48.2%) of the users preferred video-conferencing than face-to-face visits, mostly due to time saving (78%.) On the other hand, users preferred face-to-face visits (51.8%) mostly because “they were able to interact with doctors”(68%.) Results from logistic regression showed that male gender was associated with lower odds of unsatisfaction with “system convenience” than female gender (OR=0.323, 95% confidence interval [0.114-0.917], p=0.034). Patients who live outside Huwei Township or Douliu City were associated with lower odds of unsatisfaction with “voice quality” than those who live in Huwei Township or Douliu City (OR=0.273, 95% confidence interval [0.077-0.971],p=0.045)。Patients <75 years old with higher educational level (senior high school or above) (OR=5.529, 95% confidence interval [1.348-22.674], p=0.018) and ≧75 years old (OR=5.614, 95% confidence interval [1.208-26.100], p=0.028) were both associated with a higher odds of preferring video-conferencing compared with patients <75 years old with lower education level (junior high or lower).
Under COVID-19 pandemic, video-conferencing through a free online platform for outpatient services with refillable prescriptions led to high user satisfaction. Male gender had higher level of satisfaction than female in system convenience. Patients with younger age and higher education level and patients with elder age both preferred video-conferencing. Therefore, the convenience of outpatient telehealth service should be continuously improved, and those who had lower preference to video-conferencing should be encouraged to use such services.
口試委員會審定書 i
致謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Thesis Abstract v
目錄 viiii
圖目錄 viiix
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 遠距醫療的定義與介紹 6
第二節 遠距醫療的使用者滿意度 10
第三節 遠距醫療的使用者偏好 14
第四節 「E定藥安全」計畫 16
第三章 研究方法 20
第一節 資料蒐集 20
第二節 問卷設計 23
第三節 信效度分析 26
第四節 數據分析 26
第四章 研究結果 28
第五章 討論 38
第六章 結論與建議 43
第一節 結論 43
第二節 建議 43
第七章 參考文獻 44
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