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研究生(外文):Yang, Chi
論文名稱(外文):Time prediction model in orthopedics surgery - A regional teaching hospital case study
指導教授(外文):Lin, Kuan-ChiaTang, Gau-Jun
口試委員(外文):Lin, Kuan-ChiaTang, Gau-JunYien, Huey-Wen
外文關鍵詞:operating room efficiencyoperating time predictionoperating room managementlinear regressionmachine learning modelquantile regression model
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研究背景: 手術室是一個高成本、高營收的醫療單位,隨著人口高齡化影響造成平均餘命延長,在世界各地的醫院都面臨手術需求增加的趨勢,手術室效率會影響醫院營運的績效與服務品質。找出最佳的手術時間預測模型來準確預估手術的時間,增加手術室的效率及利用率以提升醫院的收入,是目前手術管理的目標。
研究結果:本研究共有13691筆資料,為處理手術科別間變異性大問題,本研究以區域醫院佔比最大之骨科手術為主,經條件篩選後共納入866筆。敘述統計結果中,實際手術時間為155.98±56.025分鐘,醫師預估手術時間為91.66±38.108分鐘,研究結果發現,透過線性回歸分析發現最有影響力之因子為手術術式、執刀醫師及醫師預估時間;在決策樹的部分最有影響力之因子為手術術式以及執刀醫師。最後透過預測評估指標 RMSE比較後發現,分位數回歸模型之RMSE為5.62,決策樹預測模型之RMSE為30.93,線性回歸模型之RMSE為35.35,分位數回歸模型有最低的RMSE。
Background: The Operating room (OR) are high-cost, high-revenue healthcare units. With the influence of an aging population and increased life expectancy, hospitals worldwide are facing a growing demand for surgeries. The efficiency of operating rooms affects the performance and service quality of hospitals.
Objective: The objective of this study is to identify the optimal surgical time prediction model to accurately estimate surgical durations, thereby enhancing the efficiency of operating rooms and increasing hospital revenue.
Method: This study analyzed surgical time registration data from a regional hospital in a specific area between January 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022. Common orthopedic surgical procedures were selected for analysis. In the first stage, descriptive statistics were used to analyze factors affecting surgical time, including patient age, gender, referral source, operating surgeon, physician-predicted time, surgical procedure, anesthesia method, and ASA anesthesia risk level. In the second stage, linear regression and decision tree models were employed for predictive analysis. A quantile regression prediction model was built based on the decision tree. Finally, the root mean square error (RMSE) was used to compare the accuracy of the three prediction models and identify the most suitable surgical time model for the study hospital.
Results: A total of 13,691 data points were collected for this study. Due to the large variability between surgical departments, the focus was placed on orthopedic surgeries, which accounted for the largest proportion in the regional hospital. After applying the inclusion criteria, 866 data points were included. Descriptive statistics revealed that the actual surgical time was 155.98±56.025 minutes, while the physician-predicted time was 91.66 ±38.108 minutes. The study found that the surgical procedure, operating surgeon, and physician-predicted time were the most influential factors through linear regression analysis. For the decision tree model, the most influential factors were the surgical procedure and operating surgeon. Comparing the RMSE values, the quantile regression model achieved the lowest value of 5.62, followed by the decision tree model with 30.93, and the linear regression model with 35.35.
(1) This study proposes a quantile regression prediction model based on a decision tree.
(2) Among the models compared in this study, quantile regression model is the best for predicting surgical time.
(3) If key factors causing abnormal surgical time can be identified, prediction model can replace physician prediction methods.
(4) The orthopedic surgical time prediction model proposed in this study can provide a framework for future development of related surgical time prediction models and can be extrapolated for surgical prediction in other departments of the research hospital.
致謝............................................................................................................................................ i
目錄........................................................................................................................................... v
圖目錄...................................................................................................................................... vi
第一章 緒論........................................................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機............................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的與重要性........................................................................................... 2
第二章 文獻探討................................................................................................................... 3
第一節 手術室管理.......................................................................................................... 3
第二節 手術時間預測模型.............................................................................................. 5
第三章 研究設計與方法......................................................................................................... 9
第一節 研究架構.............................................................................................................. 9
第二節 研究對象與資料來源........................................................................................ 10
第三節 研究變項與操作型定義.................................................................................... 11
第四節 資料處理流程與統計分析方法........................................................................ 14
第四章 研究結果................................................................................................................... 16
第一節 手術資料基本特質分佈.................................................................................... 16
第二節 線性回歸與決策樹手術時間預測.................................................................... 18
第三節 分位數回歸手術時間預測................................................................................ 39
第四節 手術時間預估模型之誤差比較........................................................................ 60
第五章 討論與建議............................................................................................................... 63
第一節 研究發現............................................................................................................ 63
第二節 研究限制............................................................................................................ 65
第三節 研究結論與建議................................................................................................ 66
第六章 參考文獻................................................................................................................... 67
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