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研究生(外文):Chia-Yi Chen
論文名稱:CORE-MAP: 多核邊緣設備上加速 CNN 推理的分佈式特徵圖處理
論文名稱(外文):CORE-MAP: Feature Map Distributed Processing for Accelerating CNN Inference on Multi-Core Edge Devices
指導教授(外文):Ya-Shu Chen
口試委員(外文):Jen-Wei HsiehChin-Hsien WuHsueh-Wen Tseng
外文關鍵詞:Edge computingDistributed inferenceNeural networks
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Distributed edge computing is becoming popular for providing reduced transmission overhead and privacy compared to cloud computing. However, each edge device's limited computing power and the high demand for neural networks make distributed edge computing more difficult. In this study, we explore the layer partition, feature map partition, and computing resources partition in the distributed edge inference. We then propose CORE-MAP, which distributes the given neural network to a set of edge devices with data dependency and resource utilization considerations. The proposed CORE-MAP is evaluated, and experimental outcomes indicate that the CORE-MAP achieves performance enhancement of 283% than the non-distribution approach.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
2 System Model 3
3 Related Work 6
4 Approach 11
4.1 Response Time Analyze 11
4.2 Search Device Partition 12
4.2.1 Determine the number of layers of distribution 12
4.2.2 Split feature map to devices 16
4.3 Search Core Partition 19
5 Performance Evaluation 22
5.1 Experimental Environment 22
5.2 Experimental Result 23
6 Conclusion 27
References 27
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