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研究生(外文):Huang, Xhi-Xiang
論文名稱(外文):A Voting Strategy for Classifying Major Depressive Disorder Based on Facial Micro-Expressions Using Deep Learning and Machine Learning Techniques
指導教授(外文):Hung, Che-Lun
口試委員(外文):Wu, Kun-PinLin, Chun-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:deep learningmachine learningcomputer visiondepressionfacial expression analysisfacial micro-expressions
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全球普遍存在的重度憂鬱症(Major Depressive Disorder),在台灣憂鬱症相關疾病的盛行率高達2.4%。然而,近年來深度學習和電腦視覺技術的發展為我們提供了一個新的診斷方式,即利用臉部微表情分析來客觀評估憂鬱症。
本研究的目的在於利用機器學習方法來區分患有重度憂鬱症和未患者的臉部表情。研究收集了29名受試者的臉部影片,其中包括9名被診斷為憂鬱症的患者。這些經過挑選的受試者被要求觀看NAPS圖片資料集中的正面、中性和負面三種類型圖片時,其臉部表情被記錄下來,接續使用了OpenFace工具來擷取表情的臉部動作單元(Action Unit),並配合catboost classifier、隨機森林等機器學習分類器來開發模型,設立一個投票機制,使用精確度、召回率及F1分數等指標對其進行評估。研究結果顯示,我最佳模型在分層3-Fold交叉驗證中取得了平均召回率為78%、精確率為100%以及F1分數為84.3%。而SHAP分析更是突顯了嘴角下垂和眉毛下垂等動作作為重要特徵。
The prevalence of major depressive disorder, a severe form of depression, is estimated to be as high as 2.4% in Taiwan. However, recent advancements in deep learning and computer vision techniques have provided a new diagnostic approach by analyzing micro-expressions on the face to objectively assess depression.
The purpose of this study was to use machine learning methods to differentiate facial expressions between individuals with major depressive disorder and non-depressed individuals. The study collected facial videos from 29 participants, including 9 diagnosed with depression. These selected participants were asked to view positive, neutral, and negative images from the NAPS image dataset while their facial expressions were recorded. The OpenFace tool was then used to extract facial action units associated with the expressions. Machine learning classifiers such as CatBoost and Random Forest were employed to develop models, incorporating a voting mechanism. The models were evaluated using metrics such as accuracy, recall, and F1 score.
The results of the study showed that the best model achieved an average recall of 78%, precision of 100%, and an F1 score of 84.3% in a stratified 3-fold cross-validation. Furthermore, the SHAP analysis highlighted features such as drooping corners of the mouth and eyebrows as important indicators.
This study demonstrates the feasibility of using facial expressions for diagnosing depression. This non-invasive assessment technique has potential for clinical applications. Expanding the sample size in future studies can contribute to improving the accuracy and robustness of the model in identifying depression.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 導論 (Introduction) 1
1.1 研究動機: 1
1.2 研究目的: 2
第二章 文獻回顧 (Literature Review) 3
2.1 憂鬱症 3
2.1.1 憂鬱症介紹與診斷: 3
2.1.2 憂鬱症病因: 5
2.1.3 憂鬱症症狀及治療: 5
2.2 微表情與臉部情緒識別: 6
2.3 深度學習與電腦視覺: 7
2.4 臉部特徵擷取方式 8
2.4.1 幾何特徵(Geometric Features): 8
2.4.2 局部二值模式(Local Binary Patterns ,LBP): 8
2.4.3 方向梯度直方圖(Histogram of Oriented Gradients,HoG): 9
2.4.4 隱藏式馬可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM): 10
2.4.5 主成分分析 (Principal Component Analysis, PCA): 11
2.4.6 卷積神經網絡(Convolutional Neural Network, CNN): 12
2.4.7 彈性束圖匹配(Elastic Bunch Graph Matching, EBGM): 13
2.5 情緒辨識技術之非臨床應用 13
2.5.1 遠距教學 13
2.5.2 測謊 14
2.5.3 駕駛危險行為預測 15
2.5.4 人機互動系統 16
2.6 臉部表情與臨床醫學應用結合 17
2.6.1 內分泌和代謝相關疾病 17
2.6.2 神經相關之疾病 18
2.6.3 阿茲海默症 18
2.6.4 唐氏症及自閉症 19
2.6.5 疼痛程度分析 20
第三章 研究材料與方法 (Material and Methods) 21
3.1 資料收集: 22
3.1.1 實驗組收案條件: 23
3.1.2 對照組收案條件: 23
3.1.3 迷你國際神經精神訪談 24
3.2 觸發表情之影片與錄製環境 25
3.2.1 錄製環境與錄製設備 25
3.2.2 Nencki Affective Picture System(NAPS) 25
3.2.3 臉部微表情觸發影片: 27
3.3 資料前處理與特徵擷取 29
3.3.1 資料前處理: 29
3.3.2 OpenFace特徵擷取 29
3.3.3 所使用到的臉部編碼特徵 30
3.3.4 影片轉數值矩陣 32
3.3.5 特徵選擇 33
3.4 模型架構與機器學習模型 35
3.4.1 模型架構 35
3.4.2 分類器: 38
3.5 評估方式 40
Stratified K-Fold交叉驗證 40
Accuracy(準確率): 41
Recall(召回率): 41
Precision(精確度): 42
F1-score: 42
第四章 研究結果與討論 (Result and Discussion) 43
Accuracy 43
Recall 43
Precision 44
F1-score 44
SHAP(SHapley Additive exPlanations) 45
第五章 結論(Conclusion) 46
第六章 參考資料 47
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