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Author (Eng.):WANG, SZU-HAN
Title (Eng.):A Study on the Legal System and Supervision of Open Banking
Advisor:何曜琛何曜琛 author reflink
advisor (eng):Yaw-Chen Hor
Oral Defense Committee:王煦棋陳盈如
Oral Defense Committee (eng):WANG, HSU-CHICHEN, YING-JU
oral defense date:2023-06-06
Narrow Field:法律學門
Detailed Field:一般法律學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2023
Graduated Academic Year:111
number of pages:91
keyword (chi):開放銀行開放 API消費者資料權第三方服務業者個 人資料保護
keyword (eng):Open BankingOpen APIConsumer Data RightRight to data portabilityTSP
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  • HitsHits:119
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The development of financial technology has accelerated the self-innovation of the modern financial industry. Also, deep integration of financial technology and traditional financial services have spawned new business formats. It is foreseeable that, as a new business format, open banking breaks through the limitation of time and space, and realizes the transformation of bank operations from offline to online, from independent operation to an open ecosystem, and thus achieves reciprocity in a broad sense: Mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. This is just as Brett King, the godfather of financial innovation, said in "Bank 4.0": "Banking Everywhere, Never at a bank." Open banking is a new platform cooperation model derived from the development of financial technology. Due to the rapid changes in the financial industry, fintech services and open banking complement each other. When banks are forced to transform, if the infrastructure is insufficient, the regulatory legal system is incomplete, and the economic and social atmosphere is distrusted, they will surely face the challenges of fintech and open banking. The entire nation and society as a whole will suffer damage and turmoil as a result. The reason why open banking is popular in Europe and the United States is related to the local social and economic environment. Under the comprehensive factors, such as sufficient development momentum of financial technology, high social trust, relatively strong bank autonomy, and strict financial supervision measures, it is important for consumers as well. During this process, financial regulators must strive to balance between maintaining financial innovation and protecting consumers. The development of financial technology has driven the financial industry to produce many novel business models, which have had an impact on the existing legal regulations and supervision norms.
To avoid another financial crisis, countries are thinking about how to formulate new supervision policies to respond, without inhibiting innovation. In addition, this thesis will adopt the legal framework and implementation status of foreign open banks and try to compare and analyze the three major models of international development of open banks. Appropriate development of open banking has become a tentative proposal for the development of open banking here. Open banking is a new opportunity for Taiwan's financial ecology, but if financial regulators respond improperly, it may lead to a deeper crisis.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍 4
第三節 研究方法 4
第四節 研究架購 5
第二章 開放銀行之概說 7
第一節 開放銀行之意義 7
第二節 開放銀行之內涵 8
第三章 國際間開放銀行之發展現況 10
第一節 強制開放代表 10
第一項 歐盟 10
第二項 英國 15
第二節 自願自律代表 22
第一項 新加坡 22
第二項 香港 27
第三節 標準數據模式代表 32
第一項 澳洲 32
第四節 市場驅動代表 38
第一項 美國 38
第五節 國外案例 42
第一項 Moneyhub 42
第二項 Money Dashboard 45
第三項 Mint 47
第四章 我國開放銀行之現況與挑戰 51
第一節 我國發展現況 51
第二節 開放銀行三階段 54
第三節 參與業者之發展現況 56
第一項 金融業者 56
第二項 TSP 業者 63
第四節 開放銀行的未來挑戰 66
第一項 金融市場的衝擊 66
第二項 開放API 發展模式 68
第三項 TSP 業者治理模式 69
第四項 資訊安全 72
第五項 個人資料保護 74
第五章 我國開放銀行之法制與監理 76
第一節 我國目前的法制與監理現況 76
第一項 主管單位 76
第二節 開放銀行將面臨到的法制監理問題 76
第一項 個人資料保護法之資料可攜權 76
第二項 銀行之保密義務 78
第三項 消費者爭議責任歸屬 79
第四項 TSP 業者機構監理 80
第六章 結論與建議 83
第二節 建議 84
參考文獻 88
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